A Writer from The ATLANTIC Claims Christians Feel President Trump Has Failed Them

An editorial published last week in The Atlantic began with this:

“White, conservative Christians who set aside the tenets of their faith to support Donald Trump are now left with little to show for it. The closest thing social conservatives and evangelical supporters of President Donald Trump had to be a conversation stopper, when pressed about their support for a president who is so manifestly corrupt, cruel, mendacious, and psychologically unwell, was a simple phrase: “But Gorsuch.”

The editorial struck me as odd, especially when it began with these assumptions and insults. It’s as if the writer has a perch in the Heavens that provides him a clear vision of everything Donald Trump thinks, feels, says, and pierces the reality of his mental status. I’m certain God could do that. I doubt a “contributor” named Peter Wehner at The Atlantic can.

This thought also struck me: “Who is this writer? How can the assumption of the thoughts of every social conservative be known to this editorialist? Did God author Wehner’s column? I seriously doubt so.

But what I know for certain is that true Christians — you know, those that pray daily, believe God’s Word is infallible, Jesus is the Son of God, He died for our sins, rose from death, and points His followers to make right decisions on everything in their lives — are NOT single-issue voters. And to insinuate so reveals far more about the columnist than of the targets of his story.

I proudly number among that last category. Even with the political things in D.C. that don’t exactly fit my picture of political perfection, I don’t park my brain and its biological discernment ability on the church pew when I leave the service. It goes everywhere with me. I assume (and am certain) the same is true of other Christians.

Wehner certainly didn’t speak to very many of the 60+ million Trump voters before penning this missive. If he had, he would have heard a vastly different synopsis of Donald Trump’s considerable accomplishments for not just Christians, but for ALL Americans. That list is far too long to include here. But you certainly can find a laundry list of his accomplishments as President that will take more than a few minutes to read and a day or so to digest. But Peter Wehner didn’t do that, or worse, did do such a look-see and then ignored his findings. Why would any reputable journalist dismiss such critical information? The answer is wrapped in one word from the previous sentence: “reputable.”

It is far too common to believe that most print editorialists have inside information (which Wehner claims to possess) that provides the truth of Trump’s ineptitude that justifies their inclusion in his editorial. But facts, understanding facts, and making educated and realistic conclusions from facts are not necessary must-have elements in most print or broadcast reports today. Wehner simply confirms his membership in a class of journalists void of any concern for the accuracy of their claims against this or any other President’s abilities.

What’s sad is this writer, like many others, presumes to own an unfettered right to foist onto Americans his personal fodder disguised as truth.  In reality, his claims are nothing more than leftist anti-Trump drivel. His doing so DOES enhance the animus held by many liberal minions against this President. Wehner justifies the absence in his piece of the opinions of the Christians he purports to “know.” That is an example of classic Leftist journalism today: bait and switch.

Wehner chose to use as support for his premise a recent Supreme Court case, Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia. That case decided in mid-June in which the majority opinion, written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, protected gay and transgender individuals from workplace discrimination, handing the LGBTQ movement a historic victory.

Wehner maintained that Gorsuch’s doing so was “a crushing blow for the religious right, and it must have dawned on more than a few of Trump’s evangelical supporters that if Hillary Clinton had won the presidency, the outcome of the case would have been the same; the only difference is that the margin probably would have been 7-2.”

How callous, how brazen, and how demeaning of Christians! Wehner, throughout his piece, used broad and sweeping assumptions about “Trump’s evangelical supporters” and what they feel about any Trump purported failures. Why was that case’s outcome so earth-shattering for Christians? I’ll assume here and say Wehner certainly did not ask any evangelical Trump supporter — certainly not me or anyone I know — how big a blow it was to their dream for this President to appoint a justice that ruled differently on this or any other issue which rebuffed the President’s wishes.

What other justification could any writer possess for their total denigration of the political appetites of 60+ million voters?

The truth is that NOT Wehner, NO other columnist at ANY newspaper, No broadcast journalist, No blogger or podcaster could possibly know the minds and hearts of ANY American without spending a massive amount of time conversing with not just one or two “social conservatives,” but with a few million of them. In this case, that didn’t happen.

Wehner did quote a conservative blogger named Rod Dreher — although Wehner never spoke to Dreher — claiming Dreher stated, “True, they (Supreme Court) have blocked some bad things over the years. That’s not nothing. But I think we’ve always known that judges are the real deal here.” Dreher continued, “Every institution — the media, academia, corporations, and others — are aginst us on gay and transgender rights, and GOP lawmakers are gutless. The only hope we had was that federal judges would protect the status quo. Now that’s gone.”

“If” Dreher really did say that, what he said was nothing more than a conservative American who, through a single SCOTUS decision, was disappointed to NOT receive his desired outcome. No doubt, many conservatives were too disappointed in that decision. Pardon me for assuming once again, but it is my opinion that few if any American feel it is possible for a majority of the justices to vote in support of conservative causes in every case that comes before them. Wehner apparently feels that because of what Dreher stated after the decision bashed the hopes of every Christian for this President to produce everything attempted in this presidency.

