Rep. Cori Bush Is Protected By An Anti-Semite Who Claims To Be 109 Trillion Years Old: Really!

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has been a thorn in the flesh of the Democrat Party members serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is arrogant, racist, (and proud of her racism) anti-American, a dramatic supporter of eliminating law enforcement, and has in her employ a young man named Nathaniel Davis.

In normal circumstances, an employee worthy of a national story in a politician’s staff would be insignificant. But, Mr. Davis is something “special.” How so? He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to his crops and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies.

Do you see why I said he’s something “special?”

Davis, a former member of the vehemently anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, is a natural fit for Bush, who has a history of associating with anti-Semites. She spent years working with anti-Israel activist Neveen Ayesh, who has said she wants to burn Jews alive. A vocal supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, Bush is a close ally of her fellow Squad member, anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D – MN).

Similarly, Bush spent years working as a faith healer for a religious sect that claims the power to resurrect the dead and cure deadly maladies through prayer. The head pastor of Bush’s church told the Free Beacon in 2021 that he cured Bush’s severe case of COVID-19 with a phone call. Nor is Davis the only eyebrow-raising security guard on Bush’s payroll: The congresswoman last week announced that she had married another of her handsomely compensated protectors.

When Davis, who did not return requests for comment, is not protecting the congresswoman, he spends his time teaching St. Louis’s black community to grow their own food — so they can liberate themselves from a genocidal Jewish cabal that runs the world.

“I’m going come teach the people how to survive. It’s what I came to this planet for in this lifetime,” Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook live stream. “I’m 109 trillion years old in this galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy.”

Davis has advanced a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including the belief that the Rothschild family “runs the Western Hemisphere” and unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic to murder 99 percent of the human population. Davis is also a proponent of QAnon, according to a Facebook post he shared in December 2018.

“You got the global elite looking to kill every last one of us. They want to wipe out half the population of the planet,”  Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook livestream.

It is unclear when or how Bush and Davis met. But the congresswoman’s personal Facebook page shows that she is friends with “Aha Davis Zadok El,” one of Davis’s Facebook accounts. There, he claims to be a member of the “Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect.” Davis’s various Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are riddled with references to the “Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect.”

Davis has also claimed a number of supernatural abilities, including the ability to summon hurricanes, levitate, and retrieve winning lottery numbers “from the spirit realm,” a difficult skill that Davis warns may come at an undisclosed cost to the summoner.




The Free Beacon was able to confirm just one event in which the psychic self-defense master provided security to Bush.

Wearing an oversized beige T-shirt, green cargo pants, and a white face mask, Davis was latched to Bush’s side during a July 3, 2020, protest that culminated in her shouting through a megaphone outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that brandished weapons before Black Lives Matter protesters a week prior, according to video footage of the event.

Davis can be seen walking alongside Bush in a video the lawmaker posted on Twitter the day after the July 3 protest.

A few days prior, on June 20, 2020, Davis posted a photo of himself on Facebook wearing an identical outfit at a Juneteenth festival in St. Louis.

Davis also filmed two brief videos of himself walking behind Bush at the July 3 protest. While her face is never shown, Bush can be seen wearing the same black shirt, white polka-dotted face mask, and blue jeans, as well as carrying a plastic water bottle in her back-left pocket, as seen in other photos of the event.

Bush appears to have taken steps to conceal Davis’s identity in her campaign spending reports by listing her campaign headquarters’ address for the majority of her payments to Davis — a move that made it nearly impossible to identify which Nathaniel Davis was on her staff.

But the three other campaign payments to Davis list a residential home in St. Louis, which is the same address Davis used in July 2020 when he formed a Missouri LLC called the Revolutionary Business Group.

The Revolutionary Business Group was a business incubator chaired by Davis that claimed to have officers in five states and the Netherlands. It doesn’t appear the group ever got off the ground. Its website is offline, and the group has been inactive on Facebook since January 2022.

Still, Davis references the group on his various Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. He appears in an August 2020 Facebook video introducing the Revolutionary Business Group team, in which a colleague introduces him as “Mr. Aha Nathaniel Davis III.” Davis later refers to himself as “Aha Sen Piankhy.”

Davis claims he chooses not to make use of his most destructive powers. But he is not above making threats, claiming in May 2020 that he can cause his enemies’ teeth to fall out whenever they speak his name.


We seldom publish stories of any member of a member of Congress’ support staff. I think you’ll agree that this is a special circumstance! Let’s be honest: this guy is a nutjob. Oh, and he’s a little old to be working in the security industry as a bodyguard!

What is Cori Bush doing? Heck, what is the Democrat Party in D.C. doing? How could any political party support a candidate as radical as Bush? And Davis as her head of security confirms that his boss has a screw loose herself — as if the public didn’t know that.

However, here’s the most demonstrative question one needs to ask and answer: what the neck are the people in St. Louis who voted for her twice thinking?

Oh well. I’ll probably get excoriated for saying these things. After all, Bush is female as is Davis. And they’re both black. Rep. Bush (D-MO) has all the checkmarks.

Maybe that’s why she is tolerated in the House. Heck, I’d say something like “She’s one of those House token blacks” if I didn’t think they’d come after me for saying that. (So I didn’t say that!)

Bush and Davis are just another Democrat Party duo in the Swamp!

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