“A Self-Feeding Circle:” How A Web Of NGOs Enabled By Biden-Harris Is Fueling The Migrant Crisis

A web of NGOs is collaborating with government agencies to facilitate the resettlement of refugees – and Biden-Harris policies have only exacerbated the migrant crisis.

Immigration was thrust into the public spotlight as towns in America were overwhelmed with migrants, from Springfield, Ohio, to Aurora, Colorado. Experts said that bureaucracies and non-profits often work in tandem to resettle refugees, and NGOs have only grown in influence under the Biden-Harris administration.

“It’s undeniable that the Biden Administration’s border policy has benefited the network of immigration NGOs that receive massive government contracts and grants to deal with the logistical and humanitarian problems that mass illegal immigration has caused,” the Capital Research Center’s Parker Thayer said in a statement.

While it’s difficult to quantify precisely how much NGOs have benefited, Thayer pointed to a USA Spending database. It shows that since 2020, federal spending on loans, grants, and contracts with the keyword “immigrant” has skyrocketed by almost tenfold.

Kevin Lynn, Executive Director of the Institute for Sound Public Policy, stated that a process for resettling refugees is in place, and NGOs work with government agencies to further that goal.

He pointed to the Biden-Harris administration’s Welcome Corps.

The Welcome Corps is a refugee sponsorship program where “groups of at least five people” can sponsor a refugee, according to the initiative’s site. The State Department’s Office of the Spokesperson claimed last year the program “is the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades.”

“The Biden administration launched Welcome Corps under the refugee resettlement program, and it basically allows private individuals to select their own refugees and future American citizens,” Lynn told the Caller.

The program’s partners include the Department of State and its Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). It also partnered with the Church World Service (CWS) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which transformed the city into the “refugee capital of the world,” according to Lynn.

The city’s website denotes itself as “America’s refugee capital” and explains that it assists in resettling refugees.

A fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Housing and Development for landlords and property managers states the federal government collaborates with ten resettlement agencies with over 340 affiliates nationwide. The documents list various financial assistance and support refugees receive, including employment services.

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has an agency called the Administration for Children & Families. Under its purview is the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which partners with nonprofits in states that participate in the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. The only state not listed is Wyoming.

In fact, the site even has a tool for people to locate various refugee resettlement NGOs in their area.

Thayer noted many of these NGOs would not exist without government support. “It’s hard to call them grassroots.”

He pointed to The Vera Institute for Justice as an example of governments funneling taxpayer dollars into nonprofits.

The Institute gets millions in federal dollars to represent illegal immigrants in immigration court while it pushes for soft-on-crime and open borders policies that lead to larger government contracts, Thayer said.

“It’s a self-feeding circle,” he concluded.

One group listed on HHS’s site is Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, a non-profit that partners with the State Department for Refugee Resettlement. According to a 2023 audit of the group’s finances, several million dollars in grants and fees from the government are one of its main sources of revenue.

The Springfield News-Sun reported that a facility in Springfield opened earlier this year to assist with immigration services. It’s directed by Catholic Charities Southwest Ohio. CEO Tony Stieritz said the organization has been giving aid in the city for over a year.

However, the organization states on its website that it “had no role in bringing migrants to the Springfield area,” and it does not provide “resettlement services in Springfield.”

The national organization Catholic Charities recently came under fire on social media after reports showed the Galveston, Texas, chapter substantially increased its revenue under the Biden Administration.

Illegal immigration to the U.S. has accelerated rapidly under Biden.

According to Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, the Biden-Harris administration is attempting to make open borders “a part of the infrastructure. ”

“And just to be clear, all of these people are technically in the country illegally because the administration has paroled them,” he emphasized.

Kevin Lynn pointed to Biden’s CBP One app, arguing that it expedites illegal immigration. “They’re granting these blanket paroles, where the whole intention of parole was to be determined on a case-by-case basis.”

He explained the initial intent of parole was to grant travelers temporary status if they needed to come to the U.S. for a specific reason, such as an emergency medical procedure.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the app was originally created in October 2020 during COVID-19 to reduce the amount of time travelers spent in person with CBP officers to schedule appointments.

According to CIS, the Biden-Harris administration uses it to allow people without the necessary documentation to enter the U.S. interior. The app allows migrants to make appointments in Central America and Mexico, which CIS argues incentivizes illegal immigrants to use smugglers.

Lynn stated that there is another parole process specifically for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a person in the U.S. can sponsor someone from these nations, but the sponsor doesn’t have to be an American citizen.

The agency’s definition of a supporter includes “asylees, refugees, and parolees” along with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) individuals. In June, the Biden administration granted TPS to 300,000 Haitians.

“Now these refugee parolees can sponsor people, people here on temporary protected status,” Lynn said.

Chmielenski told the Caller that NGOs are facilitating the resettlement process for migrants. “They’re helping [migrants] go through the process of applying for their work permit,” he stated, adding they could be eligible for public benefits.

“Essentially, the administration is having the NGOs do their dirty work for them,” Chmielenski said.

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