Google: What Are YOU Hiding?

NOTICE TO ALL: Google Analytics reached out to me several months ago to do some independent research work for them. I have contracted to investigate the histories of each of the 535 voting members of Congress. The seriousness of and the depth of these investigations have given me unfettered access to Google’s massive database containing all public and private (and even confidential) details of these politicians’ lives, all the way back to their youth.

Google’s purpose for this is to catalog all those events, circumstances, statements made, claims of various natures of those being investigated, that would someday in any currently unforeseen circumstances need to be accessed for Google’s purposes.

You can imagine the magnitude of this project for me and my staff. We launched it on February 1. And I must say, the capability of Google and their reach into the secret corners of our individual worlds is breathtaking.  I’m shocked and horrified every minute I’m in this process to discover just how much of these people’s lives are purposely hidden, and that even that there are some life details they have made no efforts to cover! It’s uncanny to see and hear the things they say in public while knowing the truths of their lives that are kept hidden away.

Obviously, we here all had to sign massive non-disclosure agreements for this project — agreements which contain penalties that run the gamut from LARGE dollars and cents to possible criminal prosecution for any disclosures. I will NOT be able to share any specific details in our writings for obvious reasons. 

I’m saying all that to say this, anything that we ever say, write, record, email, text, post, tweet, Snapchat, etc. that finds its way to the internet is certainly contained in this database and will exist on the Net in perpetuity. That’s scary. But we all should have known and expected that. And Google has access to it all.

For my friends, I am saying this for information purposes only. For those who do not know me, please know this: I either now or in the very near future will probably know you better than you know yourself.

By the way: you may just want to forward this to your members of Congress: just for a “heads-up” — not that there’s anything they can do about it. Everything we find is within the public domain. Whatever “it” is, if they already did”it”, it’s out there.

The “Story”

Obviously, all this above is NOT true. There is NO contract with Google Analytics. I am NOT under contract to investigate the past of members of Congress. Whatever they have said or done is (as far as I am concerned) between them, their families, and their voting constituents, although, as federal employees, I and any other American have the right to make certain they do not hold themselves above the law.

So what is this all about?

Americans from many walks of life are falling by the wayside at the hands of scandals — scandals that develop from things they have said, from things they have done, attempted to do, or maybe just have been accused of doing in their pasts. The most obvious of those (and probably the most unforgivable) have happened in the area of sexual intimidation, harassment, and in some cases, sexual assault. But these scandals don’t stop there. They tend to devolve in nature.

Example: Just a few hours after Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam opened the door to Pro-Life cries for his resignation as governor for his statements in a radio interview about late-term abortions, a second scandal erupted when the governor was exposed posing in a medical school yearbook picture with a friend. The friend was dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe while the governor wore blackface. Members of his own party at the state and federal level immediately joined the existing attacks against the governor for his statements on late-term abortion because of his obvious racism revealed by blackface.

But the Virginia political scandal had just begun.

Democratic Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, 39, who is black and would succeed Northam were he to step down, is in hot water himself. Immediately following the calls for Northam’s resignation, a woman accused Fairfax of sexually assaulting her at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Fairfax vehemently denies the allegations and in a press release claimed that the sexual assault charges were actually made to the Washington Post several years previously. The release stated that the Post investigated, and refused to run the story because they found it to be untrue. However, the Washington Post immediately published a story denying the claim made by Fairfax, saying they investigated the claim when made but chose not to run the story because they could find no one to corroborate the allegations by the woman, but there was no corroboration of the denial of Fairfax either.

The Virginia scandal gets wilder!

If Governor Northam resigns and Lt. Governor Fairfax is forced to resign his office, who would then assume the spot as Virginia Governor? The line of succession names the state Attorney General to be next up. Attorney General Mark Herring, 57, who has expressed gubernatorial ambitions and called four days ago for Northam to resign, admitted in a statement he donned black face paint at a party in 1980 to impersonate a rapper.

How about all this for political drama!

So What is Happening?

On Fox News today, a panel of experts were discussing the debacle playing out in Virginia three-way scandal detailed above. In that panel discussion, the moderator asked this question, “Is blackface from 30-years ago really racist or is it just racially insensitivity?” Moderator Bill Hemmer asked the question in a discussion to determine what is actually racist.

Jessica Tarlov, Democrat Party operative, immediately replied to Hemmer’s question, saying, “Blackface is clearly racism and not simply racially insensitive.” Her statement opens Pandora’s box of Identity Politics, which Democrats have unilaterally commanded the control of.

How so? Tarlov said, “Blackface is CLEARLY racist.” She (Tarlov) obviously believes that is a fact. And she bases that “fact” on what? HER OPINION. Without really knowing that really is a fact, Tarlov assumed — at least in this conversation — she KNOWS what’s true regarding blackface and that everyone should simply accept her premise as fact, just because SHE said it. After all: she’s a Democrat Party operative. And the Democrat Party has total control over every aspect of Identity Politics.

