What/Who Is The Republican Party?

Want to ascertain who and what is the REAL Republican Party?

Here’s what/who the GOP is NOT, at least today: it is NOT the Party of working class Americans. It is NOT the Party of big business, in spite of what Democrats say. It is NOT the Party of immigrants who are looking for a home with a government “by and for the People.” It is NOT a Party that answers to its nationwide constituents nor represents their interests. And it is NOT an honest Party — at least most of the time. So who/what is it?

Unfortunately for Republican Party members, it is a Party run by a group of old white guys that have since Reagan/Bush 41 maintained a choke-hold on the term “Conservative.” It is as if they have trademarked the name and are ready to litigate against anyone who claims to be a Conservative without their approval. THEY define its rules and regulations. THEY determine who is in leadership, who can and who cannot speak on the Party’s behalf, who can run for office wearing their banner, and what Conservatives MUST hold as the Party’s purpose and message. There is zero individuality in the current Grand Old Party.

Is The GOP Gone?

The Party of Reagan died shortly after his second term. Bush 41 — a true RINO — ushered in an era in D.C. that was created for one purpose and one purpose only: to quietly and stealthily nudge America toward a “Socialism Lite” political structure. After the amazing foreign policy victories throughout the 80’s coupled with a complete American economic revival, Americans were easily lulled to sleep. Complacency took control.

You may ask why Bush the Elder would lean to the left after co-piloting the eight years of the Reagan Revolution. Simple: Reagan’s philosophy of smaller government, more input from American citizens in governing, fewer regulations coupled with economic victories flew in the face of the former CIA Director and Reagan’s Vice President. Bush secretly wanted to quietly rebuild the D.C. ruling class that called themselves Republicans but were not conservative at all, but “Moderates.” His reasoning was driven by a pursuit for power, not money or status. He knew with government power, money, status, and everything else he wanted was a by-product of the political power he could accumulate.  He knew in light of the Reagan successes and the historic economic accomplishments, Americans would not even notice. And he was right.

Bush 41 orchestrated tax increases in spite of his famous statement at the GOP Convention: “Read my lips — NO MORE TAXES!” He broke that campaign promise that may have cost him his re-election bid against Bill Clinton. Americans should have realized with that broken promise he was the first “post-Reagan RINO.” He quietly initiated the “Socialism Lite” movement and Clinton in his eight years pushed that agenda harder and further left. Enter Bush 43.

Bush 43 did exactly what Republican presidential candidates must always do to get elected: run as slight right-of-center conservatives. Then when elected, move to the left to govern. It worked for him just as it had for his Dad. He governed (at least in his first term) more conservatively than his father — especially on economic issues. The Republican base adored him; the Left hated him. Iraq’s second war with the U.S. put him in a bad place with liberals, but he was able to use it to pander to the real conservatives in his party. His orchestration of the surge in Iraq pretty much saved what would have probably been a huge defeat at the hands of al Qaeda, and Republicans loved him for it. But for true conservatives, he did little else.

He perpetrated with the assistance of Congress a massive wave of spending (led by the obvious huge weight of debt to fund the War) that began the deep spiral into what is now $20+ Trillion. He opened the door and Obama took the cue and took America to another level of debt that has brought the nation to the most perilous economic point in U.S. history. None of this was based on conservatism other than the “Bush tax cuts.” That action was the only real conservative legislation spearheaded by Bush the Younger.

Let’s be fair: George W. Bush did push for some very good conservative causes starting with his decision in 2001 to jettison the Kyoto global warming treaty so loved by Al Gore, the environmental lobby, elite opinion, and Europeans. He instituted enhanced interrogation of terrorists which saved numerous American lives. He reinforced America’s degrading relationship with Israel, which was badly needed.

His next success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform bill cosponsored by America’s most prominent liberal Democratic senator Edward Kennedy. Though it came with mixed results, he instituted a new benefit for seniors with the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003. He did receive a large volume of backlash from some conservatives for the drug program signaling a move toward socialized medicine. But the bulk of what could be called governmental achievements during the Bush 43 Administration were remarkably slim.

To be honest, the most conservative action by the U.S. government in post-Reagan D.C. was the Contract with America orchestrated during the Clinton Administration by Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It was the first piece of such legislation passed since Reagan (and since for that matter) that drew Americans into the belief there was possible hope for Conservative America. Remember the Contract?

