What “Really” Happened to Khashoggi

We are all familiar with the horrific murder of the Saudi journalist  Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey. While the fact that an international journalist with significant U.S. ties was brutally murdered, the fact that it happened in a country with which the U.S. has close ties — Turkey — opens Pandora’s box of international anger, hatred, and fear.

Here in the U.S., almost all Americans are outraged that  Khashoggi was killed by Saudi rebels that have apparent close ties to the Saudi government. The incident has put the U.S. government in a quandary: do we as a nation have an obligation to take actions against the Saudi government? Should we take political or other actions against our ally? If so, how serious should they be?

We have stood still, waiting for results of the CIA investigation into the matter is completed and evidence is complete. But American sentiment — especially from those on the left — is to do something significant against the Saudis, and do something significant NOW. But what should that be?

It’s VERY obvious the anti-Trump clan wants the President to take action of some sort immediately. However, it is unclear if their reasoning is to simply inflict pain on the Saudi government for the act of murder conducted in another American ally’s territory — Turkey. Some think those same people clamoring for retribution would be the first to pounce on the President regardless of what action he would choose. In fact, the Saudis when these U.S. sanctions were first mentioned immediately made it clear that if the U.S. took any punitive action against Saudi Arabia,  they would raise the price of oil to $100 a barrel immediately. That would cripple the U.S. So what should we do and when?

Before we get to our recommendation, it is worthy to note that there is another reason for the Khashoggi murder other than the common explanation which is that the Saudi government was committed to ridding the World of the international journalist who spent significant time bashing the Saudis. Let’s look at the “other” explanation.

Conspiracy Theory

The “other” story assumes there really is a “Cabal”  or “International Deep State” in quiet political power behind the scenes. It is comprised of individuals, families, and groups who possess great power throughout the world. Those people (for this other possibility to be real) are assumed to be angry as they watch their power being eroded by a U.S. President who, while firm in dealing with foreign affairs, is being fair with all his foreign counterparts. The relationships between President Trump and other foreign leaders are based on HIS conclusions of their positions, intentions, and actions that occur during HIS tenure in the White House. He has no intention of letting others develop his opinions of other leaders, their countries, or their intentions in foreign affairs.

And for this to play out, this “Cabal” or “Deep State” needed to somehow get Saudi Arabia in the disfavor of the new U.S. President. They hold power over most of the World’s monetary system and resources. However, the Saudis hold the principle power over oil.

Here’s how this Conspiracy Theory looks:

1) Trump had a sit down with the King of Saudi Arabia last year. The King held a Sword Dance to honor President Trump.

2) Then last November, the House of Saud got cleaned up. The Ritz Hotel became a jail. A certain Prince was stripped naked and hung upside down from the ceiling, to let the others know they ain’t messing around.

3) While “Deep State” is an American term, let’s call it “The New World Order” or “Global Cabal” for the International level. Anyway, they lose their inside-men within the Saudi Kingdom, as Mohammed Bin Salman cleans up.

4) The Global Cabal, led by such families as the Rothschild and Payseur families, need to get back at Saudi Arabia. Specifically, they need to take MBS out. They set a trap, and this Khashoggi character becomes a pawn to be sacrificed.

5) Khashoggi dies. MBS (Mohammed Bin Salaam) is blamed. Ideally, this will set a rift between Trump and Saudi Arabia, as Trump will have to give in to pressure and place sanctions on Saudi Arabia.

6) This doesn’t happen. Saudi Arabia flips the Rothschild’s and Paysuers a big Middle-Finger and immediately tanks the price of oil. The price of oil falls immediately after the Khashoggi incident. Currently, it has dropped $20 a barrel and is still falling.

7) This is the last thing the Rothschild’s and Payseur’s expect. They never thought the Saudi king would play economic warfare, and start messing with the Petro-Dollar.

8) The Rothschild’s and Payseur’s are caught short, with the unexpected loss in energy costs. Their losses in other industries are huge, as they were heavily invested in energy, and expecting those stocks and profits to climb.

9) With the Saudi’s crashing oil, a big squeeze is placed on Iran. Trump reinstated sanctions and closed loopholes that were open for years, that allowed Iran to sell oil on the Black Market. What little oil Iran is selling now, is worth a lot less.

10) While Iran is “oil-rich,” they are terribly inefficient at getting it out of the ground. Their cost per barrel is the worst in OPEC. This slashes their profit margin and makes them more susceptible to downturns in the market.

11) The Global Cabal, and/or CIA, isn’t funding Iran terrorism anymore. Obama isn’t sending plane-loads of cash to Iran in the dead of night.

12) All of Iran’s funding for terrorism is being dried up, with sanctions and now cheap oil– accompanied by high costs of drilling and refining.

13) Trump and Saudi Arabia are about to corner Iran.

14) There is Option A: Give up on terrorism, and cut the Rothschild – Payseur strings, or be overthrown by your own people. If there is an uprising in Iran, Trump and America will support it (unlike Obama).

15) Option B: Walk away from the Evil Puppet-Masters, and become a peaceful member of the World Community. First Saudi Arabia, then North Korea, and now Iran.

