IG Comey Report: Damning

In spite of the fact that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a scathing report of fired FBI Director James Comey’s actions as Director, the insolent Comey took a victory lap or two on Twitter. Millions of Americans were shocked that after such an exhaustive and vile report the Department of Justice stated that even though Horowitz made a referral to the DOJ for a criminal prosecution, the DOJ will not prosecute Comey for any of this.

There are many points worth mentioning today — and we will. But first, please take the liberty of downloading and perusing for yourself the Horowitz Report in total:


There are numerous observations that we can make after skimming the lengthy report. Let’s look at a few bullet points:

  • No prosecution. There are several possible explanations for the DOJ declining to indict Comey. First, according to Horowitz, Comey’s sharing memos to the media did not expose classified documents in an unauthorized matter. Prosecuting Comey for those wrongdoings could easily short-circuit possible future prosecution for worse actions (see bullet point below for details). 
  • The “Hillary” factor. 18 U.S. Code 793 (section f) was the law that Comey stated in his press briefing in which he exonerated Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information was violate by Comey himself! It is called the “Gross Negligence” clause in criminal law referencing control of government documents:     “(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, codebook, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer, Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” This is the exact clause referenced in his original notes regarding the Clinton affair in which he edited two words — “gross negligence” — about her handling government communications. Why? Gross negligence is a felony! His exoneration of Hillary meant he had to change the verbiage to NOT indict her.
  • The DOJ. Here is what most legal experts feel is the DOJ reasoning for not prosecuting Comey for these infractions. Horowitz is still to release his report on FISA misdeeds which probably will be more critical to Comey since he signed the first of those launching the Trump investigation of Russian Collusion. Each FISA warrant renewal (and the original) used as a fundamental basis the Steele Dossier which has never been proven to contain truthful information. It has been discovered that Comey misrepresented in the signed FISA that it had been verified when he knew for certain it did not. That in itself would be a felony for swearing in a signed application that information contained had all been verified as an accurate representation of the facts.
  • Comey’s public testimony subsequent to his firing, his several Congressional hearings in which his testimony was in conflict with other testimony he gave as well as that of Andrew McCabe led most to believe he was covering for someone, some group, or himself. He dug a hole with those conflicts. This report did nothing to lead anyone to believe he was an innocent party to wrongdoing in the FBI and Special Counsel’s investigations. But most glaring were his tweets posted immediately after the release of the Horowitz report:

DOJ IG “found no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media.” I don’t need a public apology from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a “sorry we lied about you” would be nice.

His second tweet:

And to all those who’ve spent two years talking about me “going to jail” or being a “liar and a leaker”—ask yourselves why you still trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president.

The Department of Justice Dilemma

It is common practice for a new Justice Department with a new Attorney General in a new administration to walk slowly about prosecuting any members of the outgoing administration. It has happened in U.S. history, but only rarely and only in the cases of egregious wrongdoing of members of the outgoing administration. Attorney General William Barr is at best in a tenuous situation in looking at any wrongdoing of the Obama Administration. Wisely he handed off the DOJ “look-see” for Obama folks’ possible criminal activities to Inspector General Horowitz and Connecticut Federal Prosecutor John Durham. Barr in doing so put some distance between the investigations and his direct staff to thwart the certainty of cries from the Left should any criminal activities be uncovered that would result in criminal referrals. Durham is deep into his investigation as is IG Horowitz in the more expansive investigation of ALL DOJ occurrences regarding the Russia/Trump investigation: FISA warrants that actually started the surveillance process of the Trump Campaign, and subsequent actions by the DOJ and Mueller’s team.

There is plenty more to come in upcoming days as Horowitz wraps up Part 2 of his DOJ/FBI investigation. And no one knows how deep into this matter is Durham. But plenty of issues have been unearthed that are dramatic, telling, and startling about the Obama Department of Justice and the way it operated. Comey’s actions were just the tip of the iceberg.

The fact that an environment could even exist as was obvious in the Obama DOJ and FBI is frightening. That those folks involved created and perpetrated an atmosphere that was lawless, political, and full of people driven not by the enforcement of U.S. laws and legitimately seeking out those who broke those laws, but driven by their own personal and political agendas is unfathomable. And fired FBI Director Comey illustrated some of that disdain for honesty, the rule of law, and the American people in his two tweets shown above that he published just minutes after today’s release by Horowitz. Yes, it is true that the DOJ declined to prosecute him for these infractions. But Comey proved what we at TruthNewsNetwork have felt for almost three years — that Comey is simply a politically partisan hack dead-set from the beginning to take Donald Trump out. And he was nearly successful.

What’s scariest is that not only did Comey skate from possible legal action for these wrongdoings, he is escaping prosecution for the same infractions for which he excused Hillary Clinton! Think about it: a former U.S. Senator, then Secretary of State, then almost elected president of the United States got off scot-free as did those in her campaign who Comey gave unilateral immunity for any of their wrongdoing — all of any wrongdoing even before they were sworn and testified!  By the way, none of them were sworn for any personal testimony, including Hillary. Comey stated her’s was “an interview.”

How does this happen in the Department of Justice in the greatest country on Earth? Will it happen again? And, more importantly, why does the U.S. DOJ let the likes of Hillary and Comey walk away with no accountability for the same actions committed innocently by a U.S. sailor who was thrown in jail?

Don’t forget: General David Petraeus lost his career because a woman with whom he was having an affair was given a file with government information. Petraeus agreed to that to keep from going to prison. Yet Comey lied and lied some more, leaked government information to the press, let Hillary and her staff get away with malfeasance and criminal acts in the dozens, and feels patriotic for doing so.

What has the U.S. government come to? What needs to be done? Can anything be done?

In our summary below, we share some final thoughts. But before that, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) had some thoughts to share to FOX News today immediately following the Horrowitz report release:

Think about General Michael Flynn who is about to be sentenced for misrepresenting the truth to the FBI. Have you heard how that happened? Comey actually bragged about it publicly! Comey said that normally the FBI to interview any White House staff member they must negotiate all the terrms and conditions of such an interview, sometimes for months. He decided to simply send a couple of agents to the White House to interview Flynn. Flynn agreed and talked with them. Even though those FBI agents knew Flynn should have a personal lawyer there for the interview, they did not tell Flynn that! Flynn thought it was just a conversation. Contents of that conversation is what Flynn is facing jail for. He lost his home and all of his retirement just to pay his legal bills for this charade perpetrated by Comey.

The statement about the Horowitz report says it better than anyone else could:


James Comey is a proven liar and leaker.  The Inspector General’s report shows Comey violated the most basic obligations of confidentiality that he owed to the United States Government and to the American people, “in order to achieve a personally desired outcome.” Because Comey shamefully leaked information to the press—in blatant violation of FBI policies—the Nation was forced to endure the baseless politically motivated, two-year witch hunt.  Comey disgraced himself and his office to further a personal political agenda, and this report further confirms that fact.

Is there no justice in the Department of Justice?

Wake up, America. The Deep State is REAL!


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