Glaring Secret Service Incompetence Or An Inside Job?

I love talking about the Kennedy assassination. The reason I do is because I’m fascinated by it. I’m fascinated that our government could lie to us so blatantly, so obviously, for so long, and we do absolutely nothing about it. Bill Hicks – Comedian who died at 32 of pancreatic cancer.

The important thing to know about an assassination or an attempted assassination is not who fired the shot but who paid for the bullet. Eric Ambler – English author of thrillers.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.  George Orwell

In 1975, a Senate committee headed by Frank Church found that the [Central Intelligence] Agency had planned a number of assassination operations, using everything from poison to machine guns and sometimes mob hit men.  Jim Garrison

Jim Garrison was absolutely right.  When Mike Pompeo was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, he planned to kidnap and poison Julian Assange, a totally illegal and unconstitutional act by the CIA.

Assange had been given information that Samsung TVs were able to listen in to private conversations in homes when the TV was allegedly off. CIA agents then listened to recordings.  Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed was published by Wikileaks on March 7, 2017.  Not a good thing for the CIA.  Years back, a gal at our church whose son worked for Samsung told her this was true.

Julian was already the target of investigations by the CIA, the FBI, and the Departments of Defense, Justice, and State over his publication in 2010 of the government’s own communications proving its culpability in war crimes.  Wikileaks’ unedited gun-camera video released on July 12, 2007, shows two Reuters journalists and numerous Iraqis killed by fire from an American chopper.  It was a video called “Collateral Murder.”

Yahoo! News investigation reporter, Mike Isikoff, told Democracy Now that Mike Pompeo was in a frenzy over the Vault 7 leak. Code-named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.  This happened on Pompeo’s watch and his campaign against Assange went into overdrive.

Pompeo defined Wikileaks as a hostile intelligence service rather than what it was…a publisher.  The CIA planned to work with the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to prepare a kidnapping and possible poisoning of Assange.  Fortunately, Pompeo failed, and Assange is home in Australia after being released from London’s Belmarsh prison, where he spent nearly five years in solitary confinement.

So, why wouldn’t the CIA plot and carry out other assassinations?  Robert Kennedy Jr. is convinced his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was murdered by the CIA.

Video here:

It’s been 61 years, and we still don’t have the documents on the JFK murder.  CIA Director Mike Pompeo convinced President Trump to once again withhold the information from the American public. Why?

Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics wrote about the Secret Service (SS) and how bodyguards have a history of assassinating heads of state.  President Nixon refused SS agents. He had threatened the CIA by telling them he knew who killed Kennedy.  Deep State intel set Nixon up for the fall and got rid of him, just like the FBI got rid of General Mike Flynn with the help of Pence and Priebus.

In Leo Hohmann’s recent Substack article, he exposed the truth regarding the targets of assassins.  “The three-letter agencies will not hesitate to use assassination at home or abroad against anti-war politicians who buck the system, which was designed to empower the military-industrial complex.”

Mike Pompeo wanted to poison Julian Assange. What did he do to deserve 12 years in prison? He had the nerve to defy by publishing an enormous amount of “classified” — that is to say hidden — data, in Wikileaks, given to him by government-employed whistleblowers.

Assassination Attempt

Sean Davis of the Federalist writes, “Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived, and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.

The Federalist’s Joy Pullmann writes, Any Assassination Investigation That Includes Merrick Garland Or Chris Wray Is A Coverup.

“They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.”

None of the leftist mainstream media units had covered Trump rallies before.  Did they get inside info like CNN gets on early morning raids so they could set up and capture the bloody assassination?  Remember the early morning raid on Roger Stone, the Manafort raid, the Mar-a-Lago raid?  Surely, no FBI agent would call the media, would they?

The Heritage Foundation, same group behind Project 2025, has begun investigating some suspicious activity related to Thomas Matthew Crooks, Trump’s would-be assassin, using readily available cell-phone tracking technology. The initiative falls within the Oversight Project division.  Who knew they had this division?

Investigative journalist Steve Baker told Blaze News that cell phones are trackable by just about everyone, and attempted assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks seems to have had a link to Washington, DC. Meanwhile, agents on the scene are under a gag order for anything surrounding the Trump assassination attempt.

