FBI Whistleblower “Blows The Whistle” on January 6 With “TNN Live!” Investigative Journalist Steve Baker

Our weekly partner on “TNN Live!” every Tuesday, Steve Baker, has been spending copious amounts of time in Washington D.C. (and elsewhere) digging for REAL “facts” regarding all things January 6 happenings. Needless to say, the facts of that day are far from those stated repeatedly by Democrats in Congress and their media lapdogs.

In this quest, Steve was reached-out to by an FBI Whistleblower also named “Steve.” This very brave man sat down with Steve to discuss what happened in his own words. Steve graciously provided this video to TruthNewsNetwork. Please watch and let us know your thoughts with your comments.

Wow! Often regarding operations in our federal government are NOT as presented to the general public. As you saw in the above video, things are very serious. These revelations re-enforce what we all are watching our government surreptitiously take our government away from us. Daily, we are seeing our government cease to be: “Government, of the PEOPLE, By the PEOPLE, and For the PEOPLE.” Instead, the government itself is changing to become: “Government of the PEOPLE, By the GOVERNMENT, and For the GOVERNMENT.”

How much of your freedom and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights are you willing to give up?

2 thoughts on “FBI Whistleblower “Blows The Whistle” on January 6 With “TNN Live!” Investigative Journalist Steve Baker”

  1. Jade Sacker accompanied John Sullivan into the Capitol building. Sacker claims to be a journalist.

    She appears to not have been arrested by the FBI, yet Steven Baker has been arrested for doing the same as Sacker. Baker is a journalist and filmed inside the Capitol building.

    Is Jade Sacker getting special treatment ? If yes, then there is no equal justice under the law during the Biden Administration.

  2. Agreed and I would be willing to bet Nancy Pelosi’s Net Worth that Jade Sack is a registered Democrat!! JS

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