Naziism Is Alive in America: And It Has No Color

You probably have not heard of Malcolm Nance. You need to know who he is. You need to know what he’s about. You need to know what he represents.

We’ll get into the specifics of his background in a bit, but what is most important is that he is a radical leftist cloaked in his claims of his patriotism, his belief and “undying support” to the Constitution and that President Trump has ushered a criminal enterprise into the White House.

There’s much we will share with you today and later about Mr. Nance. Why? It’s essential you know just how deep the Deep State is. You need to know how far left some in the Deep State are. You need to know and understand why the likes of those in ANTIFA and other radical left groups somehow find justification for actually attacking the Constitution and what it stands for while they declare they are doing so to PROTECT the Constitution.

Meet Malcolm Nance:

You have now seen and heard Malcolm Nance. He owns a pretty significant pedigree in National Security. And as you just witnessed, he fashions himself to be a Constitutional scholar, a political ethicist, and a narcissist who makes the claims by some of Trump’s alleged narcissism appear laughable. Malcolm Nance is scary. Why?

He has a pulpit — a big one. MSNBC has given it to him. Just knowing that NBC and its political arm are all-in with the Nance message isn’t unusual. But what IS surprising is that NBC’s doing so legitimizes the beliefs of many that Nance makes sense. If what he said in that short interview segment you just witnessed does not awaken you to the “Malcolm Nance reality,” you need to rethink it. Nance is not alone in his thoughts and beliefs. And the results of his messaging could easily loose the dragon of violence in the U.S. — that is really isn’t already walking among us.

Read/listen on.

White supremacist “foot soldiers” perceive President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as “subliminal orders in their head,” warns MSNBC’s national security analyst Malcolm Nance.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Hardball during a segment on the massacres in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, Nance claimed mass shootings in the United States are fueled by far-right, white supremacist ideology by shooters who want to eliminate liberalism.

”I think that we’re finally in for a significant societal change where we’re finally addressing this issue. I wrote a book last year called The Plot to Destroy Democracy, and in one of the chapters, I led off with the massacre of 68 children in Norway by the original white supremacist terrorist who created the concept of this terrorist manifesto — Anders Behring Breivik,” he said. “And he did that because he thought “The Great Replacement” was underway in Norway and that the government was allowing unbridled immigration into that country.”

So in his trial, he said he massacred those children because he wanted to eliminate the next generation of liberal leadership from Norway as a warning,” he continued. “This country has had several of these mass incidents, but I think we’re overdue for a Breivik-style real massacre of a political nature.”

Trump is fostering a culture that facilitates white supremacist terrorists, Nance argued.

“These people feel that they are the foot soldiers and executors of what the disenfranchisement that the white race is feeling, and Donald Trump is giving them subliminal orders in their heads,” he said. “They are no different than the mobilized, self-starting, self-radicalized terrorists of ISIS here in the United States and Europe, who take cars and drive down streets. It’s just that they have a permissive environment in which they can get firearms and go out and attack their perceived enemies.”

While Nance, in conjunction with many Democrat lawmakers and the Lame-stream media establishment, insist Trump’s “racist” rhetoric inspired the mentally ill mass shooters, an abundance of evidence, first reported by conservative media outlets, irrefutably verifies they were leftists – not Trump supporters.

Nance appeared in May of 2019 on AM Joy on MSNBC. Here’s a sample of Nance’s opinions about President Trump and those in his administration:

MALCOLM NANCE: This administration is completely and wholly a corrupt criminal enterprise now. You have the Attorney General of the United States acting as a hit man for the President of the United States, not looking out for the interests of the people of the United States, and laws now no longer matter. I’ve dedicated every second of my life to defend this nation. I love and believe in the Constitution of the United States. My country is now under attack by the President of the United States. Who will stand for it? Who in our own Congress is wanting to negotiate with him, right? Their last bit of power is now going to come under 18 months of crushing pressure from a man that is all but in name a dictator. And I would like to hear how we’re going to handle this problem.

