Politics: Lies, Deceptions, And Misplaced Hopes: Part Two

The American Political System: A Complete Failure (Part Two)

We, American citizens, are privileged to live in a free country, at least a country that once was free. Still, unfortunately, too many people in the US believe that living in a ‘free country’ means that everything is free. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing is free; there is a cost associated with every benefit that can be had. The freedom we have in America was purchased at the cost of much bloodshed and sacrifice on the part of those who not only believed that a free society is the best society but who also despised the whole idea of politics as a means of determining who would be best suited to conduct the business of running a moral and ethical government.

How do I know they despised politics? Just read their declarations and rhetoric when they were determining what the new government would look like and how it would be administered. They had fled from a system in England that was ruled from the top down and left little for those at the bottom other than a life of empty promises and pseudo-slavery.

And though most of them were of the same mind, there were those who truly doubted that a free society could remain so for an extended time, e.g. Ben Franklin. Their idea of a free society was one that allowed each state within the ‘union of states to be free and sovereign and completely separated from an extremely limited federal government whose main role was to protect the borders of the nation and levy such taxes as might be needed to perform those limited functions.

However, it did not take very long for the fears of some of the Founders to become reality. A constitutional republic soon degenerated into a democracy, and most of the Founders knew that a democracy either implodes and disappears from the world scene or turns into a full-blown tyrannical state.

The Misplaced Hope

The human desire for power is anti-God and the antichrist. But what fuels that desire and causes it to win control over any godly and Christlike characteristics? In many cases, the fuel is the greed upon which the practice of politics is based. That satanic process provides the politician with monetary rewards, reinforces the control factor, and stokes natural human greediness. In addition to the monetary rewards, power is added to the mix, making the politician feel as though he is something very important, even special, something the world needs and cannot live without. When all these ingredients are added together, the result is pride, and the two evil twins, power and pride, can totally engulf a person’s being and turn him from a seemingly good person into a complete monster.

There was a time when members of the US Congress were held accountable for their actions by their constituents. They knew, based on historical records, that when they were not doing their jobs as true representatives of the people, they would be called up short when their terms were up, and they were vying for reelection. That ‘calling up short’ would send them back to their home states as private citizens. In a sense, they were true employees of the American people, and their employees could be terminated by those same citizens.

Those days are now gone, and the representatives no longer consider themselves to be employees of the people. Their measly $174,000 yearly salaries pale in comparison to the huge compensations (in some cases totaling in the millions of dollars) they receive from their “true employers,” the globalist bankers who now control every government on earth, especially the current one in DC. Those massive amounts of “under the table” dirty money are used at the discretion of politicians and their parties (all of them) to buy as many votes as are needed to determine the outcome of ANY election, thereby keeping them, both Democrats and Republicans, in office.

There are multiple calls from many people on the conservative side of politics when trying to get the conservative voice heard in Congress, urging us to Contact your congressional representatives to encourage them to listen to your ideas and thoughts on certain legislation and ultimately to get them to change their minds.

But in reality, the voters do NOT have the ear of a politician. Rather these politicians no longer consider themselves to be employees of the people but are wholly owned by their globalist masters, the ones who provide the rewards that shut their eyes and ears to any voices but those of their masters. So why should any sitting congressman/congresswoman or senator even consider listening to their constituents? That is NOT a rhetorical question, and I WILL provide the answer: THEY DON’T.

According to God and His word, a human being is a “triune” being, meaning he/she IS a spirit, HAS a soul, and LIVES in a body. The soul of a man consists of the mind, the will, and the emotions and is the center of man’s conscience, the mechanism, guided by the spirit of a man, that differentiates between what is right and good and what is wrong and evil; this faculty allows him to make right and proper decisions that affect his life. In politics, the value of the soul is often cast aside and sold to the highest bidder, Satan.

The term “To sell one’s soul to the devil” is defined by The Free Dictionary as “To abandon one’s values or morals in return for some highly desired benefit, typically success, power, wealth, etc.” The historical reference to this idiom is: to do or be willing to do anything, no matter how wrong, in order to achieve your objective.The reference here is to a contract supposedly made with the devil by certain people: in return for granting them all their desires in this life, the devil would receive their souls for all eternity.

Those who have actually made the decision to accept a reward from Satan in exchange for their souls have damned their souls to hell and are way beyond “changing their minds.” They have consciously given up any moral values they may have previously possessed in order to receive something they deem to be more valuable than their souls. In effect, they have seared their consciences, and those who, according to the Bible, have seared consciences (1 Timothy 4:2) are beyond making any decisions that will benefit anyone other than themselves.

Politicians with seared consciences, who have given up their moral values in order to receive their desired rewards from Satan, are not good candidates to waste words on, trying to get them to change their minds; their minds are already made up, and they will continue on their evil paths until they die. When a group of elected representatives has a majority of members who are in the ‘seared conscience’ state, nothing can be expected of them but lies and deception. Because of their alignment with Satan and his evil ways, they have eternally separated themselves from God and truth, so the truth cannot ever be expected to come from them.


Hope, when placed correctly, is a wonderful thing. It gives one a positive look into the future and expects the best possible outcome. Children are wonderful to watch when they have expressed their hopes to an authority with strong moral values for something they fervently desire.

However, when hope is misplaced, the result is not only disappointing, but for some, it can be devastating. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” This scripture concerning hope properly placed is saying that faith in the proper authority will bring about the things hoped for. But what about the hope that is misplaced?

In politics, citizens are somewhat at the mercy of those in authority in the government, those who so easily make promises to their constituents. If history could prove that the politicians who make promises always follow through and keep them, I would heartily endorse placing some level of hope for a better government in the actions of politicians.

But as the title of this article states, Politics is about Lies, Deception, and Misplaced Hope. Anyone who still believes that politicians are intent on keeping their political promises is suffering from a bad case of “Misplaced Hope” (compare to delusion). One politician from the past stated the truth perfectly: “For those looking for security, be forewarned, there is nothing more insecure than a political promise (Harry Browne, Libertarian Party candidate for POTUS, 1996 and 2000).

When you see political maneuvering, bloviating, and what seems to be discord and arguments between the Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress, remember that we are only witnesses to what appears to be a war between them. Still, Sun Tsu famously said that “all war is deception.” The maneuvering, arguments, discord, and bloviating are merely deception and lies designed to distract us and keep us from seeing what is transpiring in the shadows where the true evil lives and functions.

I know this will be very difficult for many to hear and accept, but nothing positive ever comes from politics; it never has, and almost nothing good ever comes through any politician.

Most of the politicians in the US government today appear to have sold their souls to Satan and will, in most cases, make all their political decisions exactly as they are commanded. After all, they now answer NOT to the American people but to their true masters, those who have for decades planned the demise of the American way, the end of our freedoms, and the utter destruction of the United States of America.

To repeat, hope, when placed correctly, is a wonderful thing. Still, any hope that a politician, ANY politician, will ever return the US government to a truly representative one, and will Make America Great Again, is a seriously misplaced hope, a delusion.

It is time to wake up and KNOW the truth: Politicians have always sold out those whom they are supposed to represent; the ‘sell out’ continues and, in fact, is worsening day by day. Please, please, PLEASE do NOT place any trust and hope in the promises of a politician. That misplaced hope will not bring any positive results, and you will be disappointed.

The only true hope for anyone is in Jesus Christ!

Blessings! And Maranatha!


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