Trump’s Inauguration 2.0: Returning Sanity To America

On January 21st, 2025, California’s Silicon Valley residents awakened to a glorious morning—a bright blue sky with nary a trace of cloud or even chemtrail, just dazzling sunshine—and, for some of us, the indescribable happiness to know that the nightmare of the past four years is over at last, and Trump is our President once again.

Joy cometh in the morning!

But there was plenty of gladness last night as well. California Conservatives in Silicon Valley attended gatherings in various venues. Some of us went to a local friend’s Inauguration party to celebrate the grand event. The hosts went all out with Trump-inspired decorations, down to the red bandana tied around their frisky Border Collie, sporting the words: Dogs for Trump.

In between cocktails, animated conversations, and partaking of the spread of savory canapés and goodies, we watched the President’s inspiring speech at one of the evening’s Inauguration balls and our gorgeous First Lady, looking regal in her striking black-and-white ballgown.

We were celebrating both the beginning of the new Trump Administration and that Sneaky Joe is skulking off to his bitter retirement as the worst president in American history. I nod to Obama as the most destructive president in our history, but in this last inning, the O’Biden White House, including his DEI VP Kalumny Harris, hit the bottom.

Bye Bye Joe: Progressive Panderer And Crooked Partner

Beijing Biden did unimaginable harm to our citizenry, first and foremost by ushering in up to 20 million unvetted illegal aliens, bringing crime, drugs, assaults, theft, rapes and murders into cities throughout America.

Spite is an ugly thing. So is sabotage. But combining the two takes the cake. And that combo is the hallmark of Biden’s numerous parting gifts to incoming President Trump.

For instance, Biden ordered the removal of the expensive building material that his administration prevented from being used to complete our southern border wall. Adding insult to injury, forty days prior to Inauguration Day, and knowing Trump intends to jump-start the completion of the wall, Biden and his Border Czar Khameleon Harris decided they’d have the steel beams carted off and sold by auction for peanuts.

Right down to the wire, in his last few minutes in office, Biden, still crooked as ever, pardoned his entire family, who’ve been profiting off illegal bribery deals throughout his political career.

Worse yet, he gave “preemptive pardons” to a number of men who clearly abused the law, committing high crimes and misdemeanors that, in some cases, likely include treason.

Even CNN was appalled at his last-minute pardoning of his entire family, calling it “a stain on his legacy.” They merely omitted that his entire legacy has been a stain on our nation. By the way, in December of 2020, the nasty old codger had told Jake Tapper he’d never use preemptive pardons. We can add that to the staggering list of Joe’s lies.

Andrea Widburg of American Thinker wrote an insightful article about the hazards of Biden’s preemptive pardons, highlighting the fact that they undercut the rule of law by creating a new precedent—essentially a “get out of jail free” card before one can even be accused of wrongdoing.

It certainly appears to be unconstitutional since the Constitution states: “The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment.” In other words, you can only constitutionally pardon someone who has committed “offenses against the United States.” The whole notion of “preemptive pardoning” is Orwellian doublespeak. We first need to see those “offenses.”

Between the Orwellian concept of “pre-crime” that can be used to arrest innocent people who are considered as “likely” to commit a crime, and “preemptive pardoning”— used by Biden to hide blatant criminal acts and protect the perpetrators—we can kiss justice goodbye.

Our amazing President signed over 20 Executive Orders on his first day back in the White House! At last we have a real leader back in the Oval Office, replacing a senile, doddering, crooked politician and his vacuous DEI VP “border czar”, who, when confronted with the fact she’d never been to the border, responded: “And I’ve never been to Europe.”

Here’s a partial list of President Trump’s glorious executive actions on his historic Day One:

· The long overdue pardoning of our brave J6ers!