The Stalinist Democrats have done everything they can think of to destroy Donald J. Trump, so now they’ve put him in the “bullseye.”  As my friend Cherie Zaslawsky stated in her recent article, “The coincidences and anomalies are rife, but history tells us the investigation is bound to be pro forma. The FBI, essentially investigating itself, will find what they’ve already told us: ‘The FBI is treating the incident as a lone-wolf attack and is investigating it as a possible case of domestic terrorism.’ We’ve heard that song before.”

Senator Ron Johnson must have a fabulous team because he is the only member of Congress who exposed the COVID hospital protocols and the COVID injections. He is now exposing the truth about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13th.

The senator is sharing this information with the public to be transparent and to ensure that all entities examining the assassination attempt are equipped with this information. The five preliminary findings are listed below:

  1. Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024;
  2. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed, and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with the Secret Service;
  3. Local law enforcement notified command about Crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that the Secret Service was aware of the notification;
  4. Following the shooting, the Secret Service was seen on the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition; and
  5. Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement. 

Here is a full explanation of the senator’s preliminary findings, a timeline of significant events reported to the senator’s office, and unanswered questions.

There were ten shots fired, eight allegedly from Crooks, with a blast of three and then a blast of five.  Next was a shot allegedly fired by a police officer toward Crooks, who stopped firing and was then taken out by a tenth shot.

However, several audio forensics reports tell us that the second five shots were from another firearm.

The modus operandi of all assassination attempts since November 23, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, are explained in the following short video by John Judge.  Watch it as he documents the evidence of two shooters in the Reagan assassination attempt on March 30, 1981.


Laura Loomer delved into who owns the AGR building Crooks shot from and reported the following on the Thread Reader app:

“The building is owned by Clayton, Dubilier, and Rice (CD&R) subsidiary called INDICOR.  Joseph L. Rice III is the Founder of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Rice is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he is also a member of the Brookings Institution, the same Brookings institute that has perpetuated lawfare campaigns against President Trump in an effort to keep him off the ballot for the 2024 Presidential election.

“Roberto Quarta is the Chairman of the Private Equity group (CD&R) that owns Indicor/AGR. His photo is listed on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website.”

The connections in Loomer’s research include Obama and the Chinese Communist Party.

Massive Failures

Congress should have access to the SS, the FBI, and the ATF. In interviews, Senators are getting the same old double talk…” We’ll get back to you on that” and “It’s an ongoing investigation.”

No answers are forthcoming.

No one would talk to them except the local police, who said, “We’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”  Another reason the Stalinists want to defund the police, because they want their own federalized national police force, an army of Brown Shirts they can control.

The Pennsylvania swat team revealed they had no contact with the SS before the Trump rally shooting.

Allegedly the SS was spread too thin.  Some of them were at a Jill Biden event, some getting ready for the Republican Convention, and some at a Biden event.  We’ve heard that these were DHS people, not trained SS.  We also know that Obama and his minions, Valerie Jarrett, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Eric Holder, were instrumental in fundamentally changing the entire federal government. The DOJ was the first, but every alphabet soup agency has also been weaponized with cultural Marxism, Critical Theory, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), including the Department of Homeland Security.

Former SS Director Kimberly Cheatle was determined to implement DEI, with 30% of her agents female by 2030. She even signed on a woman who hadn’t passed muster.

One of Kamala Harris’ agents lost her cool and went berserk while guarding Harris at Joint Base Andrews.

In another incident during a Trump rally in North Carolina, an agent left her post to breastfeed her infant.

Short female SS agents cannot carry a 240 lb. president to safety, nor can they cover his entire body, which we plainly saw when Trump held up his fist and cried, Fight, Fight, Fight!  His head was above the SS detail, and he could have easily been shot again.

Incompetence or Inside Job

Erik Prince, former CEO of Blackwater commented, “Clearly the USSS failed at the basics of a secure perimeter and once shots were fired, their extraction was clumsy and left DJT highly exposed to follow on attacks.  It looked like they had never drilled together because those responses should be effectively autonomic.  Will there be accountability?  That’s not the Washington way.”

FBI Director Wray tried to sell the line that Trump was injured by flying shrapnel when we have a photo of the bullet headed for Trump.  In an article on Liberty Nation, Graham Nobel writes, “Those who are peddling theories designed to dilute or distract from the seriousness of this assassination attempt have exposed themselves as fanatics.”

