A Drunk Sits at a Bar….

You’re a bartender and a guy sits at the bar ordering drink after drink for 3 hours and you continue to pour for him long after it is obvious he’s drunk. He finally leaves the bar, gets in his car, and while driving home hits a car head-on and kills 4 members of a family. Who is responsible for those deaths?

Certainly, the drunk is. But in most venues, so is the bartender. You’d be charged as well.

Juan Ramon Vasquez — an illegal immigrant who was deported  — returned to Philadelphia, was arrested and plead guilty for returning after being deported. ICE requested Philly hold him to be picked up for deportation. Mayor Jim Kennedy (because Philadephia had been proclaimed to be a Sanctuary City) refused an ICE deportation hold and released Vasquez. He then raped a little girl, was found guilty, and is serving a sentence. Of course, that little girl will never be the same. Outrage?

If the bartender who continued pouring drinks for the drunk who killed those family members was complicit in that crime, shouldn’t Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kennedy be complicit in that little girl’s rape? He should have been prosecuted for refusing to hold Vasquez which led to a felony rape that would not have happened if the Mayor had simply followed federal law.

It’s ironic that our nation with the greatest justice system on Earth, though established to be governed by the “rule of law” now has a ruling class of politicians who thumb their noses at laws they do not like and refuse to enforce. Regarding illegal immigration, we have statistics that show the numbers of federal prosecutions of illegal immigrants for felonies, but we have no idea of the validity of the numbers or how many illegal immigrants who commit crimes skate through the system paying nothing for their crimes. We are told only about a few of the most heinous acts of just a few.

The American public as a whole is shocked when these stories slip through the media filters and are played out on a national stage. But that doesn’t happen too often. Why? Because the Mainstream Media are “in the tank” for acceptance of illegal immigration and illegal immigrants, even at the cost of “a few crimes.” In fact, liberal media outlets go after President Trump viciously for instructing U.S. immigration officials to go after offenders and for the prosecution of every offender.

Here’s an example of one such case. The Washington Post published the following story regarding stepped up illegal immigration enforcement policy changes under President Trump immediately after taking office:

“A week after he won the election, President Trump promised that his administration would round up millions of immigrant gang members and drug dealers. And after he took office, arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers surged 40 percent. Officials at the agency commonly known as ICE praise Trump for putting teeth back into immigration enforcement, and they say their agency continues to prioritize national security threats and violent criminals, much as the Obama administration did.

But as ICE officers get wider latitude to determine whom they detain, the biggest jump in arrests has been of immigrants with no criminal convictions. The agency made 37,734 “noncriminal” arrests in the government’s 2017 fiscal year, more than twice the number in the previous year. The category includes suspects facing possible charges as well as those without criminal records. Critics say ICE is increasingly grabbing at the lowest-hanging fruit of deportation-eligible immigrants to meet the president’s unrealistic goals, replacing a targeted system with a scattershot approach aimed at boosting the agency’s enforcement statistics. ICE has not carried out mass roundups or major workplace raids under Trump, but nearly every week brings a contentious new arrest.

A Virginia mother was sent back to El Salvador in June after her 11 years in the United States unraveled because of a traffic stop. A Connecticut man with an American-born wife and children and no criminal record was deported to Guatemala. And an immigration activist in New York, Ravi Ragbir, was detained in a case that brought ICE a scathing rebuke from a federal judge. ‘It ought not to be — and it has never before been — that those who have lived without incident in this country for years are subjected to treatment we associate with regimes we revile as unjust,’ said U.S. District Judge Katherine B. Forrest, reading her opinion in court before ordering ICE to release Ragbir. ‘We are not that country,’ she said. ‘Immigrants whose only crime was living in the country illegally were largely left alone during the latter years of the Obama administration. But that policy has been scrapped.’