· Declaring illegal immigration a national emergency

· Deploying our National Guard and Armed Forces to secure our sovereignty by preventing illegal entry into our nation

· Restarting construction of our southern border wall

· Reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy

· Labeling drug cartels as terrorists

· Shutting down Biden’s CPB One App for Illegal aliens, canceling all appointments by noon on January 20th, Inauguration Day

· Issuing a government hiring freeze

· Proclaiming our government recognizes only two genders: male and female (This one’s my favorite! If we’re lucky, this will be the last we hear about so-called pronouns “Zhe,” “Xe,” “Xem,” and “Zher,” which no one knows how to pronounce. But I live in California, so there’s no guarantee. When asked for my pronoun(s) I say: “I”.

· Ending DEI in all federal agencies! (This one is also my favorite! I have two.)

· Withdrew the US from the draconian Paris Climate Accords

· Withdrew the US from the WHO, pending review, that the MAGA millions hope will result in our permanent withdrawal

· Challenging the phony interpretation of birthright citizenship to put an end to anchor babies! (This one is also my favorite.)

· Removing security clearances for the rascals who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop (Another fave—as it includes Clapper and Brennan, especially if it were to include Antony Blinken.)

In early 2023, Trump said in a speech: “In 2016, I declared, I am your voice. Today, I am your warrior. I am your justice. And I am your retribution for those who have been wronged and betrayed.”

The President promised that under his auspices, our nation will be “colorblind and merit-based.” Hallelujah! That will bring us back to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision that the Progressive Marxist Dems left far behind many years ago, conveniently substituting their “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” communistic social engineering for real justice.

The Murmurers

Regrettably, many in the health-freedom and alternate media space began heaping criticisms on Trump mere hours after he took office. While the mainstream media and the Democrats made sure President Trump had no honeymoon during his first term, this time, podcasters and bloggers from our side are lambasting him left and right.

On day two of President Trump’s fledgling administration, Dr. Jane Rubyspent twenty minutes lambasting him because not all the J6ers had been immediately released, blaming the President for not taking action at once to rectify this since prison officials were violating a federal order and the buck stops with the President.

It seems Dr. Ruby was in such a hurry to find fault with Trump that she neglected to do her homework, which would have shown that only those who were formally accused can be pardoned. Those who still had pending cases will also be released since Trump called for their cases to be dismissed. As explained by investigative reporter Jordan Fischer:

Pardoning is something the president can do by fiat. Dismissing a federal case requires a U.S attorney to file a motion with the presiding judge, who then must grant the motion and order the defendant’s release.

Shame on you, Dr. Ruby.

But John & Nisha Whitehead outdid her: Instead of praising the President for his lightning-speed roster of Executive Orders—the only action that can be quickly done and which undoes many Biden depredations while launching a number of MAGA priorities—they wrote that Executive Orders are destroying the Constitution. Here’s a sample from their January 22nd article “The Constitution Has Gone AWOL: From Presidential Power Grabs to Martial Law”:

That didn’t take long.
Within days of Donald Trump’s second term, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights disappeared from the White House’s website.

While the Trump Administration insists the removal of these foundational documents will eventually be restored to the site, the timing and symbolism of their removal is hard to ignore. Those documents were intended to ensure, especially in light of the flurry of executive orders issued by President Trump to bypass the very rule of law.

Have these people forgotten that with Trump’s landslide victory, we dodged not just a bullet but an atomic bomb? Would they be happier with Kamala and Walz in the White House? Of course, we need to be vigilant, and many of us in the alternative media tirelessly seek to uncover the truth, but at present, quite a few seem to be selling the ever-profitable wine of discontent. Pun intended.

Let’s remember Teddy Roosevelt’s famous words:

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

How can you not applaud President Trump for calling up the Army Corps Engineers to rebuild devastated infrastructure in North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene—a mere 5 days after taking office—while Biden did virtually nothing? And for having the guts to say:

I’ll also be signing an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally reforming and overhauling FEMA, or maybe getting rid of it. Honestly, I think FEMA is not good.

These are only two examples of Trump’s stunning first week in office.

The Soul Misfire

While a number of keen observers are worrying about the MAGA loyalties of some of Trump’s picks, myself included, these are fears about things that may or may not come to pass. But there is one misfire that has already happened. I’m referring to what is essentially the Biden/Blinken Israel/Hamas Ceasefire deal, apparently imposed on Israel by the incoming Trump administration.

