Let’s Write History — in Advance

I did not post on Monday of this week because I simply wanted the air to clear — the air in MY head.  There has been so much noise resonating in the press for the last four days about some very important issues in America, I really wanted to weigh in.  But the noise has NOT been full of facts, but of vitriolic attacks on everything in the news.  Remember my commitment when I started this blog:  (you can see it in the “Why do I Blog” section)  “I will never write and post a blog or share a podcast simply because ‘I haven’t posted one in a while and people will get upset if I don’t!'”  So I did not post allowing all the stuff in the air to settle.  I don’t think it’s settled, (and don’t think it ever will) but it has quieted a bit.  So I thought, “Why not make some history today by making a few predictions.”  Politically we Americans hear predictions about things everyday that are mostly absurd and are made to serve one purpose:  to ratchet up the rhetoric from those from one political perspective to those of another political perspective.  Seldom do those predictions come true.  And the “predictor” always hopes that Americans will forget who made the forecast in the first place.  I want you to write down these that follow here and know that they all came from me.  If I miss a few, I’ll take the blame.  But if they all pan out, you owe me!

  1. Donald Trump will serve two terms as American President;
  2. Nancy Pelosi will continue as House Speaker until after the 2018 mid-term elections;
  3. In the 2018 mid-term elections, the GOP will hold the House and Senate and gain seats in both;
  4. “Russia-Gate” will go away — for Trump.  It will escalate about Obama ignoring it, but nothing will happen;
  5. Lynch will NOT give Congressional committees any information about any interference by her office to help Hillary Clinton;
  6. The Trump Justice Department will NOT pursue Lynch for any potential wrongdoing;
  7. Mitch McConnell will be replaced as Senate Majority Leader after the 2018 mid-terms;
  8. Chuck Schumer will be replaced as Senate Minority Leader as well;
  9. There will be a major domestic terrorism attack in the U.S. in 2018;
  10. Kim Jung-un will be assassinated.

You must agree I am stepping out on a limb with some of these predictions.  Print them off, copy and paste them somewhere, but hold me to them.  Let’s see how accurate my crystal ball is.

Oh, there’s one prediction I forgot to make:  “The Liberal Mainstream Media will NOT layoff President Trump about any issues (real or perceived or made up by “anonymous” sources) through the end of his Presidency and even beyond.”  (That was a pretty easy prediction!)

1 thought on “Let’s Write History — in Advance”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post. Your thoughts and feelings are needed in this climate of fake news and deceitful reporting. Love you, Dan.

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