Notice that last phrase: “But that policy has been scrapped.” That scrapped policy was the Obama Administration policy to ignore illegal immigrants living in the U.S. that had not before committed crimes. What happened to their being here illegally is a crime making them subject to immediate deportation BECAUSE OF THEIR BREAKING THE LAW!

“Politically Correct”

“The President’s immigration actions and Muslim ban will make America less safe. As a prosecutor, I can tell you, it is a serious mistake to conflate criminal justice policy with immigration policy as if they are the same thing. They are not. I have personally prosecuted everything from low-level offenses to homicides. I know what a crime looks like. I will tell you: an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. But that’s what these actions do. They suggest all immigrants are criminals and treat immigrants like criminals.”

These statements were included in a speech by Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). She is almost certainly going to make herself available for a White House run in 2020 and has become one of the chief opponents of all things President Trump. Harris’ staff explained her claim as meaning “illegal immigrants are not guilty of a crime for crossing the border illegally, but simply violated civil law.” No, their crossing breaks a U.S. immigration law which is a crime, albeit a misdemeanor and not a felony. One would think a former prosecutor would know the meaning of the word “crime! Harris does know: it’s just politically correct for her to say illegal crossing the U.S. border is not a crime, they just shouldn’t do it.

Kamala Harris and fellow California Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein simply cannot find it in their hearts to push local, state, and federal authorities to enforce immigration laws. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Did you hear the outcry from Dianne Feinstein when in her hometown, Kate Steinle was gunned down at Fisherman’s Wharf by a 5-time deported illegal immigrant? Crickets. Feinstein stood silently by while Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 45, was acquitted of murder and involuntary manslaughter charges, as well as assault with a deadly weapon in the killing of Steinle. He was deported 5 times before his 6th arrest for being in the U.S. illegally. He was NOT deported the 6th time because the city of San Francisco had taken the title of “Sanctuary City,” and therefore refused an ICE deportation “hold” notice for Garcia and released him. 32-year-old Kate Steinle paid with her life for Sanctuary City status for San Francisco when Garcia walked out of jail and found that gun and used it.

Pelosi was recently spotted in El Paso touting to a group of Hispanic the glory of voting for Democrats in November so to take back the House of Representatives to allow her as Speaker to marshall the U.S. Government to once again open the southern border to any and all illegals:


It is sad that the United States at its core is under assault from the inside. Under attack is the very backbone of the Nation that made us different from every other country. Without the rule of law, the U.S. will look just like Venezuela, Cuba, and European socialist nations. It is becoming more and more obvious that is what Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris, Schumer and company want to see happen.

But on second thought, maybe that’s not true. Maybe the quartet is just trying to come up with any way possible to take back control of Congress. They have experienced the rush that power gives one who is the ultimate government official in charge. Both Pelosi and Schumer have led their respective Congressional chambers. They both know the fat-cat benefits that come with the House Speaker and Senate Majority titles: private government jets, huge House and Senate office and staff budgets, unlimited expense accounts, junkets with lobbyists from everywhere, cush jobs for friends, relatives, and campaign donors and craved-for Congressional appointments of those to whom they feel obligated. Yes, with power comes all the goodies D.C. has to offer. And Pelosi and Schumer don’t have it. Fighting FOR illegal immigrant safe status in the U.S. is just a means to their objective: get the immigrants legal and with the right to vote and convince them that for a lifetime, they owe all they have to Democrats.

What would fix this problem the right way? Congress needs to fix Immigration Law! We could spend days discussing whether or not members of Congress really want to fix immigration laws — but that would be based on opinion. Right now I am not certain there is sufficient political will to pay what the price would be for their political careers in either Party to go down that road. But it COULD be fixed with legislation — it SHOUD be fixed with legislation!

Lost in all the immigration noise is this: what would Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer AND Barack Obama think about Sanctuary City status and ignoring ICE deportation holds IF Kate Steinle was THEIR daughter? Or is Kate’s death and the virginity of that little girl in Philadelphia simply the justified price to pay to regain and maintain their political power?


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