Had the deal been for the release of all the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war, that would have been a glorious victory indeed. Instead, it comes at an exorbitant price for Israel: the release of nearly 2,000 Hamas terrorists, including many who’ve murdered dozens of Israeli civilians, for the release of only 33 Israeli hostages—whether alive or dead.

Hamas knows kidnapping Israelis is a win-win for them—that’s why they do it. Ironically, Yahya Sinwar himself, the mastermind of the October 7th massacre, had been released from an Israeli prison as part of an even more disproportionate hostage ransom deal and spent the rest of his life plotting his revenge. Tellingly, as reported in a recent AP article, Palestinians are welcoming back the freed terrorists as “superheroes”. So much for enabling peace in the Middle East.

Don Feder of the Washington Times highlights the existential threat tiny Israel faces surrounded by Arab nations harboring many jihadist Muslims. Referring to the massacre on October 7th, he writes:

In a poll by the Arab World for Research and Development, 75% endorsed the massacre, 85.9% rejected peace with Israel under any conditions, and 74.7% demanded a Palestinian state “from the river the sea.”

In the nation of Holocaust survivors, Hamas, and its allies are planning a border-to-border Auschwitz as Iran races toward nuclear weapons.

As Golda Meir famously remarked: “If the Arabs put down their guns, there would be no more fighting. If the Israelis put down theirs, there would be no more Israel.”

Feder then turns our attention to the larger issue:

Jews occupy a pivotal role in history. Western civilization started at Sinai. All of the West’s achievements are based on a moral foundation laid down in a God-given code that Jews transmitted to humanity.

In short, these attacks on Israel are attacks on Western Civilization itself. Recall that one of the jihadi slogans is: First, the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.

This is what often gets left out of discussions about the conflict between Israel and her Arab Muslim neighbors. Fanatical Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are waging what they see as a holy war: Islam against the West. We can see its skirmishes erupting throughout Europe, the UK, and lately, even in America.

President Trump knows the difference between a good deal and a bad one better than anyone. Victor Davis Hanson thinks he was hoping for a Reaganesque moment hearkening back to when Iran freed our hostages just before Reagan was inaugurated. On the surface, Trump may have gotten what he wanted, but this deal has all the earmarks of a Pyrrhic victory.

However, he’s also shown significant support for our ally by halting funding to UNRWA for its complicity with Hamas, removing Biden’s arms embargo to Israel, allowing U.S. deportation of foreign Hamas supporters, and appointing a number of officials who are friendly towards Israel and combatting antisemitism here at home. In fact, on January 27th of this year—the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz— Trump proclaimed, “We proudly reassert our strong bonds of friendship with the State of Israel.” For Israel supporters, the picture just got brighter.

Our Cup Runneth Over

With the exception of the controversial cease-fire deal mentioned above, our new President had a glorious Day One, followed by a stunning first week of restoring sanity!

After four years of O’Biden’s calculated destruction of our sovereignty, economy, security, justice, and freedom of speech—among other depredations—it would have been enough if, on day one, President Trump had only pardoned the J6 patriots who’d been rotting in the D.C. gulag for over a year.

The same can be said for the litany of good works Trump accomplished during his first days in office—each one is cause for celebration. But he kept on giving us win after win at record speed. As Wayne Allyn Root pointed out on January 24th: “We’ve just witnessed the greatest four days of action and extraordinary success by any president or world leader in history.”

As even CNN’s David Axelrod opined:

You have to acknowledge this was probably the most astonishing political comeback in American history…He’s come back as a kind of conqueror!

For millions of Americans, he’s our kind of conqueror, our “man in the arena” who fights for We the People against They the Globalists. The boldest, bravest, most remarkably heroic President of our lifetime: Donald J. Trump, our fearless Commander in Chief! We can breathe a sigh of relief: sanity is about to return to America.

And let us say: Amen!

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