Election 2024: How To Vote Like Jesus

Josh Howerton is the Pastor of a large church in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. He’s done something that most church pastors refuse to do: He preached a sermon telling his attendees how and why they should vote. However, he didn’t stop there. Pastor Howerton also told his parishioners who they should vote for!

I watched and listened to it in its entirety. I was amazed at what he did: not that he preached a good sermon, but that he dared to give factual truths from the Bible that make clear Christians SHOULD vote.

If you’re a Christian, this sermon is one for the ages. I highly suggest you listen to it from beginning to end and share it on your social media pages!

Every Christian needs to see this sermon BEFORE November 5th!

PLEASE: Comment and let us all know how you feel about this!

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