So many failures, such an obvious fiasco or worse yet, a set up to destroy the president the left can’t take down.  There is nothing solid from any of the intel orgs.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Crooks trained at a shooting range where multiple federal agencies train, including the DHS, and he visited the club 43 times including holidays since last year.

Crooks’ father was asked by reporters if there was any statement he’d be willing to share and he answered, “I gotta pee.”  Who are the shooter’s parents, have they been interviewed?  All we know is that they are both social workers.

CNN reported that the SS had Crooks on their radar three hours before the shots rang out.  Huh? Crooks even passed through the magnetometers carrying a rangefinder, used to measure distances when setting up long-range shots.

No communication between DHS members, SS and the Butler police.  That’s why rally goers couldn’t get anyone to realize there was a shooter on the roof with perfect access to Trump.

SS were alerted several times by locals regarding Crooks, yet they did nothing.  Once Crooks was on the roof, the SS again was alerted to a threat on the roof, yet Trump was allowed on stage and the threat wasn’t eliminated.

Crooks and the ladder?  He bought the ladder beforehand but gained access to the roof by climbing on the air conditioning system and hoisting himself up…what?

Richard Goldinger, the District Attorney for Butler County, confirmed that a member of the county’s Emergency Service Unit (ESU), similar to a SWAT team, fired a shot at Crooks that prompted a reaction from the gunman buying time for SS snipers to kill the gunman.

A fired-up Butler Township Police Department cop can be heard seething over the Secret Service’s decision to leave the roof unoccupied — just 130 yards from where Trump was speaking on July 13, according to footage published by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

When questioned by Senator Josh Hawley, the acting SS Director, Robert Rowe, said that the SS site supervisor who signed off on the plans and left the building outside the perimeter unattended by SS, was still investigating the assassination attempt.

What?  The person who was in charge and failed, can’t be questioned because he’s still investigating what went wrong?!  According to Senator Hawley, the agent is a female, which doesn’t matter except the agency cares more about “diversity” than adequate training.  DEI means DIE…and Trump almost did.

Rowe also testified that the agency didn’t cut resources from Trump’s security detail.  However, a whistleblower has now alleged that Rowe “personally directed” agents to be cut from Trump’s protection.

An SS counter-sniper has gone rogue and is predicting another attempt on Trump’s life before November.

Mike Benz, of Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) has stated that they have the affidavit from an SS whistleblower stating that he was instructed to stand down and essentially allow Trump to be assassinated. The SS lied.

In the following four-minute video, Benz rips apart the FBI on their lone gunman claim made the very evening the attack occurred, without any formal investigation!  “The FBI is where evidence goes to die. They are the mop-up men for crimes of the state.”

Video Here:

Crooks’ Body

House leaders, Speaker Johnson and Hakeem Jeffries announced a bipartisan task force investigating the Trump assassination attempt. I had hoped that Navy SEAL Rep. Eli Crane would be appointed along with Clay Higgins as Crane had already been to Butler, Pennsylvania.

Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), a former police captain, requested to see the corpse of the shooter.  The FBI had released the body for cremation only ten days after the shooting. Higgins accused the FBI of “obstruction” stating, “The problem with me not being able to examine the actual body is that I won’t know 100% if the coroner’s report and the autopsy report are accurate. We will actually never know,” wrote Higgins. “Yes, we’ll get the reports and pictures, but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body.”


And to further reinforce that this was always an inside job, just like short sellers, the day before the 9/11 terror attack and right before the Great Financial Crisis, placed enormous bets on said “black swan” events, so too did a financial firm place monster bets against Donald J. Trump Media and Technology Group the day before the assassination attempt.

The firm that took the suspicious and enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT) before the assassination attempt is Austin Private Wealth LLC, majority held by George Soros’ Vanguard and BlackRock. Crooks was in a BlackRock commercial.

On September 18th, Judge Marchan will probably sentence Trump to Riker’s Island for at least a year.  The fraudulent circus of charges brought against our former president was heard in a corrupt court with a Stalinist judge whose daughter made millions off the sham trial.  Should Trump end up in prison, nine House Democrats are working to block his SS protection.

Lord, help us all.




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