When Lying Becomes Pathological

I’ve my entire life heard the term “pathological liar” used to describe the most despicable and dishonest humans on Earth. I never really understood its true meaning, until now. I fully understand not only its meaning but to whom it applies.

The above letter is self-explanatory. It illustrates exactly how deep is the dishonesty perpetrated by members of the Democrat-controlled media, leftist pollsters, and even television network and newspaper producers.

How could these dishonest polling numbers be considered pathological?

“Pathological Liar” defined: A pathological liar is an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies that may stretch or exceed the limits of believability. While most people lie or at least bend the truth occasionally, pathological liars do so habitually. Whether or not pathological lying should be considered a distinct psychological disorder is still debated within the medical and academic communities.

Does that definition describe the pathological actions of today’s Media?


It has become abundantly clear that there without question is intent on the part of the Mainstream Media (MSM) to insert themselves in the 2020 election for the purpose of impacting election results. That in itself might an innocent objective, unless one remembers exactly how rabid the MSM went during the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath. The target of their angst: Russia, Russia, Russia!

It seems it was discovered that the Russians (and probably other foreign actors) had found ways to infiltrate the American media to further their own purposes for election results. Some claimed it was Russia to benefit Trump. Others swear it was Russia impacting election results in Hillary’s favor. Which if either was correct, it is clear there were attempts to use the American media to impact that election. And it is certain they will do the same thing in the run up to November 3, 2020.


The American media have always played a role in national, state, and local elections. But their purpose was never to themselves impact election results, rather to facilitate the messaging of political candidates reaching the electorate with their political plans and ideas.

The Federal Communication Commission is responsible to guarantee all broadcast media outlets provide equal time for campaign ads for all candidates in each race. Additionally, the FCC policies political operations to assure Americans broadcast radio and television channels — which belong to the American people — are used and operating in lawful compliance. The FCC demands for all political advertising that every candidate receives the exact same advertising opportunities as all other candidates. That includes time provided and pricing for ads.

Leveling the political media landscape is a noble cause, IF the MSM just let it stop there. Unfortunately, they determined THEY should themselves play a major role in choosing candidates themselves! Heretofore they have implemented actions to do just that with no regards to their wrongfully impacting election results in biased ways. Who can forget this travesty that played out for the media during the 2016 election:

Notice all their responses to the election results. They had bought into their own pathological thinking that there was no way Donald Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton! The truth made NO difference in their mental and emotional responses during the campaign period. They were so convincing they convinced themselves through the non-stop lies Hillary was a sure winner. That is one of the issues with pathological lying: deceit and misrepresentation.

Don’t think for one moment that they did not learn from their 2016 mistakes. They’ve learned. They are STILL operating in the same mode. They’ve been hell-bent on doing and saying anything they can use to thwart a second Trump term. And they’re convinced once again they can do that.

They may be correct.

One thing has been confirmed. Until the last several years, conservatives and this President had a group of advocates that were totally committed to spurn political correctness and the “certain” election result outcomes that needed to be foretold and predetermined by the MSM. The conservative news advocate was FOX News. But the unbiased political narrative heretofore front and center and FOX is losing its luster. And with it goes impartiality in reporting. How so? Look at THIS story published on FOX Monday:

“A new national poll indicates that President Trump’s approval rating is dropping and that he trails Democratic challenger Joe Biden by double digits if November’s presidential election were held today.

According to a CNN survey released on Monday, the president’s approval rating stands at 38 percent, a dive of 7 percentage points from CNN’s previous poll, which was conducted in early May. And Trump’s disapproval rating jumped from 51 percent month ago to 57 percent now.

And the poll shows the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee topping the GOP incumbent in the White House by 14 points — 55 to 41 percent. That’s nearly triple the 5-point margin – 51-46 percent – Biden led by a month ago in CNN polling.

The president, who rarely misses an opportunity to blast a poll that he doesn’t like, took to Twitter soon after the survey’s release to charge that “CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting.”

There was more in the FOX News story. But the bundle of information necessary to show the legitimacy of ANY poll is glaringly missing. What is that?

Notice in the letter at the beginning of this story today: the entire second paragraph detailed the testing criteria, details of the polling process, and the sample detail.

The FOX story neglects to point out the most important details in ANY poll that gives it ANY legitimacy: two details. What are they? The breakdown of the sample voters by party affiliation, AND whether voters are registered voters are not, likely to vote, and even if they are registered voters at all!

This story by FOX apparently marks a dramatic change for FOX News. You may remember, after the 2018 midterms, FOX reached out and hired a different polling entity themselves — one that is dramatically partisan and is firmly left-leaning. That’s one issue. The second is the printing “partial” details of the CNN poll without including the undeniable proof that the CNN poll is undeniably non-representative of a realistic group of 2020 voters!

Why would any network do that — especially FOX News? Remember: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and all the major newspapers conduct reporting that way all the time. But, for FOX it’s a new and shameful departure from truth in reporting and unbiased news gathering.


Does this mean FOX is in the MSM tank? It’s looking more and more that might be true. If you pay attention to FOX News programming, their news operations during the day and early evenings have made a sharp left move. But their evening show hosts remain rock steady in that conservative mode. Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Shannon Bream continue to raise the conservative banner.  But does this Monday report on the CNN poll mark a concerted move by FOX away from their previous policy of making themselves part of political stories and polling operation rather than just to report on those.

We cannot be for sure which way that organization is moving. But what we can be certain is that their competitors don’t bother to hide their political bias at all. In fact, they are proud of their partisanship — something NO real journalists would ever fall prey to.

Keep your eyes peeled. And share this information with all those around you. Many of your family members and associates when reading that CNN poll (and especially seeing it discussed by FOX News) will begin to bow under the weight of discouragement and false information.

Isn’t that what the MSM have been doing for most of this century anyway? They haven’t changed their song or their message. If this really is a move by FOX News, it will be the most dramatic and substantive change in political news of this election.

By the way: if anyone in politics has the capability to tackle such destructive and pathological actions it’s President Donald Trump. HE will keep us in the know about this slide left by FOX. And he’ll be loud and nasty — just as nasty as those who continue to spread false information to impact the electorate.

I want Trump in my corner on this!

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