A Doctor: Yes or No?

Have you noticed every television anchor and news reporter since two days ago have referred to Christine Blasey Ford as “Professor Ford” or simply “Christine Ford?” I have seen or heard no one refer to her since Tuesday as “Dr. Ford.” I wonder why that is?

Millions looked in as “Dr.” Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding her alleged sexual abuse at the hands of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Ms. Ford introduced herself as a “research psychologist:” “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.” Her often stated and written title of “Dr.” has been shown to be incorrect, for Christine Blasey Ford — according to California psychologist databases — is not and never has been a licensed psychologist in California, and apparently in no other state.

An argument has been raised by the Leftist fact-finding website Snopes.com that Ford — even though not a licensed psychologist — is a “research psychologist,” which is not the same as a doctor, and calling herself that is perfectly all right. Snopes.com in their story paints a pretty picture saying (paraphrased), “It’s OK. She doesn’t treat patients and doesn’t have a practice for doing so, so it’s OK to call herself simply a ‘research psychologist.'”

I personally have no factual insight into her practice of psychology, do not know for certain she has a practice at which she sees, counsels, and treats patients. But I DO know she called herself a doctor and — at least during that 4 hour Senate Judiciary Committee hearing — never corrected anyone who addressed her as “Dr. Ford.”

That sounds innocent enough — but it apparently breaks California law.

“No person may engage in the practice of psychology, or represent himself or herself to be a psychologist, without a license granted under this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.” Section 2902(c) states:“ (c) “A person represents himself or herself to be a psychologist when the person holds himself or herself out to the public by any title or description of services incorporating the words ‘psychology,’ ‘psychological,’ ‘psychologist,’ ‘psychology consultation,’ ‘psychology consultant,’ ‘psychometry,’ ‘psychometrics’ or ‘psychometrist,’ ‘psychotherapy,’ ‘psychotherapist,’ ‘psychoanalysis,’ or ‘psychoanalyst,’ or when the person holds himself or herself out to be trained, experienced, or an expert in the field of psychology.”

Hillary Clinton: “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Here’s what difference Ms. Ford’s presenting herself as a doctor makes: she isn’t nor has ever been a doctor. She has a Ph.D. from Southern Cal — an MD from nowhere.

Brett Kavanaugh is in the fight for his life right now. Every all day every day he struggles for his personal, social, professional, and family reputation that apparently (at least according to Democrats) has nothing to do with his professional law career, his last 12 years as a judge on the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington D.C., his teaching at Harvard and Yale, longtime charity work with the poor in D.C., or his activity with youth in Washington. According to Democrats, the only thing that matters is his honesty and integrity: which they assault non-stop.

The attacks against Judge Kavanaugh originate in numerous sources. Among those sources, there is one common thread: none of the accusations of any of the dozen or so people who knew him personally in high school in the 80’s has been corroborated by anyone! The New York Times, NBC News, FOX News, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, ABC, CBS — none have been able to corroborate any of the allegations made against Kavanaugh. That inability to corroborate allegations includes those made — every allegation made — by Christine Blasey Ford. Their attacks include attempted rape, sexual assault, illegal drug and alcohol use, verbal abuse, lying, even alcoholism. NONE OF THESE HAVE BEEN VERIFIED BY ANYONE — EVEN THOSE NAMED AS WITNESSES!

“What difference does it make” that Christine Ford claims professionally to be something she is not? It’s because of all of these dozens and dozens of baseless claims made by all these people against Brett Kavanaugh. No, I am not speaking about the criminal justice phrase “innocent until proven guilty.” This is not a criminal investigation, rather (as Senate Democrats say) “a job interview.” However, if the attempted rape claim made by Ford against Kavanaugh is real, he can still be prosecuted under Maryland law: there is NO statute of limitations for sexual assault in Maryland. That’s how serious this mess is.

Here’s the difference: it’s about integrity and character. That’s what is being attacked.

