The Diabolical “Save Act” Puts Americans In Chains

 People who elect corrupt politicians are not victims but accomplices.  George Orwell

Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities. Aristotle

The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks. C. S. Lewis

Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.  Ayn Rand

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. Thomas Sowell

Last week, Monica Crowley was subbing for Bannon’s War Room, and she interviewed Rep. Chip Roy, who was promoting the SAVE Act, a bill he sponsored to prevent non-citizens from voting in U.S. elections.  Roy stated that the SAVE Act would require documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote.  He claimed it would significantly impact election integrity.

H.R.8281 amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993  (NVRA) to require proof of United States citizenship to register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office and other purposes. This bill passed the House on July 10, 2024, and is in the Senate.

My thought in listening to Rep. Roy was that, finally, he was doing something right.  I found the summary of the bill and sent it to my group lists, thinking for the first time Roy was on the right track.  I was wrong, but let me explain why I have never trusted the man. He is promoting Mark Meckler’s Convention of States, funded by the Koch organizations, Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council, and more.  See my recent article.  Roy is a close friend of Byron Donalds, who is also backing a new Article V Constitutional Convention. Last October, when a new House Speaker was being considered, Roy nominated Donalds, whose top aide and best friend, Larry Wilcoxson, is a felon with a long list of criminal activities.

After I sent the SAVE Act info to my group lists, I received an email from Joanna Martin telling me that I’d better read the full bill and not just the summary because the full bill is poison.  Joanna knows what she’s talking about. She’s a retired attorney and a retired Army JAG officer.  I just read the full bill and was gobsmacked. All bills are written in legalese, making life difficult for the common man, but when Joanna tells me a bill is rotten, I listen because she’s been proven right.

She clarified this bill for me in layman’s language, which is easy to understand.

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment doesn’t grant citizenship status to everybody who is born here.  When Congress passed it, they specifically discussed that it wouldn’t make American Indians US citizens even though they were born here.  That was because Indians weren’t “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” – they were subject to the jurisdiction of their Tribes. 

When the French ambassador’s lovely wife gives birth to a child here, the child is not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States”—it is subject to the jurisdiction of France. 

When illegal aliens breach our Borders, invade our land, and then give birth here, their children are not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” because the parents are here illegally.  Their children are subject to the jurisdiction of the Country the invaders left.  That’s why all of them can be (and should be) deported. The children are not US citizens.

When American Missionaries, or Diplomats, or military personnel, etc. have a child born abroad, their child is NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the Country in which the child is born. Their child is born a US Citizen. This is an ancient Principle.     

However, the SAVE Act violates Section 1 of the 14th Amendment because it provides that anyone born here is a “U.S. Citizen” and will be eligible to vote in federal elections. So, the children of those 10 to 40 million illegals who have invaded our Country would be eligible to vote in all federal elections. The child of the French ambassador and his wife would be eligible to vote here, and I expect that, under French law, the child would also be eligible to vote in France. 

(Just like Dr. Mehmet Oz is a citizen of Turkey and America and votes in both countries.)

So, the SAVE Act isn’t about prohibiting non-citizens from voting – what it really does is to make U.S. citizens out of everybody who is born in the United States.  All the Islamists and CCP males who breach our borders – their children would be “U.S. Citizens” and eligible to vote. That’s the “hidden” agenda behind the SAVE Act.   

I expect most people supporting the SAVE Act do not know what it really does.  But I assure you that whoever drafted this nasty bit of poison knew exactly what it would do.

The SAVE Act nullifies what Senator Jacob Howard said when he introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, “Its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.”

Documentary Proof to Vote

This Act would cause women who have married and changed their surnames to go through the same thing they’re going through to get the Driver’s License ID to fly or enter a federal building.  You can read about the DL insanity I’ve gone through to attain the special ID here and here.  American citizens are being penalized, and there is an ulterior motive in making us believe we must have the Real ID.

Section 2 is the most significant part of the SAVE Act. It would amend the NVRA, which currently prohibits states from requiring documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) from applicants that register under the NVRA’s registration provisions, to mandate states require Americans to provide DPOC to register to vote in federal elections. These provisions will apply to all new registrants across the United States—including already-registered voters who update their registration due to a move, a name change, or a party switch.

