Big Pharma Wins — Dr. Dave Weldon Withdrawn From CDC Confirmation

Big Pharma needs sick people to prosper. Patients, not healthy people, are their customers. If everybody was cured of a particular illness or disease, pharmaceutical companies would lose 100% of their profits on the products they sell for that ailment. What all this means is because modern medicine is so heavily intertwined with the financial profits culture, it’s a sickness industry more than it is a health industry. James Morcan

The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is their incredible PR and their nerve. Marcia Angell

Since the 1920s, virtually all continuing medical and public health education is funded by pharmaceutical companies. In fact, today, the FDA can’t even tell health scientists the truth about vaccine contaminants and their likely effects. The agency is bound and gagged by proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them by the pharmaceutical industry. Let us not forget that the pharmaceutical industry, as a special interest group, is the number one contributor to politicians on Capitol Hill. Leonard Horowitz

Every year, pharmaceutical companies contribute millions of dollars to U.S. Senators and Representatives as part of a multipronged effort to influence health care lawmaking and spending priorities.  And they’re successful in buying the votes of these rewarded members.  The senators and reps care nothing for the American people, they are beholden only to those who fill their pockets. As a result, their votes aid those who fund them, not the American people they are elected to represent.

According to, “Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the 2020 election representing more than two-thirds of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis of records for the full election cycle.

“Pfizer’s political action committee alone contributed to 228 lawmakers. Amgen’s PAC donated to 218, meaning that each company helped to fund the campaigns of nearly half the lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Overall, the sector donated $14 million.” shows the top 20 member recipients of money from Big Pharma and health products between 1990-2024. The money comes from employees or PACs affiliated with the industry, not from the companies themselves.  Biden, Harris and Obama were the top three recipients.

For decades, Democrats have thrashed Big Pharma in their campaign ads and speeches, and the drug industry has responded by shelling out millions to the Leftists.

According to an analysis by the group Conservatives for Lower Healthcare Costs, “Between the 2016 and 2022 election cycles, the top 10 pharmaceutical firms have given $29 million to Democrats and $24 million to Republicans.”

Open Secrets tells us that our founders funded their own campaigns and the very thought of asking for money was verboten.  Kathleen Frydl, a historian at the University of California-Berkeley, said the first fundraising committee organized by an interest group was the Congress of Industrial Organizations Political Action Committee (CIO-PAC), which was formed in 1943 to support Franklin Roosevelt’s 1944 presidential bid. More than 60 years later, there are more than 3,880 active federally registered PACs. It is now 82 years later, and that number has undoubtedly grown.

Corporations distort public policy and subvert the will of the electorate by donating to politicians and expecting quid pro quo for their monetary gifts.  All corporate funding needs to be eliminated.

CDC Nominee Dr. Dave Weldon

The following three-minute video by our new Secretary of Health and Human Services lays out what he and his team will concentrate on during their first 100 days. Kennedy tells us that chronic disease is the top priority and they will examine every possible contributing factor.  He wants to Make America Healthy Again, just as we were when his uncle, John F. Kennedy, was our president from 1960 until his untimely death in 1963.

Video Here:

Three men have been nominated to the operating divisions within HHS, and one has already had his name yanked at the last minute.

Dr. Dave Weldon, a former congressman whose district included the Space Coast and Treasure Coast, says opposition by the pharmaceutical industry played a large role in his failure to win confirmation as director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a statement Weldon released after his nomination was withdrawn, he blamed Big Pharma for the concern that some Republican senators would vote against confirming him. “The concern of many people is that Big Pharma was behind this, which is probably true,” Weldon said. “They are, hands-down, the most powerful lobby organization in Washington, D.C., giving millions of dollars to politicians on both sides of the aisle.”

In Sharyl Attkisson’s 2019 documentary on her show, Full Measure, she interviewed eleven current and former Congressmen about their experiences with pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and agents in Washington. Dr. Weldon is interviewed at 7:40. I urge you to watch the 10-minute clip where we find out that vaccine makers don’t defend their vaccines, the federal government does that for them.  It is done in the little-known “vaccine court” created by Congress in 1988.  Money for victims’ fees comes from patient fees added on to every vaccine given.

