Liberals and Conservatives: The Difference

Obviously, there is more than just one difference between liberals and conservatives. But today we are going to drill down to the core and discover the main difference between the two — the one that is the root, the foundation, the essence. Let’s begin with the words.


“of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially: of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives”

For a long time, the Democrat Party in the U.S. considered itself a group of liberals who embodied the characteristics of the definition above. However, in the last decade, Democrats have endeavored to abandon that moniker taking the name Progressives.


A Conservative is recognized by these traits: 1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order. 2. A political philosophy or attitude that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions and opposes the attempt to achieve social change through legislation or publicly funded programs.”

The Republican Party in the U.S. considers itself a group of conservatives who embody the characteristics of the definition above.

What’s the Real Difference?

Let’s begin answering this question by watching this short video or listening to its audio:

I think it is pretty safe to say that the students shown in this video are Liberals. Why? First, because they obviously do not like President Trump or his political actions. Secondly……that’s the REAL difference between liberals and conservatives. We’ll get to that shortly.


Let’s look at the political differences between the Democrat Party and Republican Party

Philosophy      Democrat Party Republican Party
Economic Ideas Minimum wages and progressive taxation, i.e., higher tax rates for higher income brackets. Born out of anti-federalist ideals but evolved over time to favor more government regulation. Believe taxes shouldn’t be increased for anyone (including the wealthy) and that wages should be set by the free market.
Social and human ideas Based on community and social responsibility Based on individual rights and justice
Stance on Military issues Decreased spending Increased spending
Stance on Gay Marriage Support (some Democrats disagree) Oppose (some Republicans disagree)
Stance on Abortion Should remain legal; support Roe v. Wade Should not be legal (with some exceptions); oppose Roe v. Wade
Stance on Death Penalty While support for the death penalty is strong among Democrats, opponents of the death penalty are a substantial fraction of the Democratic base. A large majority of Republicans support the death penalty.
Stance on Taxes Progressive (high-income earners should be taxed at a higher rate). Generally not opposed to raising taxes to fund the government. Tend to favor a “flat tax” (same tax rate regardless of income). Generally opposed to raising taxes.
Stance on Government Regulation Government regulations are needed to protect consumers. Government regulations hinder free market capitalism and job growth.
Healthcare Policy Support universal healthcare; strong support of government involvement in healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid. Generally support Obamacare. Private companies can provide healthcare services more efficiently than government-run programs. Oppose Obamacare provisions like (1) requirement for individuals to buy health insurance or pay a fine, (2) required coverage of contraceptives.
Stance on Immigration There is greater overall support in the Democratic party for a moratorium on deporting – or offering a pathway to citizenship to – certain undocumented immigrants. e.g. those with no criminal record, who have lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Republicans are generally against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. They also oppose President Obama’s executive order that put a moratorium on deporting certain workers. Republicans also fund stronger enforcement actions at the border.

Obviously, the differences between political stances are vast between Liberals and Conservatives. Even though in the above lists each party’s political philosophies are at odds with the other, we still have not answered the question: what is the fundamental difference between Liberals and Conservatives? Let’s keep digging.

Here’s an example of two prominent Democrats — Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY )– talking about both President Trump and Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation process to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Are you seeing a little bit of what the root difference between Liberals and Conservatives might be?

I know, we haven’t given you the root difference between the two. Let’s do that now.

Question: when you hear Rachel Maddow and Chuck Schumer discuss things — ANY things — about President Trump, his agenda, his proposed legislative actions, his many appointments to various posts in his administration, what do you hear besides their words? You hear anger and you hear hatred. That is the commonality among Leftist Liberals in politics today. Although Conservatives are obviously very much at odds with the desires of Liberals as shown above, when they speak of liberal proposals or suggestions in legislation or policies, you seldom hear the same high-pitched anger and hatred.

It boils down to this: Republicans/Conservatives despise liberal ideas and policies and those who espouse them. Democrats/Liberals HATE conservative ideas and policies AND they HATE those who espouse them!

Before you argue with me about this, think for a moment: what Democrat leader in Congress have you seen or heard in any interview driven by policy proposals or any piece of conservative legislation, do so with respect or graciousness or friendliness? There may be a few, but I cannot recall any at this moment.

Yes, Republicans certainly stand against many liberal policy proposals, legislation, and even liberal core ideals, but seldom do you see or hear a conservative leader in Congress demean a Democrat counterpart on Capitol Hill just for believing the way they do.

Why do you think that is?

“Coastal — Potomac Political Elitism”

There is no doubt this term (which I have copyrighted) explains what makes liberals’ heads spin everytime someone mentions Donald Trump’s name in a good light. It matters not the successes in our country — government, and the economy — that Americans are living in today. All that matters is the anger and hatred they share for all things Trump and all things conservative. And their anger and hatred comes from just one place in their hearts: “Coastal — Potomac Political Elitism.”

What is “Coastal — Potomac Political Elitism?”

One who holds themselves out to be “elite” or an “elitist” believes they, their beliefs, their fundamentals, what they do and who they are is better than everyone else who does not feel the same way. They then hold (because of their being better)  that diminishes the credibility and values of those who are NOT of the same elitist ilk: i.e. Republicans/Conservatives.


There certainly are these types of elitists in ALL political parties and in ALL geographic locations in the U.S. But in large, it seems that these Coastal — Potomac Political elites and their elitism is concentrated chiefly in East and West Coast U.S. cities and in Washington D.C. Proof of this is best illustrated by looking at the geographical results of the 2016 Presidential election. California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Massassachusettes, Connecticut, and other coastal states joined the Potomac states and D.C. in supporting Hillary Clinton while most of middle-America voted for President Trump. Why do you think that is?

The vote tallies in the coastal states and D.C. are primarily (or at least significantly) due to this Elitism. But those opposite votes in the flyover states can only be attributed to this one thing: middle-Americans not only recognize the elitism of the majority of the leadership in the Democrat Party, they recognize that these Coastal — Potomac Political Elites have totally lost touch with average Americans, their desires, their needs, AND their differences. And average Americans said a resounding “No” to putting another one in the White House.

Let me make a prediction here: because of this Elitism embraced heretofore en masse by Democrats, and because hundreds of thousands of Democrats are now running away from the Democrat Party, we will see a tsunami backlash against Democrats in the mid-term elections. The House of Representatives and the Senate will pick up seats, increasing the G.O.P. majorities in both Houses.

Have you seen the “Walkaway” Facebook page? There you can find massive numbers of former Democrats giving their reasons for leaving the Democrat Party. And it all boils down to one thing: most Americans are tired of the hatred and anger coming from the Left. They are exhausted at the non-stop hatred spewed at and about President Trump and Conservatism. THEY SEE CONSERVATIVE POLICIES FIXING THE ECONOMY, REDUCE TAXES, REPAIRING BROKEN FOREIGN POLICY CREDIBILITY AND RELATIONSHIPS — all which are key pieces of government that average Americans demand.

I’ll leave this with all my Liberal friends: “Just because you think something’s right doesn’t mean it’s right. And just because you think something’s wrong doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”

You can be right and be wrong, too!


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