16) Iran has a choice, either the hard way or the easy way–but business as usual is over.

17) The Cabal (Rothschild-Payseur), never thought Saudi Arabia would be crazy enough to tank the price of oil. They thought the Saudi’s loved money as much as they do.

18) They never thought Trump and the Saudi’s would go on the offense after Khashoggi’s “death.” They thought Trump would play defense, and betray the Saudi King. They were wrong.

19) Trump and the Saudi King are letting the world know they control the Petro-Dollar now and will tank the price of oil as much as it is necessary. The strings have been cut, and we have entered Petro-Dollar warfare with the death of Khashoggi.


First let’s be clear: we should NOT act at all against the Saudis until all the facts are in. Yes, Turkey completed their investigation and concluded Saudi assassins coordinated and perpetrated the Khashoggi murder in a brutal fashion, even scattering Khashoggi body parts in various parts of the Saudi embassy in Istanbul. Their conclusion contains a certainty that Mohammed Bin Salaam (or “MBS”) at least knew of the killing in advance if not having ordered it.

Secondly: when (if at all) is it our business when a foreign country takes actions it may deem necessary against one of their own citizens. Yes, we do not agree with such a process so egregious, but on what legal basis does the U.S. take any such actions against MBS or Saudi Arabia? The answer is simple: legal action by the U.S. would be required to occur before The International Court of Justice (abbreviated ICJ). The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It settles legal disputes between member states and gives advisory opinions to authorized UN organs and specialized agencies. It comprises a panel of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council for nine-year terms. It is seated in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Even if that was the course chosen for action against Saudi Arabia, facts and evidence of the Khashoggi killing would be necessary. All the World has as evidence so far are the findings of Turkey. Quite honestly, this court is a part of the United Nations. And we know how the U.N. looks at the U.S. I don’t think we would have such standing in such a case. And I’m certain so too would be the ICJ.

Third: Can you imagine how the Left would respond if President Trump went ahead and leveled extreme sanctions against the Saudi government? Their response would be quick — and deadly. Assuming the Saudis would follow-through with their threats of extreme oil price hikes, the U.S. would certainly experience massive cost hikes that would be devastating and even disastrous. Almost everything in the U.S. requires transportation — which means reliance of petroleum products. The costs for these increases would certainly be passed along by companies to consumers: $3 – $5 per gallon gasoline prices.

What should we do? Absolutely nothing beyond what we have already done until ALL the facts are in. If one assumes that the above theory is true, jumping the gun without facts to legitimize any such actions would be foolish and needless. I doubt any international court without hard facts that prove members of the Saudi ruling family had been involved in a murder, taking action prematurely (other than just notifying the Saudis of our investigation and our intentions if they are exposed as being complicit in the killing) would initiate a atrocious and deadly financial crisis the U.S. does not need to bring on itself — at anytime.

Let facts play out. The Saudis certainly have their faults and dirty laundry. Remember: Osama bin Laden was the son of a wealthy Saudi native. Most of the 911 terrorists were Saudi. How stupid would it be for us to — strictly for political purposes — take any action without having all the facts.

But then again, doing so has become almost commonplace in Washington D.C. “Fly by the seat of your pants” seems to be the accepted operating procedure for D.C. politically correct elites. Their motto: “Never let facts get in the way of a juicy story.”

Sadly it seems that D.C. has learned to rely on salaciousness as an effective and allowable tool for fighting with political opponents. That comes in Leftists’ world with this caveat: “No price is too high to levy on people who have gone against Leftist causes.”

It looks like Donald Trump and the Saudi royals have stepped in a PC ant hill. No matter where they choose to stand, they’re still going to sustain a much of ant bites.

Stay tuned: much, much more still to come on the “Khashoggi Story.” It’s going to be fun to see if the “Conspiracy Theory” detailed above will actually play out in the next few months.

If I was pressed to vote I’d have to vote “no” on doing anything Saudi related at this moment.

Think about this: can we with any credibility expect the World to respect us and just simply overlook all the unilateral and unsubstantiated actions the U.S. would take if we act now? Actually, if we DO act before we know factually what happened in Turkey, it would be doing so based totally on emotion and a “gut feeling.” We don’t need to go down that road. We have a house to take back, and we cannot expect that would go down nicely.

1 thought on “What “Really” Happened to Khashoggi”

  1. William Gregory Ball

    The first Analysis, I believe is correct and yes there is a Deep State/Cabal and yes it is a global fight to the death for the future generations of our children. The phrase Conspiracy theory is verbage started by the CIA after the JFK assassination to smear anyone uncovering the Facts that our own government was at the center of the crime. President T just trolled the Cabal by not taking the bait and waiting for the truth to come out for this horrible crime to a deep state operative who’s uncle and family were the largest arms dealers in the world. A Muslim Brotherhood CIA operative writing for the CIA owned Washington Post. But hey who cares about the pesky facts. We pardon 5 generals of the Taliban for a traitor and we are the authority of justice on another ally? All Deep State subterfuge But it won’t work on this president. Good article Dan!

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