“A Soldier Died Today”

Memorial Day is to give us pause to consider and honor those who gave their lives in military service to keep the United States the most powerful nation on Earth.  There are many who said “Yes” when the question was asked “Who will go?” that are still with us but whose days are numbered.  Monday is actually Memorial Day.  But I think in light of the sacrifices made by those who gave their lives for our liberty, we can give them an extra day of honor.  So let’s start today.  Today as we honor our fallen heroes can we pause just a moment to honor those who willingly went, fought wars along side those who did NOT make it back, are still among us, but who are not long with us?  They are “living” Memorials of those battles.

Watch and listen to this story with me.  Remember that every day we lose champions of freedom who won for us on the battlefields of history the right to be who we are today.  They did not die in that struggle but came home to live ordinary lives just like you and me.  Their lives may be ordinary, but they certainly are NOT ordinary.  May God be with the men and women who put it all on the line for freedom.



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