Brett Kavanaugh’s character is being attacked by many on the Left:

  1. Senator Richard Blumenthal. former Attorney General of Connecticut. For more than a decade, Blumenthal claimed that he served in combat in Vietnam. He used that in his campaigns, proudly seeking current and former military members’ votes. He never served in combat in Vietnam or anywhere else;
  2. Senator Dianne Feinstein. the California Senator held for a month the initial Ford letter detailing her allegation rather than as Senate mandatory process dictated turning that letter over to the FBI to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh. Feinstein made that letter’s existence known only a couple of days before the Senate would vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation — using it as a political ploy. Either Feinstein or a member of her staff allegedly and “conveniently” leaked the contents of that letter to the press even after promising Ford they would keep it confidential;
  3. Senator Cory Booker. the New Jersey Senator never told anyone about the sexual assault he attempted while in college. He later wrote about it — admitting it himself — in a college newspaper;
  4. Hillary Clinton. Oh My God! Yes. She has come out questioning the nominee’s qualifications to serve on the Supreme Court and questioning the veracity of what he said under oath;

This list could go on and on. I’ll spare you the heartburn.


Here’s what matters — and pretty much is all that matters: Is Brett Kavanaugh qualified to serve as a Supreme Court Justice? Does he have the expertise, knowledge, experience, and temperament to do so? Are there any factual improprieties in his past that should disqualify his confirmation?

The answers to all of those are yes, yes, yes, yes, and no.

J.C. Watts — a famous African American quarterback for the University of Oklahoma — served as a Congressman from Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional District from 1995 to 2003. He won each of his elections by a landslide. He left Congress after deciding (with his family) that he should NOT run for Congress again and went into the private sector where he serves today in numerous capacities.

Watts — besides as an OU football star — is best known for giving a speech at the Republican National Convention before Bill Clinton was re-elected for his second term as president. The Monica Lewinsky incident was front and center in Washington and everywhere else in America.

In that speech, Watts defined the word “character” for Bill Clinton: “Mr. President, character is not just being honest and doing the right thing. it’s about doing the right thing when nobody else is looking.”  Of course, Congressman Watts was referring to the Lewinsky scandal and President Clinton being caught in a lie — under oath — that resulted in his impeachment for perjury.

Hundreds of personal friends, fellow workers, employees, fellow judges, former professors, politicians, and schoolmates have chimed in during these confirmation investigations confirming Brett Kavanaugh’s character with not a single asterisks included. Even while the darts, bricks, and hand grenades have flown from the Left nonstop since his nomination, Kavanaugh has kept his hand on the plow, weathered death threats against his family and himself watched his home trashed with graffiti and other vandalism, been forced into hiding. The Kavanaugh’s have been attacked in every conceivable manner short of physically. And that not happening has been a shock to me.

Brett Kavanaugh does not deserve that. He certainly does not deserve that from members of the U.S. Senate — especially those on the Senate Judiciary Committee. In fact, Democrat members of that committee to a person have violated their oath of office and their commitment to serve in the U.S. Senate and that committee in which they promised to serve the American people and support the Constitution. They — beginning with their universal commitment to NOT vote for his confirmation within minutes of it being announced and long before any testimony, questions or answers — shows that they have discarded any shred of character they may have possessed and donned the robes of Leftist Partisans with one and only one purpose in this matter: Stop Kavanaugh at all Costs!

In doing so, these Democrats and others have taken their final steps to the abandonment of their Constitutional duties in this matter: advice and consent of the President’s Supreme Court nominee.

Brett Kavanaugh has the education, the experience, the knowledge, and the temperament to serve on the High Court.

That’s all that should matter…PERIOD.

And one more thing: Christine Blasey Ford apparently misrepresented herself as a “psychologist” when she is not nor ever has been. Any way you couch that, it’s a lie.

Here’s a conundrum for me: when someone tells one lie, how do you know which — if any — of the things they subsequently say is true and which is false? What — if anything — Christine Blasey Ford gave as “fact” in that hearing was true and which was false?




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