Critical Time to “Know” What is Going on Under our Noses

Yesterday, TNN presented a story penned by NBC writers alleging the President has not and is not participating in the daily President Daily Briefing (PDB) presented to him in the Oval Office by Intelligence officials. That story, along with others already presented by various media sources along with new videos and stories being released daily, proves exactly what the Media is doing. They have weaponized their reporting and have launched an aggressive and coordinated attack on the President to lay a foundation for his impeachment. This impeachment will be to show he is inept as a leader during a crisis (Coronavirus) and is oblivious to the essential issues presented daily to every president by intelligence officials to keep the President informed of the critical intelligence information necessary to keep America safe.

What the Mainstream Media do not realize is that there are those in the U.S. that are on to their methods. They have perfected the process of creating false news and information inserted in stories that they present to America as not just factual, but give “sources” for the information they provide to us all. The problem is, there are NEVER any sources! But we’re told in each case there ARE sources.

Today we will unpack their process so that from today forward, YOU will be able to discern what’s real and what’s fake in every media report you hear, read, or see. Let’s get going.

The Plan

Here’s how the process has started. NBC “seeded” the first story. Then MSNBC followed up. CNN has not engaged yet, but you can be confident they will join the NBC networks, the New York Times, Washington Post, and other news outlets in short order. Here’s the first “shot” fired by NBC on Tuesday with the PDB fiasco:

“U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Donald Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials. The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.”

The important nugget from those two sentences is this phrase: “according to current and former officials.” They named not a single source. If this was a credible news story that originated from real sources, they would be named. There was no source. Let’s continue.

“…But the alarms appear to have failed to register with the president, who routinely skips reading the PDB and has at times shown little patience even for the oral summary he now takes two or three times per week, according to the officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified material.

There is not a single person who works in the White House — especially someone who participates in intelligence briefings — that would risk not only a job, but a family and freedom to speak to a news outlet revealing classified information. We all know how the whistleblower program works. We’ve watched as it’s been used and abused in intelligence dissemination in the last year. If such a person was so concerned with the President’s action and felt the world should know about it, that person would never arbitrarily commit professional suicide by talking to NBC, they’d file a legal whistlblower complaint. Anytime a news story lists “anonymous sources,” be assured there is no source.

It’s odd that NBC then quickly left their antagonistic attacks on Mr. Trump and inserted a reply from “a White House Spokesman:” A White House spokesman disputed the characterization that Trump was slow to respond to the virus threat. “President Trump rose to fight this crisis head-on by taking early, aggressive historic action to protect the health, wealth and well-being of the American people,” said the spokesman, Hogan Gidley. “We will get through this difficult time and defeat this virus because of his decisive leadership.”

Quoting a legitimate member of the Administration even though it’s a denial of the purported claims made by that “anonymous” source is used purposely to frame the story as truthful and legitimate. It is anything but that.

Fast forward to Tuesday on Morning Joe on MSNBC. Joe and Mika pick up the “Denigrate Trump for claiming his dismissal of intelligence warnings about Coronavirus,” by first quoting stories from the past that include quotes from “three people.” While they make their claims on camera, on the screen behind are headlines from the New York Times and Washington Post with headlines that parrot the claims they are making. Their sources? Three people, none of who were named in the previous stories from which they quote, nor are they called in THIS report. Then Mika and Joe pass the mike to their White House correspondent. Her statement is SO vital in exposing these network tactics you must listen to it (1:44 in length):  

There it is again: “We’ve talked to people, members of his intelligence team…” NO names, NO titles, and made to sound as if members of the President’s National Security Office just run out on the street hunting down reporters to tattle on the President!

Here’s the Golden Rule of “real” reporting: If there is a real source for a story and within the story is a qualification of the truth in that story that mentions a source, that source is ALWAYS named. Yes, there are times when there are legitimate reasons sources are not named. But in those cases, the purpose(s) for their anonymity is ALWAYS included as an explanation for the unnamed source.

The Evil Web they Spin

The process of which you just saw Part A can and often does go much further. The creators of these specific fake stories know that Americans will almost always assume when a newsperson or writer quotes a source, “it must be true.” And news producers, writers, and editors have often weaponized that fact to use against political opponents: in this case, the President.

Is there a Part B and Part C and so on? Absolutely! This is only the tip of the iceberg. Now, they just begin the game of “Pass the Cake.”

The “Cake” is the fake story that was created at NBC. What NBC did in the Tuesday story was lay the groundwork to show Americans this president is so inept he cannot digest facts presented in his daily intelligence briefings. NBC passed the Cake to its little sister, MSNBC. MSNBC then added to the Cake they received from NBC (remember those two newspaper headlines behind Mika and Joe: the Washington Post and New York Times). Mika and Joe quoted additional “anonymous” sources while stating they had confirmed the facts in their story. Who established the facts in that story to Mika, Joe, and the White House reporter? NBC is the source for the original story and therefore added the “factualness” necessary for any other news outlet to quote the story stating, “sources confirmed…”


Watch and see how this story grows. It morphed into an even larger and more referenced account during the day Tuesday!

There are two things you need to understand before we finish this today. They are the keys to recognizing truth and untruths in ALL news reporting — especially when about President Trump:

  1.  Anytime a negative story is presented about someone, and a critical part of the story is to denigrate the subject, it will usually name a source. If that named source is not a person but instead an “unnamed” or “anonymous” or “confidential” reference in the story, there is no real source. Credible news outlets will not allow such stories to be published. If the story is factual and mentions sources, it will always name the source;
  2. In this chain of fake reporting, there is always an originator. Once that story is published, another news outlet will rewrite the story, post the story with a disclaimer that states: “Sources have confirmed….” Remember: the only story source is the news outlet that published the story. They then become the “source that has confirmed…” The third reprint of the story will then replace the old disclaimer with a new one that states: “Multiple sources have confirmed…”

This may seem infantile to you. In reality, it is the worst form of lying known to Mankind. It is weaponized to not only hurt the subject of the story but to use that false narrative created to destroy whatever that story subject has done well, which the news source — the REAL news source, the one that created the original story — designed to destroy the subject.

Using that logic, one can surmise that NBC and MSNBC created very deftly and professionally a story that includes all of the real journalistic methodology used in professional reporting. But they didn’t stop there. They had to keep going. Why? In this case, President Trump is guilty of none of what the NBC story alleged! You and I both know if there were one shred of fact in their allegations, proof of it would have long ago been plastered across every newspaper and be a lead story in every news broadcast around the world.

The anti-Trump, hate-Trump media have launched a well-planned and devised an attack on President Donald J. Trump. I am as confident as it is possible that this is an orchestrated plan put in place by Democrat Party operatives to be the groundstone of the next impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

To that end, this story will undoubtedly grow. But there are dozens of others that have been passed around like seed to various news outlets to systematically publish story after story with one and only one purpose: build a case to bring Trump up on charges of being incapable of fulfilling the role necessary for any President to fill.


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