Really, Really Bad Foreign Policy

Whether it’s the trade dispute with China, his pushing North Korea to get rid of its nukes or his demand that NATO members ante up defense spending to bear more of the NATO burden, Mainstream Media march in step shouting from the rooftops how much danger the Trump foreign policy brings to the U.S. needlessly and how hated we are around the world — even by our allies.

In case “They” — the Media — haven’t noticed, we’re NOT at war and there’s not one pending, our NATO buddies have all promised to pay more of their obligation and some have already paid more, and many leaders of foreign countries have begun to publicly declare their respect for President Trump and in several cases have even complimented him on the American foreign policies he has made.

So how bad or how good is the Trump Foreign Policy? Let’s take a look:

We don’t have to look far. Numerous signs are popping up that the impact of Trump’s policies is far from the disastrous scenario the media predict. By wielding America’s power instead of apologizing for it, and by keeping his focus on jobs and national security, Trump is making progress in fixing the ruinous status quo he inherited.

America First, it turns out, is more than a slogan. It is a road map to reshaping America’s relationship with friend and foe alike.


Let’s start with China. Despite press accusations that Trump risks a global recession with tariffs on Chinese imports, reports are there is growing criticism among the Chinese over how President Xi Jinping is handling Trump. One professor published an essay citing “rising anxiety” and “a degree of panic” about Xi’s attitude toward the President and his traditional totalitarian ways he is using to handle the situation.

According to the New York Times and CNBC, China’s leaders should seriously consider Trump’s push for a balanced trading system. Why the sudden change in trade and trade tariffs with the U.S.? China’s leadership is second-guessing their aggressive stance on trade with the U.S., thinking Xi may be over-estimating the clout China has in trade with us.

I’ve heard for years now that “China in just a few years will surpass the U.S. as boasting the largest economy on Earth.” That has not happened. And it doesn’t appear likely — at least according to current economic trends in both countries.


Turkey’s self-proclaimed leader of the Muslim world — Recep Tayyip Erdoğan — decided he would go toe-to-toe with President by seizing American pastor Andrew Brunson and refusing to release him. Trump’s response?  Sanctions on two Turkish cabinet members and doubled tariffs on steel and aluminum, which sent panic through currency markets. The Turkish lira lost 13 percent of its value against the dollar in one day and inflation stands at a ­estimated 85 percent.

How did Erdagon respond? He urged Turks to exchange gold and other valuables for the lira in hopes of stopping the rout. And the Turkish lira continues to plummet in value. As of a few minutes before the writing of this story, the Lira was trading 6 Liras to 1 US Dollar. That compares to 1 to 1 in 1991. Holders of Turkey’s debt are putting great pressure on Erdagon by demanding payment on that debt while interest rates skyrocket.


Time magazine’s scare claim that the withdrawal would bring instant worldwide upheaval and U.S. destruction (in the President’s words) “Fake News.” Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear accord and the imposition of sanctions aimed at the government and certain industries are adding to the economic pressure on the mullahs. Demonstrations and strikes have focused on inflation, water shortages, and unbelievable corruption. Social media shows everything these days. Some protesters criticize Iran’s involvement in Syria and its support of Hamas in Gaza while ignoring Iranian citizens and the horrible economic conditions at home.

Even before the sanctions, the Iranian rial lost 80 percent of its value against the US dollar and Forbes places Iran’s inflation rate above 200 percent.

Remember when President Obama lifted the Iranian sanctions? When Trump re-levied those sanctions, he said these are just the first step and that a bigger round starts in November. “Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States,” he wrote. “I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!” The President made clear that he wants to talk to Iran’s leaders about a new nuclear deal. The deep and crippling sanctions along with the political upheaval with demonstrations and even some violence are putting severe pressure on the mullahs to come to the table.

And U.S. sanctions on Iran have had results from OTHER countries. Some European companies that rushed to do business in Iran after the nuclear deal was signed are pulling out because they fear being blacklisted by the US Treasury.

The Atlantic magazine said this when comparing Trump’s treatment of Iran to that of North Korea: “Saber rattling followed by summitry.”

U.S. Media went crazy when the President made his harsh demands on fellow NATO members regarding their lack of financial commitment to their stated obligations to be a NATO member. The media made the same charges against President Reagan when he took similar actions in calling out NATO members.

Let’s face facts: only a handful of the other 28 members meet the agreed goal of spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Several European NATO leaders publicly took Trump to task for his demands. But he did not stop. Eventually, most have re-committed to get to their fair share.

