Get a Live Two-Hour Show; Get a Full Article Each Day

Today marks the beginning of a new format for presenting you our Monday through Friday live show along with a written story each day. Here’s how it will work:

  • Early each morning you’ll continue to get an email with a reminder of the TNN Live show at 9:00-11:00 AM (Central) with teases of content.
  • At 9:00 sharp we begin the live show.
  • At 11:00 simultaneously with the show ending, our daily full story complete with videos, audios, pictures and finalized details from our daily show will go live in written form on the website.

Why are we doing this? To make sure all of our partners who may not be in positions to allow them to listen to the show to never miss at least the skeleton of the show — as much of two hours as we can put in our article. We’re doing everything we can do to keep you informed with the latest truth we can find regarding everything that is important to you!

Do yourself and us a favor and set a reminder on your Apple Watch to get to your computer or device for TNN Live today at 9:00 AM Central. We’ve got the latest on everything pertinent to your day: from Coronavirus to politics, to medicine, and even our deep-dive into China and how that nation plays into the puzzle of where we are today.

And our complete story for the day goes live at 11:00 AM sharp.

Thanks for being here at!

4 thoughts on “Get a Live Two-Hour Show; Get a Full Article Each Day”

  1. Donna K Hardin

    Yes, sometimes, I’m not where I can listen…love the idea of the recap! thanks again, for all you do!

  2. i have been checking every day to listen to radio show but its not working what should i do this is impotent to me please help

    1. So sorry for your difficulty. I sent you a private email with step-by-step instructions how to join the live broadcast each weekday. Please know that right now the two-hour show is LIVE only — no replays of the show available yet. We hope to have that feature activated by the end of this coming week.

      Thanks again for being here!


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