The difficulty is again for women whose certified birth certificates would not work with the driver’s license for people who have changed their names—including tens of millions of married women and complications if the woman was previously divorced and remarried.  The end result is the nightmare of the Real ID again, only this time to register to vote.

This bill puts a heavy burden on American citizens who were born here.  The Democrats have some valid problems with the bill, and I agree with portions of them. I highly doubt it will pass in the Senate.  Nevertheless, the SAVE Act, as written, should not have even passed the House!

I phoned my congressman’s office, but no one was available to discuss the bill, and no one apparently understood what this bill does to American citizens despite the fact that it had already passed the House.

Congressman Tim Burchett sent me a letter which stated the following:

Federal elections must be lawful, without fraud or tampering, and only by American citizens. I believe fair elections are the cornerstone of our republic.

H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, was introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) on May 7, 2024. This bill would require individuals to provide proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. You may be interested to know H.R. 8281 passed the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2024, and was referred to the U.S. Senate for further consideration.

Unfortunately, the nightmare so many have had with the Real ID Driver’s License is compounded in this Act and requires the same validations for a voter’s registration card. So, if you choose NOT to get the Real ID Driver’s License, you will still have to jump through the same hoops for a voter’s registration card should the SAVE Act pass in the Senate and be signed by the president.

Real ID or National ID Card

Former Congressman Sam Rohrer interviewed Twila Brase, and the subject of the Real ID turning into your “National ID Card” was discussed.

The Real ID Act was passed in 2005, midway through the Bush administration and after 9/11. It remolded the entire US intelligence community and expanded nearly all of them in the areas of surveillance, tracking, monitoring, eroding, and violating of US citizens’ rights. All the while, it grants open access to illegal aliens and enemy combatants flooding across our open borders. It’s a one-sided change, not to assure freedom or safety, but to the contrary, spying on and controlling American citizens.

Globalist proponents give money to the states, governors, and legislatures, and they give up their constitutional obligations. Some states then began to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act, which aimed to create a national database of drivers and a standardized way to read licenses. Certain governors began to push back against this thinly veiled effort to force through what is, in essence, forbidden and always taboo: a National ID Card.

Due to resistance, several implementation deadlines have come and gone. Most states have refused to allocate state tax dollars to mandate this dangerous and unnecessary federal ID card, which has an estimated implementation cost of $23 billion. The globalists in our federal and state governments are now promoting a new deadline of May 7, 2025.

When Obama came in, they came up with the clever idea that you could not fly without an ID. Legislators didn’t stand up for their people. If you have a “Star Card” type of Real ID Driver’s License, it is a federal identification and tracking card.

The globalists are getting tired of the delays and will push this through, causing a nightmare at airports one day. People don’t realize that 16 different IDs can get you on an airplane. The list is on the TSA website. One is a passport, so realistically, American citizens will need a passport to fly anywhere in their own country. Remember when we thought of this as a “communist plot?”

The Real ID card is distinctive because the photograph is a facial recognition, digitized photograph taken in a special way that is linked to actual international standards that come out of the United Nations. Remember, too, that United Nations Agenda 21/30 wants to eliminate all travel, including cars. They want you walking or riding your bicycle for their climate change lie of “saving the planet,” when in reality, it’s all about control.

Their ultimate goal is to put this on your phone, control your life through your phone, digitize the Real ID, and have it at a national level. This is very, very dangerous to America.  All of us must refuse the real ID or exchange the one we have and get the old-style regular DL.

The Real ID would ultimately be used for medical care, purchases, registration at a hotel, and everything else. And once it’s digitized, like in the CCP, they can shut you out with a flip of the switch.


Ultimately, The goal is to socialize/communize every facet of societal convenience or interaction, where the government owns and controls it all.

Do I want the Real ID? No.  Will I pursue renewing my passport?  Yes.

Do you remember being taught “No Taxation Without Representation?” That is why we fought an eight-year War for Independence from Great Britain.

We’re there again. Tell your Senators, representatives, governor, and state legislators that we don’t want another piece of legislation that inhibits individual freedom, including the Real ID and the SAVE Act!

In January 1814, former President Thomas Jefferson said, “Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by the consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.”





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