“Hypocrite” is spelled “T-R-U-M-P”

January 16, 2018 an Op-ed was posted in my hometown newspaper THE TIMES. It is an example of the thinking of many folks who are either Leftist Liberals or that simply do not diligently research information spilled from national media pundits to garner facts. Actually it is pretty easy to fall into that thinking in today’s age of instant 24/7 news. (I know: a lot of it isn’t news at all!)

I don’t have permission from THE TIMES to reprint this Op-ed, so I’m sharing the link to it. Please take a few moments to read it and read my response below.



My Response to Editorial from Michael C. Baxter, Op-Ed Contributor published by THE TIMES 1/16/18

In his op-ed, Mr. Baxter defined the word hypocrite: “a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.”

There is more than just one definition of the word hypocrite. A second (from the same source Mr. Baxter quoted) was not included in his op-ed: “a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.” I wonder why the overlook of that definition?

Could it be that in his attack on the GOP and the President while defending the Left, he purposely neglected inclusion of the definition that applies specifically to the politically elite? Mr. Baxter portrays the Left as champions of the Middle Class and purveyors of virtue for all who bow at the altar of Political Correctness. He implicates wealthy Americans for greed while ignoring the hypocrisy of Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi. She called the bonuses companies are giving workers because of the Republican tax reform “crumbs,” a term she also used earlier this month to downplay the effects of the law. And the former Democratic Party chief Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz dismissed $1,000 bonuses as “chump change” that won’t be worth much when taxed. Talk about hypocrisy! Do the math: $3 billion (average of $1000 bonus to each of 3 million workers so far) is by no measure “crumbs” or “chump change” – at least not to those 3 million employees. Neither commented on the 300+ companies that — in addition to bonuses — have increased (voluntarily) their starting hourly minimum wage to $15. Mr. Baxter, just who receives these bonuses and wage increases? Primarily middle class families.

Democrats and extreme Leftists are not the only hypocrites in D.C. There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around. In fact, it becomes clearer daily that mainstream politicians of both parties hold the keys to political hypocrisy. It appears their goal in governing is to maintain the status quo to protect a balance of power, no matter the controlling party. With power comes everything politicians want or need – at the expense of voters. Elected officials understand party control changes from cycle to cycle. They seem to carefully keep the changes of party control from impacting the results of their power when the party control pendulum swings Left or Right. Therefore job security is constant – for ALL politicians.

Yes, most taxes in the U.S. are paid by the top 10% of Americans. Mr. Baxter parrots elitist attacks on these taxpayers demanding they are evil and, simply because they have financial success, should be considered villainous and should see much of their wealth confiscated through higher taxes. He demonizes corporations and demands they give ALL their profits to their workers.

Certainly from the few economic opinions he expressed, one can deduce Mr. Baxter is not a believer in entrepreneurship and the free market system that helps sustain the U.S. as the greatest country on Earth. Confiscatory tax law has stifled economic growth the last decade. That growth immediately returned with the election of Donald Trump. It comes from a combination of slashing onerous regulations, massive tax reductions, both that give wealth back to Middle Class Americans. After all, federal revenues do NOT belong to politicians, but to the Americans who pay them. Contrary to Mr. Baxter’s position, Americans know better than politicians what their tax dollars should be spent for. The Trump Administration has simply once again put Americans in charge of their own income.

It might surprise many (and certainly Mr. Baxter) that the $5 Trillion of new growth in value in the Stock Market does not go in the pockets of evil investment bankers and Wall Street brokers. Public corporations are owned by stockholders who invest and expect dividend and profit returns. Who buys these stocks that have gained such amazing value? Investment funds, pension funds, 401K and IRA accounts, insurance companies, bond holders and Middle Class families who put a few bucks away every month to save for college for their kids. Corporate profits go not only to company CEO’s as the Left likes to claim. It ALL goes to stockholders, most of who are Middle Class Americans.

Mr. Baxter and others of his liberal ilk choose to ignore the good that a majority of Americans have experienced economically in 2017. It seems they are afraid of losing control of “their” government. Instead of offering positive solutions to the serious problems facing America like immigration reform, tax reform, and honesty in the U.S. political system, they resort to name calling and blame. Why? To keep their followers in line. They fear the awakening of Americans to the Leftist tyranny that almost stole Capitalism from our nation and ushered in “Socialism Lite.” It was humorous that Mr. Baxter blamed the G.O.P. for the failure of Obamacare – the greatest financial boondoggle in American history. Not a single Republican voted for the failed insurance system. But Mr. Baxter ignored the lies perpetrated on the People by those who forced Americans out of working health policies into government policies that took American healthcare back into the 1920’s. Baxter demonized Republicans for not “fixing” Obamacare.

One can easily dislike President Trump on a personal level. His Queens, NY in-your-face style of negotiation is un-Presidential when compared to styles of previous presidents. But one cannot honestly believe what Mr. Baxter believes about Mr. Trump. Donald Trump has never made a pretense of his morality, beliefs, or principles. Everything he espouses is what he shows publicly to the World daily. Some reject those. But those are the reasons that Mr. Trump last November shocked the World – especially the Democrat AND Republican political elite – by winning an unwinnable election. Middle Class Americans en-masse sent the reality show star to 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue. And he works for them – not political party or campaign contributors or special interests. Americans like that.

Mr. Baxter’s op-ed illustrates the massive fear of Donald Trump shared by political elites throughout the U.S. and around the World. He not only talks about giving the U.S. back to its owners, he is doing so with little or no regard for the desires of the Leftist power brokers who have controlled the U.S. for decades and would STILL be in control if his opponent had won.

Mr. Baxter, there is no need to worry. If a majority of American voters share your beliefs, Mr. Trump will be vacating the White House in a short 3 years. My forecast is not only will he be given a second term, Democrats and many establishment Republicans will be sent packing this November. They will be replaced by those who like Donald Trump believe and live that the U.S. government be “by the People, of the People, and for the People.”

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