Trump Thunderstruck

I’ll bet you that you have not yet seen this video. I cannot think of a better way to start a Saturday in November that with a hot cup of coffee, the volume on my audio/video system turned WAY up, and watching and listening to members of this “integrous” group of professional journalists who each earn six-figure annual salaries — some more than that — to be what their title denotes: Journalists. Few are that. What are they?

I’ll let the President with the help of AC/DC answer that question.

Turn it up!

Oh, I forgot:

“Geaux Tigers — Beat Bama!”

1 thought on “Trump Thunderstruck”

  1. This video encapsulates exactly the clown-show being exhibited by the Leftist media and shows the fear and frustration of their folly. Thanks for the clear view of what is happening in our nation..

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