
I avoided this topic for obvious reasons. I have never liked soap operas. They seem mushy, unrealistic, and cheesy, to be frank. This is nothing more than another soap opera. But this one plays out on a national stage called the White House. The star of this soap opera is a former reality show star fired several times by another former reality show star who happens to now be President.

I know very little about Omarosa Manigault-Newman — no relation to this writer. The little I DO know about her is nothing more than the spin from the press about her and her idiosyncrasies. I was not an “Apprentice” fan, but even with that I knew a little about her — the media always loves controversy and made her controversial during that show’s run.

Moving from an NBC hit television show to the White House was quite a move for Donald Trump AND Omarosa. The tension between the two on television transitioned to the White House. Everyone thought Mr. Trump and Omarosa kissed and made up. Why else would she get a PR position in his administration? Apparently, if amends were made between the pair, they did not last long.

As one can imagine, the Media has gone bonkers with non-stop factual coverage and, of course, non-stop demonizing of President Trump for not only firing Omarosa but calling her a “dog” in the subsequent back-and-forth initiated by Marigault-Newman. Watch just a fraction of the “Omarosa — noise” and obsession in the Media:

The “Real” Story

There was a “real” firing that should have dominated the news cycle on Tuesday. And it wasn’t the firing of Omarosa by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. It was the firing of FBI agent Peter Strozk. But another FBI firing would not have played well in the anti-Trump 24/7 Mainstream News Media reporting, even if Strozk’s termination is of national security and American justice importance. Omarosa’s termination gave the Media sharks another chance to take shots at the President. And they did.

I will not waste your time discussing Strozk. By now, everyone knows he was the pivotal investigation head of the FBI’s Hillary Clinton private server debacle but was also a key part of Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump Campaign for alleged Russian election collusion. It was with Mueller’s discovery of Strozk’s extreme bias against Trump evidenced by his obsessive string of texts with his girlfriend Lisa Page Mueller pulled the plug on Strozk’s job with his investigative team.

Strozk will probably be remembered most for his bombastic public testimony before Congress in which he brazenly defended his vitriolic political rants with his lover through those texts in which veiled threats were shared against “Candidate” Trump and then “President” Trump after the election. It is more than fair to say both Strozk and Lisa Page were/are adamantly opposed to Donald Trump being President.

Strozk is certainly in the spotlight of the DOJ regarding security clearances, threats against the President, and discussions of conspiracy with others regarding actual plans to stop Trump from winning the election and then “taking him out” after he won.

The “Other” Story

John Brennan. “Oh what a web we weave.”

John Brennan

The former CIA Director who has made himself probably the most ardent opponent of this President lost his security clearance for very obvious reasons: He perjured himself in Congressional testimony twice (with charges for those pending), one of which was regarding CIA hacking Senate computer systems while the Senate was investigating the CIA for wrongdoing. In sworn testimony, Brennan denied such hacking actually happened.

Additionally, that selacious “Steele Dossier” was actually put on public record by Brennan himself. He is the guilty party that brought the Dossier quietly to former Senator Harry Reid who took it to James Comey’s FBI. This happened while Brennan was still CIA Director.

Just yesterday, Brennan in the wake of his crying fowl for the President’s termination of Brennan’s security clearance maintained he knows factually that Trump colluded with Russia.

Think that fact through:

  1.  If while CIA Director Brennan discovered evidence of this happening, he was bound by requirements of his job to bring that evidence to prosecuting authorities — the Department of Justice that would have gladly used that evidence to prosecute Candidate Trump (Loretta Lynch was Attorney General at the time);
  2. If he found evidence of collusion after he left the CIA, he violated security laws by NOT taking it to authorities.

Brennan is not a good person and certainly not an honest person. It’s sad that a person with such drastic character flaws ran the largest foreign intelligence agency on Earth for so long. How could President Obama appoint such a person to that role?


There are a bunch of bad people in this world. How is it that so many seem to have raised their heads and been exposed of late? How is that so many come from the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI? Think about how many there are:

James Comey

Lisa Page

Peter Strozk

John Brennan

James Clapper

Bruce Ohr

Nellie Ohr

Rod Rosenstein

Loretta Lynch

Eric Holder

Susan Rice

And there are plenty more.

It is shocking to know that there are approximately 2 million people in America that have government security clearances! How could that happen? How in the world could that many people have security clearances?

Let’s be honest: there is only one possible justifiable reason for any “former” federal employee or contractor to have such a clearance: if whoever follows them in their post or office needs to consult with them to draw from their knowledge and/or perspective on specific government topics, they would be required to have a security clearance to do so. And getting that clearance takes an inordinate amount of time.

But that simply does not justify so many people having legal access to significant documents and information after leaving their federal positions. I feel strongly that EVERY federal person who has a security clearance of any kind should have that clearance terminated simultaneously with their job departure. In this politically charged foreign and domestic environment, there are far too many opportunities for confidential and top secret information to pass to people who will use it against the United States. The U.S. has had enough of Snowden and Assange passing such information around to our enemies.

But the thing that galls me the most is that guys like Brennan, Comey, and Clapper use their security clearances in the private sector for profit. Yes, such authorizations gives them a leg up in the news world because of their “special” access to inside information that regular folks cannot legally access.

The problem is that all these people listed above are just the type who (for a buck or two) have and will continue doing so unless their clearances are terminated.

My safety is worth that. Is yours?


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