Big Tech/Big News: “We Will Stop Conservative Speech!”

As leftists become increasingly emboldened following Big Tech’s recent purge of President Donald Trump from the Internet, a far-left CNN reporter is now calling for conservative news outlets to suffer the same fate. CNN’s media reporter Oliver Darcy is calling for prominent conservative news networks to be punished for “providing large platforms to bad-faith actors who lie, mislead, and promote conspiracy theories.” According to Darcy, outlets such as Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN are using their platforms to “poison the public conversation.” Darcy argues that a Big Tech purge doesn’t go far enough, insisting that cable TV providers must also take action against news networks.

“We regularly discuss what the Big Tech companies have done to poison the public conversation by providing large platforms to bad-faith actors who lie, mislead, and promote conspiracy theories,” Darcy wrote in CNN’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter. “But what about TV companies that provide platforms to networks such as Newsmax, One America News — and, yes, Fox News?” Darcy suggested that it was not just the anchors on these networks who should be held responsible for what he insists are lies, but cable providers who continue to host those networks.

Darcy then went about contacting numerous providers, including AT&T, CenturyLink, Comcast, Verizon, and others to ask them about their guidelines and “if they have any regret over carrying right-wing channels that were in many ways partly responsible for what took place in our nation’s capital this week.” CenturyLink was the only provider that responded to Darcy’s questions, telling him that, as a company, it was committed to providing “a variety of broadcast channels covering thousands of topics” and that it did not “endorse specific media or outlets.”

Darcy accused the other providers of dodging questions for not responding quickly enough. CNN, you may recall, spent years pushing the hoax that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Darcy’s attempt to censor his competitors comes after Big Tech began its crackdown on Trump and his supporters. Needless to say, the permanent ban by Twitter of President Trump’s account thrilled leftists in the media. The Jack Dorsey-owned platform claims that Trump’s tweets about his supporters continuing to be heard and not attending Joe Biden’s inauguration somehow violated Twitter’s guidelines on inciting or glorifying violence. Neither of those tweets included calls for violence of any kind, by the way. In fact, in the blocked tweets, Trump urged his supporters to “go home” and “love & live in peace.”

On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump tweeted:

“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Shortly thereafter, the President tweeted:

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Twitter then responded:

“Due to the ongoing tensions in the United States, and an uptick in the global conversation in regards to the people who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, these two Tweets must be read in the context of broader events in the country and the ways in which the President’s statements can be mobilized by different audiences, including to incite violence, as well as in the context of the pattern of behavior from this account in recent weeks. After assessing the language in these Tweets against our Glorification of Violence policy, we have determined that these Tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service.”

Facebook also banned Trump from posting during the remainder of his term in office, and Snapchat banned him as well. YouTube suspended Trump’s account. Google and Apple took the next step of removing popular Twitter alternate Parler from its app stores, while Amazon booted the social media platform from its servers. President Trump was expected to start using free speech-focused Parler following his purge from the other market leaders.

CNN Becomes the “Censor-in-Chief” Among Cable News Networks

CNN’s self-proclaimed on-air Censorship Guru — Brian Stelter — welcomed a former Facebook employee on his show to discuss the censorship of conservatives. The fact that CNN entertained any discussion of media censorship is an oxymoron: CNN is just a news outlet that should be scared to death of even discussions of censoring any news media! But then I realized we ARE speaking of Brian Stelter initiating those talks. Stelter has been consistent in at least one thing on-air: forgetting about being a “news commentator.” He is anything  but that.

Stelter spoke with that former Facebook censor Alex Stamos. One would expect such a conversation with those two would be about the evils of censorship in media: you know, that “First Amendment thing.” What was NOT unusual was how far Stelter took the conversation away from Big Tech media censoring to the suppression that he says is needed of conservative news outlets One America Network (OAN), News Max, and, of course, FOX News. Listen to the back and forth and then the justification for such censorship explained by Stamos:

Big Tech and Big News Tag-Team Against Conservatives

It is a given that the employees at the tech companies and national news networks are motivated by politics, at least on a superficial level. Silicon-valley based organizations are predominantly staffed by far-left progressives who are responsible for banning or suspending users who express views that contradict their far-left ideology. Leftist television news organizations fight to keep conservative views from showing on their news shows.

These individuals are trying to safeguard the progressive political agenda. By limiting the dissemination of views or news stories they find dangerous, the leftists who are able to decide what is seen and what is not seen wield incredible power, and they have no qualms with using it.

But political motivation does not fully explain why these folks choose censorship over political discourse in which both sides are allowed to make their points. One can have a particular political viewpoint without desiring to silence those with whom they disagree. In fact, competing on the battlefield of ideas has been one of the bedrocks of American political discourse since the nation’s inception.

And therein, as they say, lies the rub.

Far-left progressives have a tendency to eschew political debate, preferring instead to silence their political opponents. The root of the issue is not hard to discern.

It is fear.

Progressives who support, and engage in, censorship do so because they are afraid. They fear that their ideas will not stand up to scrutiny. They worry that they will fail to persuade Americans to embrace their Marxist utopian ideals. People who push back make it more difficult for people on the far left to convince the rest of the country to join up with their cause.

They are afraid of conservatives.

When you see videos of leftists who are clearly filled with hatred of people on the right, you are seeing people who are afraid. When progressives justify censoring of  conservative voices, you see hate on the surface, but it is fear that is driving that hate.

The fact that progressives are afraid of more Americans being exposed to views that contradict their own reveals something they would rather we didn’t know: their hold on the culture is not absolute. The far-left is not invulnerable to attack. In fact, their fear demonstrates a serious lack of confidence in the validity of their ideas and their ability to persuade most of the American public to espouse them.

The advent of alternative media avenues like social media, internet television, YouTube, and other platforms has allowed conservatives to undermine the overall influence of the corporate press. Establishment media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and others no longer have the ability to determine what voices America hears. This is why they are cracking down on conservative opinions most recently on social media.

However, this does not mean they will win. Indeed, the fact that they are afraid shows that we can defeat them as long as we continue finding ways to work around their attempts to silence us. The only way we can lose is if we stop fighting.

1 thought on “Big Tech/Big News: “We Will Stop Conservative Speech!””

  1. bs”d Gagging. Gagging is the first step in working violence on someone; once they can’t cry for help, then they can be snuffed. After all, some unelected representatives at the Rio and later intenational conferences, hailing from over 160 countries, signed their approval (on the behalf of the rest of us who did not elect them and did not know that they were signing nor what they were signing) to work towards a 500M total population count (requiring some snuffs in a world of 7.8B) and the global officials are at this point quite worried that the depopulation program is behind schedule. Those who want to continue in the physical existence, anywhere that the globalists can find them, need to watch their backs.

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