Wehner must think that all Christians are single-issue voters. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Without exhaustively recounting Trump’s wins for Americans, consider just a few:

  • Massive tax cuts for individuals and corporations;
  • The rollback of dozens of onerous regulations on energy companies and major corporations that incentivized previously vapid expansions, hirings of millions of new workers, and bringing manufacturers back to the U.S., something that his predecessor said was “gone forever” and would never return;
  • Undeniably massive new employment, plunging unemployment with the largest number of African Americans working than ever, and the highest labor participation rate in history;
  • Median household income is today the highest ever;
  • Regarding that Christian “single-issue” that Wehner claims is all that matters, Trump gave the biggest blow to Planned Parenthood in the last 30 years;
  • His tariff threats forced Mexico to stem the flow of illegals through the U.S. southern border;
  • He ordered the strike that killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who had personally ordered the killing of hundreds of Americans;
  • He continues to appoint a record number of conservative judges to federal courts across the nation: 200 of those he nominated have been confirmed and are at work today.

We can stop there, but there are hundreds of others. It’s easy to conclude from facts without any assumptions that this President has done much more for Americans than just appointing two conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

Do you think Wehner really believes that Christians don’t care about all of this? Or does he truly think that millions of those who put Trump in the White House are turning away because a Supreme Court ruling on a case didn’t go their way? Accepting that requires a belief that Christian conservatives are too simple, single-minded, and blind to the issues that matter to EVERY American. And all those wins by this Administration dwarf those from his predecessor’s eight-year reign at the top.

The only thing proven in Wehner’s column is that Leftist members of the Media really are blind to the realities of the issues important to Christians. Abortion and LGBTQ issues are certainly important to them, but a call by the Court that goes the wrong way is certainly not an end-all. Trump’s accomplishments in total are monumental when compared to the accomplishments of the last three presidents combined.

After my response to Mr. Wehner, one question popped into my mind? Does he, or does any other writer, maintain that they represent the political hopes of Christian Americans? I think he really does. That alone explains the conclusions he reached sufficient to pen this column. He produced “fruit from a poison tree.” In this case, the tree from which originated the fruit he described was the tree of bias, partisan elitism, and Leftist ideology. That tree is certainly not embraced by any Christian I know. It’s certain that Wehner, if honest, would agree.

You will be shocked to learn that Peter Wehner is a Vice President and Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Ethics.”

Ethics is defined as “the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions.” After digesting Wehner’s assault on President Trump, Wehner destroys what that institution stands for. But that’s common for Leftist members of the Media. Truth is valuable only when it feeds specific political narratives. In this case, Wehner failed.

Feel Free to Download Peter Wehner’s article from The Atlantic. (Click on the link below)



4 thoughts on “A Writer from The ATLANTIC Claims Christians Feel President Trump Has Failed Them”

  1. Craig Bradshaw

    This Peter guy I don’t know if he’s getting this for Daniel getting this note Fermin tell Peter that he does not know what a Christian is he’s clueless quit writing crap about us saying he knows our heart he did wrong and he Obviously is a liberal and a communist

  2. I get so tired of leftist newspapers, magazines, and propaganda machines claiming to know the hearts and minds of Christians when they themselves have no idea what it means to be a Christian. Most recently, Don Lemon claiming Jesus Christ was not a perfect man shows how lost these people are…they attack and ridicule our faith and stand in judgment over us as intolerant…when they prove daily they are intolerant of the Christian faith. They are helplessly hopelessly lost…I pray God will reveal Himself to them (like a Saul moment on the road to Damascus) and remove the scales from their eyes. And if Donald Trump is defeated in November, I believe God’s favor will be forever removed from this nation….

  3. Shirley Dawson

    This is just another. Political praise for Trump and bashing on the Dem. I resent the trfetence to the Republican idea that is Democrats don’t know Jesus. Shame on you. This is judging you fellow man to praise Trump. Lots of this is hogwash

    1. Nothing in the response to the Atlantic piece maintained anything about any Democrat NOT being Christian. Regarding any praise for President Trump, we listed a small number of his accomplishments that few thought he could possibly achieve. And as was mentioned, those accomplishments were NOT for Christians, but for ALL Americans. The entire purpose of my response was to make clear that NO ONE except God knows for certain what Christians think. And the writer of The Atlantic story maintained throughout his article that HE knew that Christians had their lives shattered by on Supreme Court ruling that did not come down the way they hoped. His inference was/is that Christians are and will continue to run away from Mr. Trump simply because one of his two Supreme Court appointments voted against Christians. The Atlantic story reeks of hypocrisy and elitism. Certainly, there are millions who identify as Christians who also identify as Democrats. Nothing in our response says otherwise. I’m sorry you misread what we said because the substance of our response was that it is simply elitist to assume one knows the thoughts and desires of anyone without knowing them. The writer used that as his entire basis in writing his piece. Finally, please reply explaining your inference “Lost of this is hogwash.” I’m certain our readers want to hear the specifics of the “hogwash” included. Thanks for reading and responding! We wish you the best and look forward to your further comments.


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