Kamala Harris’ Connection To The Largest Elections Firm

The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud, deceit, corruption, and abuse of power.  Ted Nugent

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see in this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office. Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United States

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by the consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. Thomas Jefferson

Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently and for the same reasons. Mark Twain

The following meme popped into my email this morning…

“Kamala Harris failed to disclose her relationship to Sir Nigel G. Knowles, her husband Douglas C. Emhoff’s former boss at DLA Piper PLC of London, UK.

“Sir Nigel is co-director of SGO Smartmatic with Lord George Mark Malloch-Brown, who controls Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin voting machines from Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, and Optech machines responsible for the alleged 2020 voting fraud.”

Shocking?  Yes!  I decided to check it out.

And surprisingly, Bloomberg is reporting that Harris’ lawyer husband, Doug Emhoff, faces election quandary as Vice President’s spouse.

In 2014, Smartmatic’s CEO, Antonio Mugica and British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer.  Malloch-Brown became the chairman of the board of directors of SGO since its foundation.  Antonio Mugica remains as CEO of the new venture.  They were joined on SGO’s board by Sir Nigel Knowles, Global CEO of DLA Piper, and Douglas Emhoff’s former boss before his wife was named as Democrat candidate for President of the United States.  Emhoff has since left his job as partner at DLA Piper.

Nigel Knowles did not take his father’s name; he took his mother’s.  His father was connected to Cecil Rhodes, Ruskin and others, all early communists.

SGO Smartmatic that controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) and all have common Optech software.

SGO is the largest elections tech firm.

The aim of SGO according to its CEO was to continue to make investments in its core business of election technology, as well as rolling out a series of new ventures which should make us extremely wary.  Those ventures include biometrics, online identity verification, internet voting and citizen participation, e-governance and pollution control.  Can you imagine the possibilities?

As an aside, Peter Comey, the brother of former FBI Director James Comey, is a Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the law firm DLA Piper. Birds of a feather.

Here is a timeline on Sir Nigel Graham Knowles, as well as his family tree.  Knowles appears to be the king of “K” Street, the home of lobbyists and Non-Governmental Organizations in DC.  He is the lead Trustee of The Prince’s Trust, a United Kingdom-based charity founded in 1976 by King Charles III to help vulnerable young people get their lives on track. It supports 11-to-30-year-olds who are unemployed or struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.

DLA Piper is most likely the primary law firm for the British Crown.

The Prince’s Trust

In 1990, Knowles founded Prince’s Trust International at the Knights of Malta. Then, they incorporated in the United States as Prince’s Trust America. Another British connection is that Kamala Harris’ father was a Jamaican citizen, and Jamaica was also a British holding. Jamaica was granted independence in 1962.

Major donors to the Prince’s Trust are BAE Systems, BlackRock, CDW UK, Garfield Weston Foundation, HSBC UK, LDC, Marks & Spencer Group plc, and NatWest.  Here is a list of Prince’s Trust patrons, which includes Barclay’s Bank, Dell, Apple, Google, HSBC, Accenture, Capgemini, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Marriott, BAE, Clear Channel, Ricoh, American Airlines, Allianz, Amazon, AT&T, Baillie Gifford, Bloomberg, Boeing, DLA Piper, Facebook, HP, Joules (John Podesta), NBC, Qualcomm, NTT Data, Oracle, Rolls Royce, RBC, TikTok and Worldpay.

It appears as though Harris may be taking orders from the mother ship, The Prince’s Trust of Great Britain.

The Pilgrim’s Society

The Pilgrim’s Society is the mother lode, operating from the London office of the Privy Council. Other names include the English-Speaking Society, Royal Overseas League, Atlantic Council, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Davos World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, United Nations, and Council on Foreign Relations.

Knowles is also a member of the British Pilgrims Society and apparent handler for Biden and Harris. The Society was founded in July 1901 allegedly to bring peace and harmony between America and Great Britain. However, when one examines former members such as Allen and John Foster Dulles, Alexander Haig, John D. and David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, General George Marshall, Averall Harriman, Henry Luce, King Charles III, and more, there definitely seems to be ulterior motives behind the society.

Sir Nigel-directed companies include DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), SERCO/SGO Smartmatic (auditor: KPMG), Prince’s Trust America/QintetiQ (auditor: Price Waterhouse Coopers), Wellcome Trust/DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), Investec (auditor: Ernst & Young, director Lord Mark Malloch-Brown).

The Pilgrims of Great Britain and the Pilgrims of the United States have reciprocal membership.  These two groups are the two oldest and most prestigious Anglo-American organizations on both sides of the Atlantic.

British Colonialism in India

Britain controlled India from 1757 through the East India Company, which was initially created in 1600 to serve as a trading body for English merchants, specifically to participate in the East Indian spice trade. The company later added items such as cotton, silk, tea, and opium.

From 1858 onward, the British government directly ruled India, and it became known as the British Raj.  It had a negative impact on people living in India as many suffered from extreme poverty and famines during British rule.  The government and British individuals gained a lot of wealth from trade with India, which they used in part to fund the Industrial Revolution.

India gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, after decades of nonviolent resistance led by Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 created two independent nations, India and Pakistan, ending 200 years of British rule.

DLA Piper has international trade and customs in India. Why is this history important? We have two natives of India in both parties campaigning for president: Kamala Harris and Usha Vance, wife of JD Vance. And that’s not to mention two other South Asian Republican candidates who vowed for the top slot: Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, the latter a first cousin of Usha Vance.

Usha Vance

JD Vance’s wife, Usha, is also a member of the Pilgrim’s Society.  Usha has worked for law firms associated with the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Hillary.  She was at Cambridge University as a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation scholar. Bill and Melinda are 2005 knighted members of the British Pilgrims Society who funded with Britain’s Pirbright Institute (UK), which is testing new coronavirus vaccines on animals to help combat COVID-19. Usha was on the board of directors at Gates Cambridge, a Bill Gates enterprise. (The Pirbright Institute is a national center that works to contain, control, and eliminate viral diseases of animals through its fundamental and applied research programs.)

JD and Usha both worked at Sidley Austin, a law firm that employed the Obamas and others of their standing.

Usha received both a BA and JD from Yale, a classical CIA grooming venue notoriously controlled by secret societies like Skull and Bones. Business associate and Bilderberg globalist elite Peter Thiel introduced JD Vance to Donald Trump. The Pilgrim Society strikes again. Some 40 or 50 years ago, Phyllis Schlafly wrote that the Bilderbergers choose every vice president.

The British Connection

Kamala Harris and Usha Vance both have South Asian heritage. However, the bigger interconnection is between Great Britain, The Pilgrim Society, and The Prince’s Trust.

Add all the pieces together…

This gives us a clearer picture of the breadth and complexity of transatlantic thought from the 19th and 20th centuries to the present day.  Behind the scenes, the British crown’s stealth and hierarchal organizations have wormed their way into America’s governmental administrations with their utopian hopes of once again controlling the “colonies.”

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