Let’s discuss THEIR rules regarding racism. Oh, I forgot: there’s only ONE RULE. I researched for months to put together the Racism Rule Book. My staff spent several thousand research hours. And here’s what we came up with: There IS one! And everybody has a copy already. And the one I have is the only REAL one in existence.

Where did it come from? Who developed it? What are the rules? The easy answer to all of these questions: The Political Elites wrote the book, add to it and subtract from it all the racism rules they choose, and they edit at will any of those that remain.

Wait a minute: I’m not a Political Elitist. Do I have access to a copy of the book? Hmmm…. The answer to that question is pretty simple: you must find someone who self-identifies as being Politically Elite. And then you must ask them to authorize your receiving a copy of “The Book.” If they in their unilateral desire to do so, they can start the process of getting the book to you.

But it may take a while for you to receive it. Why is that?

Their editors are rewriting the book….today. And they’re rewriting the book….tomorrow. They NEVER STOP REWRITING THE BOOK! It’s in constant “development.” Why? The rules keep changing! And those Political Elitists are who have total control over the determination of what is and what is not racist.

Let’s look at two examples of Elitists prerogative at allowing some to commit blackface crime. We all know Jimmy Kimmel has become a nighttime darling of the Left. He can do NO wrong in their sight — not even racial wrong. If he slipped up and made a mistake in dealing with racial issues, he would automatically be forgiven simply because he’s an Elite himself. So if Kimmel does blackface, it’s OK. Like here, in blackface on the air making fun of a friend of mine: former NBA star from my university, Karl Malone.

But Kimmel is not the only Political Elite to get the blackface pass. How about the “other” acceptable nighttime comedian, Jimmy Fallon making fun of Chris Rock:

What the Heck Can Be Done to Stop This Insanity?

It’s got to stop. It’s not about blackface. It’s not about race. It’s about Political Superiority and those who use every gimmick possible against others for political advantage. Those Political Elites caught-up in this know without a doubt there was no racial intention on the part of the Virginia governor, the Virginia attorney general, Jimmy Fallon or Jimmy Kimmel. These were for humorous purposes only.

The sexual assault allegation against Lt. Governor Fairfax is of a different nature. However, even in that case, allegations are just that unless and until those are turned into facts, a prosecution in whatever way is appropriate should be withheld.

This practice of doing nothing more than shouting obscenities at each other, making outrageous claims of horrible things about others is quickly and dramatically ripping at the fabric of what America is all about: “Liberty and Justice for All.”  But that promise of justice is now being controlled by Political Elitists. And many of those are ruining the lives of Americans without even a hint of the OTHER promise of our founding fathers to us all: “we are all innocent until proven guilty.”

This story began with another story — one about Google Analytics. Yes, that was a made-up story. But are we not far from the possibility and even probability that story could be a true one? Is it too far-fetched to imagine a world where someone who simply makes an agreement with a company, a government, a political entity, or even a totalitarian tyrant to surreptitiously craft ways to undermine the lives of others using made-up stories to destroy those they hate, simply to destroy a foe without using basic decency and the truth?


What is the answer? Simple: Someone with credibility, integrity, and honesty to step up to the plate to knock this out of the park. This blackface argument has gone nuts. No matter if one is black or white, it is simply outrageous to allow a group of people to craft a racial rule that when used destroys the lives of others.

Who could that be? Who could step into the fray of all this and resolve it?

Some may laugh, but I think the obvious person to champion the battle regarding this “perceived” racism that really is not racism is Barack Obama. You may not have liked him. You may have disagreed with his politics and his methods. But one thing he did that really struck me as something only a true peacemaker in the U.S. racial devastation could pull-off. Did you know that President Obama gave the eulogy at the funeral of West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd? Byrd was a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan — a true racist in every sense of the word.  But Byrd turned and walked away from the KKK and all it stood for. In the last half of his life, he committed to right the wrongs he had committed while not just a member, but when a leader in that racist organization that begat only hatred for minorities.

As a black man and leader, if President Obama would step onto the stage of Racial Reconciliation and use blackface as a tool to bring us together, I think it might work. Why not give it a try? Honestly, you surely agree that it cannot get much worse than it is today. And the way it is today is unsustainable. America is quickly losing its foundation on true equality and acceptance.

We can all take everything to the extreme. And we all do that at times. But in the America in which we live, we all need to instead of finding and highlighting the faults of others, and doing so for our own personal benefits, we should instead offer a hand of acceptance, a nod of understanding, and a willingness to find commonalities in which to work together as Americans for the common good of all Americans. That’s what we all really are. And in this writer’s opinion, that’s the only way we will ever truly again be “One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.”


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