Does Conservatism Have a Chance in This Congress?

Not under the direction of current House and Senate leadership. You gotta like Speaker Paul Ryan. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, tries hard to NOT be liked by Americans. If you drew a picture of a what an average American Republican voter imagines a typical GOP leader in Congress looks like, it would be of McConnell. He is the epitome of current Republicanism that most Republicans rejected in the presidential primaries. GOP voters feel strongly that status quo Republican leaders have in large part thrown in with House and Senate members from across the aisle to maintain the status quo in every way. Voters feel rejected, lied to, and without conservative leadership.

GOP voters also feel that their representatives in Congress are refusing to support the President that voters elected to get the things done the voters wanted:

  • tax reform,
  • repeal and replace Obamacare,
  • stop illegal immigration,
  • build the southern border wall,
  • roll back abusive government regulations,
  • stop the rampant exodus of American jobs to foreign countries,
  • incentivize companies to remain in the U.S. saving jobs,
  • getting economic growth in the nation to 3%.

In one year, Republican members of Congress have failed to achieve what President Trump and many members of Congress promised voters during campaigns would be achieved if they and Trump were elected. They were elected — they’ve done nothing.


The Tea Party was a breath of fresh air. It looked like beginning with the 2012 election conservatism had new life. And indeed Tea Party candidates who represented real conservative change upset many status quo Republicans in primaries and several were elected. Alas, politics took over, and Tea Party infighting ruined its effectiveness going forward. It simply disappeared.

Conservatism needed an outsider — someone who would never be beholding to anyone in any political party, who was successful, strong minded, non-political (or at least non-political thinking) and who could resonate with Middle Americans that the GOP as well as the Democrat Party had left behind. Seventeen candidates through their hats in the ring to chase the GOP presidential nomination. Only one espoused those elements that grass roots Republicans recognized was necessary to resurrect true conservative ideals in D.C.: Donald Trump.

As the World has watched his individualism, his understanding of battles experienced by everyday Americans, the World began to understand he was the only one of the 17 that could do it. Americans elected him.

In spite of the hearts of Americans, the establishment Republicans in D.C. would not relinquish their choke hold on maintaining political mediocrity. They tried everything to defeat him in his election and even today continue their efforts to defeat him with roadblock after roadblock in passing legislation promised in the campaign. Fortunately for Americans in the middle class, their actions are obvious and easy to identify. Those renegade “conservatives” in the GOP establishment have been exposed. And many will face the “voters knife” in the 2018 mid-terms.

The only way true Conservatism can possibly survive is if Donald Trump is successful. To be successful he must not only push through Establishment Republican resistance at every turn in the road, he must defeat Democrats AND the Media, who have sworn to run Donald Trump out of the White House. Fortunately he is not beholding to any “big guys” who funded his campaign — there aren’t any. He not only understands working class Americans, he is committed to them. Even better: they understand his commitment to them and have embraced him as the answer to Middle America’s woes.

For Americanism to not just survive this decade but flourish, it will take literally draining the swamp. That means the graft and corruption, the power and dollar plays for total control, the favoritism and elitism must each be removed from the D.C. landscape. America as we have known it will look just like the utopia Obama envisioned — a top-heavy, government regulated socialist state — in just a few years unless President Trump can drain the swamp (beginning with Congress), and allow American voters to replace the uncooperative swamp creatures with real working legislators who will implement legislation as promised in the campaign. That is the only way to restore conservatism to the Republican Party and put REAL Republicans in Congress.

America needs a Leader. And we need for all those who sold-out to the power hunger of the past to fade away, and to do so quickly. Every day new horrors about those currently serving in Congress and some from the past are being exposed. There’s been too much narcissism, too much quid pro quo, too many hand-outs and sweetheart deals. John Q. Public from Middle America needs 535 members of Congress to begin again to make every decision about legislation based solely on what is best for John Q.

Give this President a chance, give him the legislation he needs to accomplish what American voters put him in the White House to do, and let’s see what happens. After all, if we don’t like his results we can simply vote him out in 3 years now.

After all: Hillary will certainly still be around!








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