The National Emergency Act

It’s time to stop kidding ourselves: rank-and-file Democrats in Congress in large part “individually” feel physical barriers are needed across our southern border. It’s Democrat Congressional leaders who have made the decision to in no way allow through Congressional action the funding of a border wall. Why do you think they call it “Donald Trump’s wall?”

In their doing so, they are showing Americans that they really DON’T support border security in any way. Besides the stories documented and shared previously on TruthNewsNetwork, Democrat leaders stoically cling to their unwillingness to protect Americans from foreign intruders. Without real security and commitment to stop the horrors caused by millions of pounds of illegal drugs flooding across the border, the unknown numbers of unwanted criminals from Mexico and Central American countries that have already committed hundreds of thousands of criminal acts against legal Americans, and the hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to support illegals who are draining U.S. infrastructure, all of these atrocities will simply continue. 

Democrat leaders look at this international disaster myopically: they only see it in one way. Allowing the continued flow of illegals into our country perpetuates the life of the Democrat Party by bringing obligated “potential” Democrat voters into the U.S. Secondly, (and likely just as important as getting “new” voters in) keeping wall/barrier funding away from Donald Trump fulfills a campaign promise Dems made to their hard-left “constituents.” Their excuse? Trump wants it only because HE beat the “border wall drum” continuously during HIS presidential campaign. Many say it was the chief reason for which they voted from Trump.

This bi-partisan committee named to sit down and work out a southern border protection policy suitable to both parties has been revealed to be nothing but a sham. Even knowing the February 15th deadline to reach a negotiated agreement, this “Superstar” committee has met just one time. The bottom line: PELOSI AND SCHUMER HAVE NO INTENTION TO PUT EVEN ONE DOLLAR ON THE TABLE FOR SUCH A WALL OR STEEL BARRIER. They are perfectly comfortable to maintain the status quo on the border while untold thousands of innocents are summarily being brutalized at the hand of the criminal element numbered among the illegals. For Dems, this issue is certainly not about the safety of Americans. It is about one thing only: PREVENT PRESIDENT TRUMP GETTING ANY BORDER WALL OR FENCING WITH CONGRESSIONAL FUNDING…PERIOD.

Politicians — Democrats and Republicans alike — forget about the ability to recall promises made and promises broken: like Pelosi on negotiating with the President if he reopened the government.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that she would not negotiate on funding for the southern border wall, going back on her promise to negotiate with President Donald Trump if he agreed to end the partial government shutdown.

“There’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” Pelosi told reporters on Jan. 31, reported The Associated Press.

Democrats for decades have cried loudly for the critical nature of and the People’s mandate to stop illegal immigration and Democrats wholehearted support for stopping illegals from getting in. Yet today, those same Dems cry just as loudly that building the same wall/barrier they previously were all-in for is immoral, wasteful, ineffective, unnecessary, and too costly.


Look and listen for yourself:

What Do We Do: Declare a National Emergency?

Some scholars of presidential emergency powers say there is next to nothing, at least procedurally, that Capitol Hill could do to stop Trump from exercising what lawmakers of all stripes agree is his right to declare a national emergency.

“Congress chose not to put any substantial — or really any — barriers on the president’s ability to declare a national emergency,” says Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s Liberty and National Security Program.

“So if he can really just sign his name to a piece of paper, whether it is a real emergency or not,” she adds, “that creates a state of emergency that gives him access to these special powers that are contained in more than 100 different provisions of law that Congress has passed over the years.”

Trump has already invoked national emergency powers on three occasions, adding to the 28 earlier national emergency measures that remain in effect.

Almost all of them, including those signed by Trump, was invoked to freeze foreign nationals’ assets in the U.S. The longest-standing decree dates to November 1979, when President Jimmy Carter froze Iran’s U.S.-held assets.

It requires not only that the president formally declares a national emergency but also that he or she cite the specific statutory authority the president sought to use. An emergency declaration would lapse after one year unless formally renewed by the president.

There is also a means for lawmakers to do away with a national emergency decree.

“The way that Congress set it up,” says Vladeck, “was that Congress could basically terminate any national emergency the president declared through a concurrent resolution — simply through majority votes of both houses, without the president’s approval.”

That veto-free arrangement, though, did not pass constitutional muster when it went before the Supreme Court in 1983.

Congress’ response was to revise the National Emergencies Act so that the termination of an emergency decree required a joint resolution signed by the president. If the president vetoes such a measure, a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber would be needed to override.