You know, I come on here and I try to be nice and calm when I come in, and then I listen to all this analysis and it just brings out the inner patriot in me, and it should in everyone in this country. We have got to stand for our Constitution, we’ve got to stand for our laws, and to say we’re going to negotiate it out, we’re going to create a nice paper trail, that is not fighting for this country. That is not fighting for what we believe, that is not fighting to defend this nation.

So, I think, all these people that write me every day. They need to just blow up the telephone lines on Monday. They need blow up the Twitter, and they need to hold Democrats accountable. Not the Republicans, hold the Democrats accountable, and say, this nation and our laws, you will now stand and defend. Because if you don’t them, we may not have them in 18 months. This White House now feels it can do anything. Robert Mueller has now given him permission to believe that he is untouchable. And he is not the Eliot Ness that we all wanted. And if this Congressman comes in here and says okay, we’re going to have this discussion, then that’s what you’re gonna have: you’re going to have a harshly-worded letter in a machine-gun fight.


It’s hard for me to believe there are people who are considered “experts” who espouse such wild and crazy ideas. It’s harder to think that someone like Nance has credibility and credentials sufficient to command a seat on the most significant media stage in world media: New York. It’s mind-boggling to me that Malcolm Nance has tens of thousands of Americans who believe these same things he spouts! But they do. And they live among us.

What’s the fuel for all this? If you stop and look at the world around us today, there is no realistic way to equate what this totalitarian ex-military expert claims about the United States and this government with what is playing out in the lives of Americans every day. It just cannot be reconciled.

For what Nance claims in today’s story to be true even in a small part, tens of millions of Americans must be living in a fog of unseen dementia or are too uninformed or mentally incapable of reason. Most of us live in a world in which we rely on circumstances of life and how they directly impact us: our families, our homes and neighborhoods, our cities in which we live and work, and the extended environment in which we live and function daily.

I suggest that you do an internet search to view exactly what his pedigree is. It’s lengthy. He’s lived and worked in an intelligence and military environment for many years. On the surface, he strikes me as something of a James Bond or at least a Bond wannabe.

I don’t know Malcolm Nance; I just know “about him.” He sounds amazingly intelligent. He speaks clearly and certainly believes what he says. But what scares me is that so did Adolph Hitler!

The United States is undoubtedly the melting pot of those from 100+ nations on Earth. That means it’s the melting pot of those with numerous political and social perspectives. Expressing those through a couple of centuries has resulted in a great part in creating the greatness of our nation. But such creation has been based on respect for the differences of others — differences of all kinds. The success of where we realistically find ourselves today is rooted in those first ten Constitutional amendments that detail the elements of life that “we the people” did NOT relegate to the government but retained for ourselves. It’s those ten that will keep us safe from despots of every kind who attack those with different ideas.

But facts are required for any lasting positive results in a country. Let’s face it: ours is pretty good. No doubt there’s a large amount of tweaking necessarily going on. That’s a good thing. I don’t want to take the streets to start blowing up things and people just because I might disagree with them. It seems like doing so might be a pretty good alternative for Malcolm Nance.


2 thoughts on “Naziism Is Alive in America: And It Has No Color”

  1. Dan, what’s crazy to me is the narrative. They say it likes its truth and I guess believe it! So if you say something long enough it’s must be truth!!! What they claim
    Is happening with Trump is in fact what happens if TOO him not bye him. I do not get how smart people believe this…. #sheep Our country is the strongest it has ever been today and also in the scariest place it has ever been. Civil un-rest / civil war on some level may be coming..

  2. I read a piece about him written by someone who knew him when they both served in the Navy. It seems that the CO considered him persona non grata. Nance was eventually persona non grata by everyone. He couldn’t get a transfer, no one wanted him in their unit or section. There were no details given but as a life long military spouse, he had to have done something or several somethings just shy of court marshal. In other words, dishonorable. He has greatly exaggerated his credentials.

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