As Mainstream reporters do, they ignored the fact that his criticism is bearing fruit. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg credited Trump for pushing a “clear message” that members need to speed up defense hikes. He said Trump’s effort led to higher spending this year.

“Abroad” at Large

One unidentified European Union ambassador told a London newspaper that Trump is “easier to negotiate with” than British Prime Minister Theresa May because Trump is focused on what he wants. You may remember that the British Prime Minister is under serious fire for her handling of Brexit and that the agreed to plan may fall apart. That official said “If this had been a rational discussion like we have with Trump on cars,” a deal might be finished.

Things are actually getting better between the U.S. and Mexico. The new Mexican president even said he hopes he can make things better in dealing with President Trump and that he expects agreements will be worked out on NAFTA and border security.

Things got even rosier between the people of Israel, Jewish people from all around the Globe, and the U.S. when President Trump announced (and then followed through on) the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Nobody may say this but me, but in doing so, President Trump sent a message to Arabs who — in large part because of the dishonesty of the previous administration — realized this President really will do what he says he is going to do. As an example, many previous U.S. presidents announced the need to move the embassy to Jerusalem and even committed to doing so. Trump is the only one that acted.

There are many countries whose leaders are watching the U.S. mid-terms elections closely, knowing that if the balance of power in the Congress shifts to Democrats, it will certainly affect the foreign policy of the Trump Administration. I’ll simply say this in addressing that issue: in the past that was probably true. But America has never had a president quite like Donald Trump. Even if Dems take back the House, I doubt President Trump will quietly fade away into the sunset regarding his governing. I feel strongly he will continue to implement his policies on every front — especially foreign policy — that he has already successfully implemented and that is working for the U.S. in demonstrative fashion.


So the Media are going to operate just like they operate today. Can you imagine how on every Monday morning, (and every other morning of the week) newspaper and magazine editors, directors of television morning talk shows, and even political leaders of both parties make certain their iPhones are charged and ready at 6:00 AM Eastern time? Why that time of day? President Trump usually distributes his first tweet of the day at that time. And always many more follow shortly after!

What’s so important about that?

PRESIDENT TRUMP SETS EVERY MORNING FROM HIS TWITTER ACCOUNT WHAT THE NEWS HEADLINES AND HOT STORIES OF THE DAY WILL BE! It is uncanny, unprecedented, and unbelievable that this business tycoon and tv series star sets the news tone for the nation and the world each day!

What would Morning Joe and Chris Cuomo and FOX and Friends have to talk about if it wasn’t the Trump “news of the day” topic? Don’t think that his few early morning tweets are not enough fodder for them to fill 3 hours of airtime. There’s usually plenty of ammo from his tweets. But in the unlikely event that he doesn’t feed the news narrative with enough early AM, there’s always plenty leftover from the day before to stoke the fires of liberalism, fake news, and REAL news every day.

And President Trump is just getting started! Mainstream Media and even many Republicans thought with the Russia investigation, horrible and negative oppressive non-stop news pounding, and the continual onslaught by Democrats against his proposed legislation and presidential appointments he would tire and simply throw in the towel. Surely no billionaire needs the constant stress and hatred that he is facing 24/7.

But the real estate tycoon from Queens has educated the MSM and the GOP Establishment crowd: he ain’t giving up! And their constant allegations, lies and misrepresentations serve to only further galvanize his commitment to stay in the White House working for the People to “Make America Great Again.”

You may not like his messaging; you may not like his language; you may not like his tweets, and you may even hate his policies. But what REAL Americans cannot do with any honesty is say he is not being successful on far more fronts than almost all Americans thought he could even do.

The most refreshing and exciting thing about his work processes at the White House is he is just getting started!


1 thought on “Really, Really Bad Foreign Policy”

  1. The irony about the MSM keeping their story line on Trump with nothing but piss and vinegar is in part because there is nothing flattering to say about the democratic party these days. Recent election results including Ocasio-Cortez are laughable. The party itself is cringing and slipping away from Pelosi and Waters as well. The more desperate they become, the more crazy people they will elect. Someone recently quoted “Never interrupt your enemy when they are in self-destruct mode”.

    Trump mentioned in a press briefing at least once that while dealing with the Chinese he asked a counterpart how the tariff schedules became so unbalanced. The reply was “no one ever objected before”. A great president is not someone who runs around the world and apologizes for American policy but someone who simply states if you want to trade with the US, it has to be fair. This does not mean that it should be one-sided in favor of the US but “fair”.

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