That fix effectively set the political bar considerably higher for reining in presidential national emergency declarations — that is, should Congress ever try to do that.

“Congress has never voted once in the last 40 years — since the National Emergencies Act has been in effect — to terminate a state of emergency,” says Goitein. “At no point either before the court’s decision or after has Congress ever attempted to exercise this check.”

That may be, at least in part, because lawmakers trusted the National Emergencies Act was being invoked in good faith. “The assumption is that presidents are going to be relatively responsible in using those authorities and resources,” says UT’s Vladeck, “and are not going to just create some kind of pretext to allow them to go through a back door when Congress is denying them the front door.”


Is it any wonder that the favorability rating by Americans of members of Congress for years has hovered around high single digits? One would think that if our elected representatives really cared about the public’s collective and individual opinions about their job performance, we’d do something about it. We really DO care, and we have only sparingly done something about it at the voting booth. Yet term after term, Americans send those U.S. Senators and House Representatives back to D.C. to keep on doing the same old things. In a way, this mess in D.C. (and their 7-10% favorability rating) is OUR fault: we keep voting them back into office!

They are not stupid: they read voter support and re-election of Congressional representatives and approval for what they do while there. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Here is the truth of the matter: Americans have become too busy, too preoccupied, too caught-up in “instant everything” to even notice. The internet, social media, instant this and instant that have created a generation of “Instant-everything” Americans.

The current generation literally wants NO responsibility, NO accountability, and NO commitments. Those apply to home and auto ownership, job titles and management slots because of personal and employee accountability and pressure required to be successful. And personal and social relationship commitments are long ago out the window.

“I want a great job with great pay, lots of paid-time-off, all-in job retirement benefits paid 100% by the employer, and nothing more than 9-5 work hours Monday through Friday, and certainly NO weekend commitments.”

How about “knowledge?”

They’re not interested in reading, investigating, time obligations and financial commitments are necessary to obtain knowledge. And if it’s not on the front page of their favorite internet news channel, Twitter, Instagram, or Snap Chat, forget about it! It ain’t happening.

All that is scary. But here’s the tragedy: Washington D.C. and its minions KNOW all this. It’s what perpetuates their consuming power for their own personal benefit at American taxpayer expense that comes with NO ACCOUNTABILITY! Voters just keep sending them back to D.C. to do the same selfish acts again and again — WITH NO PRICE TO PAY FOR THEIR SELFISH ACTS.

The irony of this is the “new” leftists in the Democrat Party have beat the Socialist drum louder and louder. “We want to make American government Socialist. Capitalism is evil. Capitalists are tools of Satan. We want to be like European and South American nations!”

And not one can tell you anything about the horrors Socialism wreaked on every one of those nations. Venezuela — once one of the richest countries on Earth because of its oil holdings — cannot even provide toilet paper to their citizens who have on average lost 30 pounds during the last year because of the unavailability to basic food.

The Democrat leftists want open borders, “Just like Europe.” They don’t read and their favorite leftist media site does not carry the true stories of immigrant horrors in those European countries — countries who all are currently desperately trying to find ways to not just stop further immigration, but to RETURN THOSE IMMIGRANTS TO THE COUNTRIES FROM WHICH THEY CAME! Rape, break-ins, murders, theft, armed robberies, assault of every type, are saturating European countries like The Netherlands, Germany, France, and Switzerland.

In the cases of these Leftists in America: “Ignorance is Bliss.” At least that’s what Democrat Party leaders promote so as to maintain their political might and power over these mind-numbed robots that refuse to find and embrace real truths.

I’ll close with this: the current U.S. President is terrifying to Democrat Party leaders and Establishment Republicans alike. Why? Because he refuses to play the political games as planned by those in both parties. He is unpredictable, totally driven by his commitments to Americans, and, most scary, he is undeterred by the constant threats from the left. They are not accustomed to someone in power from the opposite power not caving and not afraid. They have met their match in Donald Trump.

Let me put it simply and cut to the chase: Regardless of how dishonest, uncaring, politically deliberate and mean Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are, they have met their match.

With or without a declaration of a National Emergency, Donald Trump WILL build a southern border wall. It may be steel, it may be concrete, but probably both together. But you know what the REAL victory will be? Not that in doing so he wins a battle with the opposition. The only victory that matters is that for the American people: stopping illegal immigration and all that comes with it.

Isn’t that what we vote for and send people to Washington to do? Why should anyone be surprised when someone in D.C. actually does what they promised to do?



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