Why Do We Talk About Communists?

Steve Baker is joining us on “TNN Live!”this morning one hour earlier than the normal time.  Today he’ll be live from Washington at 9:00 AM Central.

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Hardly a day goes by that I don’t come across some conservative talking or writing about “communists” in our government, doing this and that.  Communism is dead! Where is there a communist nation? Okay, N. Korea and maybe Cuba, but where else?

Marx, Lenin, Mao and others at the forefront of that inhuman and anti-human ideology anticipated the communal (hence “commune” or “communist”) ownership of all property and the means of production. All power was reserved for the state. The idea was “to each according to his needs, from each according to his ability.”

Those ideas are mere relics of a bygone era in places like the Peoples’ Republic of China. Although that’s what they call their party, they are no more “communist” than a guy who chops off relevant anatomy is a woman. Communism is totally extinct in the Russian Federation. So, where are all these “communists” who people are seeing in our government and elsewhere? Who’s preaching Marx’s gospel? If anything, here and elsewhere, today’s reality appears to be “To each all he can steal; from each all which can be taken.”

Communism was simply another totalitarian government model, like Fascism, or somewhat more limited in scope, an autocracy or strongman dictatorship, with an economic system which could never work, and never did. That economic system flew head-on into and against human nature. It attempted to squash it.

While not conspicuously communist, however, there are many totalitarian wannabes in our government and private sector. It’s not debatable that our federal government has become more authoritarian with greater than ever control over the everyday actions of the citizen. Increasingly we are morphing into a police state where our government bureaus are existing for their own benefit, with their own agendas. What can you say about the “land of the free” when the IRS is now armed to the teeth and DHS seems to be waiting in the wings to be the new NKVD of Stalin’s 1930’s? None of them are formed to stem invasion of our borders, nor are they military for fighting foreign wars. So why all the personnel and all the armament? Who and what is it for?

The totally unnecessary CIA whose business seems to be less “intelligence” gathering than it is paramilitary, looks like a rogue, clandestine group roaming the world seeking regime change where they wish it and the installation of puppets which they then control. Ukraine is an example. Their activities likely extend to domestic politics as well, with CIA the supervisor of mainstream media political propaganda. They are certainly not accountable to the people. Though I know of no recent effort to subpoena CIA officials, I do know that the FBI now includes itself as “unaccountable to the people” with its recent refusal to obey the peoples’ subpoena, presented by U.S. Congress. They’re telling us loud and clear that “we don’t report to you nor are we subject to your laws.” For their part, other than condemning Wray’s refusal to obey, the Congress seems perfectly willing to allow the condemnation to be the only recourse. Can it be that they are either powerless or afraid to proceed?

Recent revelations in the Durham Report show that the FBI has been instrumental in attempts to advance a presidential candidate and squash the candidacy of another. Claims that “Russian agents” were behind it are ridiculous. What does Russia gain? Have the Democrats, who the FBI supported in their illegal actions, shown any particular friendship for Russia? It’s entirely the opposite as the Democrats and Establishment Republicans are staunchly in favor of Ukraine. Yet the Durham report shows that the operation was done to specifically aid the Clinton campaign by damaging Trump. The “Hate Russia” campaign began with Obama’s presidency. Russia knows better than to court Democrats for anything. But then, the whole idea apparently stemmed from some Australian political figures telling an FBI agent in our embassy there that it had been “suggested” by statements made by another. As one FBI agent noted when told to proceed with the bogus investigation, “pretty thin.”

Let’s dispense with the notion of “Russian meddling” in our politics. There is no evidence of it and it furthermore makes absolutely zero sense. It looks to be a CIA-scripted narrative in an attempt to steer public opinion into still thinking of Russia as a “communist” enemy. That in turn perpetuates the nonsense that it is “communists” working in our government and that the formerly communist Russians yearn for a return to communism. They threw it out! The ruse is merely to gain acceptance of the lie that Ukraine means something to Americans so that we’ll want to support the Deep State/Globalist war against Russia. However, that’s their agenda, not the people’s agenda. Lastly on Russia, if what they tell us about Russia is so evil, why are the same people trying to imprint that upon us, actively working to make the USA fit that description?

It’s not about communists in our government. Consider only what we have learned about COVID-19. We’ve seen clearly the heavy tie-in of Big Pharma and the federal government bureaus, namely NIH, CDC and FDA. That’s a hallmark of a fascist state, not a communist state.

Think “Nazis,” not “commies.” At the end of WWII, did we import communists? No. We imported Nazis in “Operation Paperclip.” During Adolf Hitler’s military build-up of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s, did president G.H.W. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, and the Harriman’s Union Bank lend money to the Soviets for their military? No. They bankrolled Hitler in violation of the treaty ending WWI. Later, Bush even owned a factory in Poland staffed with slave labor from a concentration camp, according to Roger Stone’s book on the Bush family. Needless to say, P. Bush’s son was later both Director of Central Intelligence and president, his grandson also a U.S. president.

Then consider the collusion of CIA with mainstream media; of FBI with social media; of Dept. of Defense and enormous defense industries; the Dept. of Agriculture with Agribusinesses and etc. These are fascist relationships, not communist.

We are moving toward a very authoritarian government characterized by a Congress which ignores the people and an entrenched bureaucracy with its own agenda. Nothing in it resembles a “communist” state, other than the power it wields over the people. It’s really moving into a classic Fascist organization. As it is with all totalitarian states, there are no competing political parties. Our Republican and Democrat parties, in practice, have morphed into one “uniparty.” The two and their surrogates ganged up on, blocked, libeled, slandered and finally got rid of a real opponent, Trump.

Let’s recognize that which keeps us thinking and hearing about communists: it’s to back up the globalist agenda and the Military Industrial Complex’s thirst for nonstop warfare. In continuing to paint “communists” as the bogeyman, they take us back to our memories of the “iron curtain” and the jackbooted thugs of the USSR’s secret police and Mao’s executioners. They use the term to elicit a conditioned response, to direct and project our hatred as they wish. It’s to keep us from realizing what’s happening right here at home. There are countless movies still being scripted and books still being written about those WWII and post-WWII days to keep it all alive. However, those powers which they would have us hate are really the same as what the USA is fast becoming: not communist at all, but a fascist state.

As I have written numerous times before, analysis and reporting are both very important. Of even more importance, is acting on the knowledge. What as Americans are we to do about these things and our drift into a society of slaves to our government? Should we just stand by and “hope?” What does that accomplish? Should we keep voting Republican? Again, what does that accomplish? We might be able to re-elect Trump, but that’s only four years and where are we when he’s gone? We can’t consider armed revolution. That’s too horrible to consider, but so is doing nothing. What does that leave?

How about forming a new political organization and running our candidates in it, an organization which will not permit its members of legislature and Congress to act in any way in opposition to stated and specific party goals? Otherwise, there will be no change of course. Our opposition will not simply quit. It’s up to us.

1 thought on “Why Do We Talk About Communists?”

  1. Sam Brawswell

    This is one of the most indebt articles, I have read in crucial thinking and consideration. It expels the average thought, from ignorance, and highlights the perspective of truth and what is actually taking place in the federal realm of our beloved nation and what society is being directed towards.

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