Democratic Establishment’s Jan. 6 ‘Hero’ Defeated In House Primary — And People Are Thanking Steve Baker

Blaze News investigative writer Steve Baker exposed Dunn in recent months as a truth-averse partisan. Democrat voters may have taken notice.

Former U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn won the confidence of establishment Democrats by dutifully bolstering their preferred Jan. 6 narrative, even though it diverged greatly from reality. He tried to replicate that success Tuesday in the Maryland House primary but reality caught up with him.

Dunn ran in Maryland’s 3rd Congressional District — where he is not a resident — against over 20 other Democrats. Although the so-called “hero” managed to edge out relative unknowns who had not similarly been anointed by President Joe Biden, he couldn’t compete with Maryland state Sen. Sarah Elfreth (D).

In mid-April, Dunn’s campaign highlighted Upswing Research and Strategy polling data that suggested he was leading “within the margin of error.” According to the Guardian, Elfreth’s campaign raised only a third as much money as Dunn.

“Dunn was supposed to be an appointed apparatchik for them. You know, the bottom line is that the machine itself had decided that he was going to be their secure vote on anything that they wanted.”

At the time of publication, Elfreth leads Dunn by over 10 points with 66% of the votes counted.

“I just got off the phone with Senator Elfreth, congratulating her on her hard-fought victory,” Dunn tweeted Tuesday evening. “Although tonight’s results may not have gone as we hoped, all I can feel now is gratitude. With our democracy on the line this November, I can make you one promise — I’m not going anywhere.”

Dunn isn’t going to Congress, having proven unable to attract voters with his Presidential Citizens Medal from Biden; his campaign claim that he has “put country above self”; his alleged willingness to violate Capitol Police regulations to help his party; his endorsements from Democratic Reps. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), Adam Schiff (Calif.), Eric Swalwell (Calif.), Bennie Thompson (Miss.), Jim Clyburn (S.C.), and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.); his self-aggrandizing book; his numerous appearances on liberal talk shows; and his dramatic Jan. 6 protest-themed campaign ad, where he smeared Republican lawmakers as “bigots.”

Following Dunn’s rejection by voters, Blaze News investigative writer Steve Baker was inundated with messages thanking him for his past reports on the failed congressional candidate.

Inconvenient Facts

Having been present at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in the capacity as a reporter, Baker has long understood that Dunn’s relationship with the truth was strained.

For instance, in October, Baker dug into Dunn’s repeated claim that he was called a n***** “numerous times” during the Jan. 6 protests. He made this claim before a congressional subcommittee, on ABC News’ “Good Morning America,” and also recycled it elsewhere, including in his memoir “Standing My Ground: A Capitol Police Officer’s Fight for Accountability and Good Trouble After January 6th.”

‘In what many regard as the most video-recorded event in history, not a single piece of evidence — video or audio — has emerged to confirm that such a racially charged incident ever took place.’

The trouble with Dunn’s claim, Baker noted, was that “in what many regard as the most video-recorded event in history, not a single piece of evidence — video or audio — has emerged to confirm that such a racially charged incident ever took place.”

Video evidence reviewed by Baker does, however, suggest the event did not transpire as it was later described by Dunn. Extra to the racially charged incident apparently never taking place and the antagonist in the story never showing up in hours of footage, Dunn’s claim that he broke down crying was also not substantiated by the video evidence. Instead, Baker noted he could be seen chuckling with fellow officers.

Baker has not only identified numerous other instances where Dunn trafficked in falsehoods but various irregularities involving the former USCP officer.

Blaze News previously reported on Baker’s allegations that Dunn was behind the anonymous 2021 letter on Capitol Police letterhead slamming Republicans averse to forming a Jan. 6 commission.

According to Baker, Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.) encouraged Dunn to write the letter, which CNN made hay of in May 2021, even though he likely knew “that it’s a violation of Capitol Police regulations for Dunn to take political stances in representation of the department.”

According to Baker, Dunn allegedly violated numerous departmental directives against using USCP time and resources for political purposes and worked with members of the Capitol press pool in the phrasing of the letter.

Many Thanks

Biden boosters rushed to thank Dunn for all his work to place second.

Script reader Mark Hamill wrote, “Although it didn’t go the was [sic] I wanted, I know this is just the beginning & you are destined for greatness. Thank you for your service, sir.”

Democratic TikTok propagandist Harry Sisson wrote, “So proud of the race you ran, Mr. Dunn. You should be incredibly proud. You’re a true inspiration!”

Much of the gratitude following the election flowed another way entirely — to Baker.

‘They feel better today than they did the day before because they actually thought this one was fixed.’

Baker told Blaze News, “My DMs have just been full over the last 12 hours or so with celebratory, congratulatory messages from current and former Capitol Police officers as well as congressional staff. … Straight across the spectrum.”

“I’ve even had some messages from some — let’s say — acquaintances I have in the mainstream media who’ve sent me messages as well with, you know, a wink and a nod,” added Baker.

When pressed on the significance of Dunn’s defeat, Baker referenced the sentiment that has permeated much of the responses he has received: “People are encouraged that this was not — and they’re actually telling me this — that maybe our elections are secure. It’s kind of a funny statement. Because everybody thought the fix was in on this one.”

Even though this was a Democratic Party primary, Baker said, “They feel better today than they did the day before because they actually thought this one was fixed.”

Baker suggested this amounts to a strategic setback for establishment Democrats.

“Dunn was supposed to be an appointed apparatchik for them. You know, the bottom line is that the machine itself had decided that he was going to be their secure vote on anything that they wanted,” said Baker. “The Democratic Party establishment had basically decided that he was going to be their guy and that that vote would be secure for as long as they could keep him in office.”

According to Baker, Dunn’s personal shortcomings would have provided establishmentarians — particularly those who endorsed him — with leverage to get what they wanted down the line.

“This is a guy with a highly checkered past. Multiple disciplinary reports from the Capitol Police. He has, of course, his own issues with domestic violence, and he has a history of anger issues. So with his past, they were going to be able to control his vote,” continued Baker. “Because they can always hold that over him. … ‘This is a trump card we have. You don’t give us the vote that we need, we will flip that card, and we’ll flip your seat in two years.'”

Baker suggested that the failure of establishment Democrats to advance their preferred candidate in Maryland is telling.

After highlighting the state-level efficacy of Elfreth, Baker noted, “I think it’s very interesting that Pelosi, Thompson, et cetera, couldn’t overcome that with their favorite son. I mean, they all elevated this guy to the status of hero … and they weren’t able to pull that off. I think that’s a good sign for all of us right now.”

“This is a big win,” added Baker.

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