Video here:

Attkisson states, “Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a world-renowned pediatric neurologist, was the government’s top expert witness in a case of a child who became autistic after a vaccine.  He testified that vaccines do not cause autism.  But now, Dr. Zimmerman has supplied new information.  He claims that during those vaccine court hearings all those years ago, he privately told government lawyers that vaccines could and did cause autism in some children.  That turnabout from the government’s own chief expert should have changed everything about the vaccine-autism debate if the public were to find out.”

The United States government, the Department of Justice suppressed his true opinions.  Zimmerman then partnered with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who said, “This is one of the most consequential frauds arguably in all of human history.”  RFK Jr. was instrumental in getting Dr. Zimmerman to document his remarkable claim of the government covering up his true expert opinion on vaccines and autism.

Dr. Dave Weldon spoke candidly about what happens to representatives who raise the issue of vaccine safety.  “It would typically be in a hallway or on the street, and you know, people would come up to you and say, you know, you really need to back off on this. It could be bad for the community, bad for the country, or bad for you.”

The CDC, which promotes vaccines and monitors vaccine safety, never disclosed that the government’s own one-time medical expert concluded that vaccines can cause autism.  And to this day, public health officials deny that’s the case.

Dr. Peter McCullough tells us, “Physician and former Congressman Dave Weldon, who was about to undergo his examination by the Senate panel, posed the greatest risk for vaccine-crazed senators to publicly face evidence-based concerns over the safety of the ever-increasing childhood vaccine schedule and the four-year COVID-19 vaccine debacle.

“Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA), a gastroenterologist from Illinois, said during the RFK panel that not a single dollar should be spent investigating the relationship between vaccination and autism.”

Close-minded because of their funding by Big Pharma?  Most senators believe in vaccines, but they were exempt from the COVID mandates.

“Perhaps Cassidy was in agreement with billions of dollars spent over the past four years on nonsensical and unproductive transgender research in laboratory animals. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) also said she would vote against Weldon. Both Cassidy and Collins voted in 2022 against reinstating the military who refused the COVID-19 vaccine.

So, freedom from mandates is for them, but not for us.

Losing Dr. Dave Weldon as CDC Director is a massive blow to health freedom.  RFK Jr. backed his nomination.  Why?  Because Dave Weldon knew the dirt behind the CDC and the decades of lies given to the American public.

Weldon’s name was pulled, telling the public, “He’s too anti-vax and didn’t have the votes.”  That is an outright lie.  Obviously, the Big Pharma-funded senators wouldn’t vote for him, or they’d lose their cash cow.

In 2004, Congressman Weldon asked the U.S. House Appropriations Committee chair to fund an autism research center that would be led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

“Wakefield was the first author of the 1998 study, published and later retracted in The Lancet, that linked the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism in certain children.”  Weldon wanted Wakefield to head up an autism center.  That act alone that proved Weldon was concerned about autism and American children was enough to sideline his nomination.

Dr. Wakefield felt there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine.  A former CDC researcher by the name of William Thompson came to the same conclusion.

Thompson publicly admitted that he and his CDC co-authors cooked the study on MMR and autism so that it would not show any connection.  They purposely omitted vital data.

He later wrote his confession and had it posted on his attorney’s website.

August 27, 2014, Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

Then he told Congressman Bill Posey that he and his CDC co-authors tossed the study data in the trash.

Thompson knew Wakefield and he apologized to him in private.  Had he spoken out about the connection of the MMR to autism, it would have helped Wakefield.

Wayback Machine has the recorded statement in an 82-second video of the phone call from whistleblower Thompson to Brian Hooker, PhD.  Hooker is the Chief Scientific Officer for Children’s Health Defense.  Thompson stated that he had a boss who forced him to lie.  He also said that autism studies are 10 years behind, and Congress needs to say, “Give us the data, and we’ll do an independent study.”


Look into Dr. Weldon’s legislative history during his time in Congress. His work on healthcare and family-focused policies speaks volumes.

Dr. Weldon’s background as a physician is well-documented, especially his contributions to medical literature and public health discussions. PubMed

In a time when our children’s health and future are at stake, we must support leaders who uphold the values of family, science, and common sense, which are the values of this nominee. Dr. Weldon’s absence from this role is a missed opportunity for America.

Where was the White House fighting for Dr. Weldon, or did Susie Wiles put the kibosh on Dr. Weldon?

Two Republican Senators, Collins and Cassidy, cost Weldon the confirmation for CDC Director.  Those are the politicians who need to be primaried.

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