Fear and Loathing

FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS ‘72 is a book written by Hunter Thomson. It was a sequel to the original, “FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS.”

The  ‘72 book focuses almost exclusively on the Democrat Party’s primaries and the breakdown of the party as it split between the different candidates. Of particular focus was the manic maneuvering of the George McGovern campaign during the Miami convention as they sought to ensure the Democrat nomination despite attempts by the Hubert Humphrey campaign and other candidates to block McGovern.

Thompson began his coverage of the campaign in December 1971, just as the race toward the primaries was beginning, from a rented apartment in Washington, D.C. Over the next 12 months, in great detail, he covered every aspect of the campaign, from the smallest rally to the raucous conventions.

The War

It is uncanny the many parallels between the 1972 election and the upcoming 2020 election as Dems already at 20 in number have begun what is already a vicious battle for the Democrat Party spot to face-off against Donald Trump. Each of the already declared Dem hopefuls certainly dreads that the tactics used against McGovern in 1972 and similarly in 2016 against Bernie Sanders to make certain he would not take the party nomination away from Hillary might reappear in 2020. But stranger things have happened.

There already is a war of agreement between the declared Democrat candidates. Their war? It’s against capitalism and all who stand for it — especially Donald Trump. A large part of the Democrat Party actually has been brainwashed to some mystical magic in Socialism. Those people are fearful that capitalism will remain in the U.S. It’s funny: every GOOD thing we have in America is a direct result of capitalism and its opportunities for all. Socialism? There’s no example in World history of Socialism EVER surviving. Why? To quote former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: “Socialism always fails because you eventually run out of other people’s money to spend.”

That being said, the skeletal pieces of the Democrat Party platform are so outlandish (at least so far to most Americans) it remains to be seen when the internal attacks among these candidates that are certain to show up during their primaries will begin. But there is plenty of ammunition they can use.


There certainly was fear in 1972 among Democrats. Half of Democrats feared McGovern winning their nomination and the other half were afraid of Humphrey doing so. The loathing was divided the same way. It had been quite a while that Dems were split and so divided. Remember: they had been through a glorious decade that began with the installation of “Camelot” at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. JFK’s personal magnetism and populist message united Democrats in a way unseen decades. His tragic death left a massive hole that none could plug until Bill Clinton.

Clinton put Democrat fears to rest for a while. Democrats seized the opportunity for power. Clinton led the takeover of the American government while conservatives slept in America. By the time George W. Bush took the oath of office, Democrats had transformed every government agency in D.C. to operate simply as a tool for Democrat leaders. The tool used to seize benign support was the hunger by those politicos to be invited “in” to partake of the freebies of unimaginable magnitude that accompanies unfettered power and control of every part of U.S. government. I’ve often wondered why the Democrats so adore Bill Clinton, especially with the plethora of examples of corruption during his 8 years. He created and implemented the methodology that literally took the U.S. government control away from “we the People” and gave it to the leaders of the Democrat Party. Probably 95% of the middle class that are members of the Democrat Party have no idea how that other 5% use hundreds of processes created by their hero and his minions in the 90s to stealthily take control of our government. It’s so bad today that the only thing left for the American people is the right to vote. And Dems have watered down what our vote means or if it means anything at all. And to regain all the power they lost they desperately fight to eliminate the electoral college which is the only protection from the government the American voters still “own.”

Democrats fear American conservatives and conservatism itself. Why? Those Americans and conservatism are the only 2 things that can “steal” back that power that Democrats have “stolen” from Americans. They fear the truth that they see and hear from Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, FOX News, Breitbart, Bongino, and the few conservative newspapers in the country that are believed by Americans who went to sleep regarding the political process 20 years ago. They fear the Truth! They fear that the sleeping giant of “government, by, of, and for the People” will awaken Americans to the sneaky giant of Big Government who has already wrestled D.C. power away and has initiated an all-out war to hold onto it.

Leftists fear Donald Trump. Why? Not one national politician in recent history has ever won a presidency and given to the American public what they promised during their campaigns: Democrat OR Republican! Donald Trump is the first since Reagan. And they are scared to death of the wins during the young Trump presidency that includes his campaign promises.

How could their missionary appointed to send Trump packing using the fake Steele Dossier as evidence of Trump colluding with Russians in 2016 fail in that one simple task? How could Mueller with an unlimited budget, staff, and access to all things Donald Trump fail to find enough evidence against Trump to jumpstart Impeachment? They are so afraid that their determination was to simply ignore their hero’s findings of “No there-there” and decided to just pick up the mantle of “dumping Trump” themselves, and with their newfound control of the House investigate everything and everybody that has any Trump connections into oblivion!

That’s how fearful they all are.


Loathing defined: “extreme disgust: detestation, aversion, disgust, distaste, horror, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion.”

We’d be here all night if we listed everything and everybody Democrats loathe. Let’s just bullet point a few.

Democrats Loath:

  • President Donald Trump.
  • Everyone who works for the President.
  • Every member of his family.
  • Attorney General William Barr.
  • Republican leadership in the House and the Senate.
  • Every elected Republican or Conservative in Congress.
  • FOX News and every other honest news reporting entity.
  • Republican National Committee.
  • The “Rule of Law.”
  • Equal Justice Under the Law.
  • The U.S. Constitution.
  • The electoral college.
  • National Borders.
  • U.S. Immigration in its entirety.
  • ICE and all those who work within ICE.
  • Immigration Laws.
  • Campaign finance laws.
  • Tax Reductions on corporations and Americans personally

What do Liberals (Democrats) loathe the most? Americans who voted for and support Donald Trump.

Here’s where they are headed. They certainly have very obviously shown their total rejection of the findings of their “darling” Robert Mueller. Their fear and loathing just launched their processes of “going after all things Trump” into a Part 2. Oh, they’re going to impeach this president. We at TruthNewsNetwork have maintained that since the day the Mueller probe was announced. After all, Donald Trump has attacked their gravy train of unadulterated power. And the one tool that Trump has used to bring success in that process is something that horrifies Democrats and liberals who are even farther Left than Dems: Totalitarianists. And remember that those Far-Leftists are pushing the Democrat Party farther left than it has ever been in American history.

How will they get to impeachment if Mueller found no collusion and no obstruction of justice? In closing, rather than us giving you our summary and answer that question, let’s turn to one of the ringleaders of the process of “dumping Trump,” Representative Jerold Nadler (D-NY) who is Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. That’s where (if Democrats do launch formal impeachment actions) Articles of Impeachment must be created. Listen closely to what he says in this conversation with ABC’s George Stephanopolous:

Nadler, an attorney who NEVER practiced law after he got his law degree in New York, who has been a politician his whole life, who in this interview in error calls Robert Mueller Special “Prosecutor” rather than “Counsel,” which is what Mueller was, will ultimately drive the impeachment train of Congress to perpetuate this dark chapter in American history, which is the largest and most obvious attempt by one large group of people to overturn the results of a legal and just election of an American president without a shred of evidence supporting their doing so.


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