Have you noticed the term “Conspiracy Theory” is being used more and more lately by people targeting OTHER people for stating something with which they disagree? Some people think this rush to do that continually is justified in that “we need to know the truth and stop all purveyors of lies!” Others, however, view the term as nothing more than factual labeling of “possible” actions and/or events until those are proven or disproven.
We have watched and listened to all who weigh in on the noise coming out of Washington and those addressing what goes on there. One of the “lightning rods” among conservative voices is a minister named Mario Murillo.
I’ve known Mario Murillo for 30+ years and watched and listened to him from afar. (He pastors a large church in the hotbed of liberal politics in the Oakland-Berkeley California area) From time to time, we have published a newsletter of his when the newsletter addresses things our readers are looking for. His newsletters ALWAYS contain pertinent and applicable thoughts, ideas and suggest possible actions by us all.
In the current chaos in D.C., Mario wrote a letter to us all. And we share that with you today:
A few days ago, I received an email from, of all people, CNN. They wanted to know if I was still holding on to my ‘conspiracy theories.’ I thought, “Who are the real conspiracy theory nut jobs?”
Remember how the left ridiculed us for predicting disaster once Biden got into the White House? They were quite sincere and convinced that we were wrong. They said with conviction, “Oh no, you are wrong! Biden will be a president for all the people. The world will be relieved at his presence. Peace and security will ensue.”
Now, Biden is overseeing a vast human tragedy at the border, soaring gas prices, racial hatred, and the world on the brink of war.
Not only were we right—we were too right. It has degenerated faster than even we imagined. We emphatically warned that he would rain down calamity after calamity. That he would cause soaring gas prices, inflation, a spike in murder rates, unrest in the Middle East, and war.

You had none of that when Trump was President. In fact, you had the polar opposite. Under Trump, we became a world-class energy exporter. Under Trump, violent crime dropped across the board. Under Trump, the Middle East began an era of peace with the miraculous Abraham Accords. Under Trump, our borders were secure, and America stayed out of wars.
Using the media and Big Tech, evil marketing, and theft, Biden entered the White House. Remember how wicked they made Trump sound? Remember how wrong it was for any decent person to vote for Trump? That Woke-A-Cola was so widespread that even pastors were explaining why they could not vote for Trump. Listen to this doozy, spouted by a man with a Ph.D. from a Pentecostal Denomination:
“As a spiritual leader who believes the Bible is the revealed word of God, I vote for Joe Biden. Some Christian friends may point to the abortion policies espoused by Democrats and question my pro-life convictions. But politics is NOT a single-issue enterprise. And the Bible presents a stark contrast between godly and ungodly behaviors far more extensively than simply about the unborn. Before you write an angry reply to the post, do one simple thing: read any chapter of the Book of Proverbs, and see if you can find a single verse to suggest the current president is someone to follow. In addition to several other passages, I read a Proverbs chapter daily and cringe multiple times about the boastful man-in-office who claimed he would ‘save Christianity.’”
With little effort at all, I was able to find Trump in the book of Proverbs: “He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue” (Proverbs 28:23).
I also found a description of this misguided pastor in Proverbs: “Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are righteous who give way to the wicked” (Proverbs 25:26).
And by the way…abortion literally is a single-issue enterprise.

I wonder how his words appear to him now―now that Biden has sold himself to do evil, every bit as much as Ahab in the Bible. I wonder how he, and the other Biden Evangelicals, feel now that every iota of what conservatives and Trump supporters said would happen has indeed happened, and more.
Perhaps, the craziest conspiracy theory of our time was to believe that Biden was going to be good for America.
But the Left called us conspiracy nuts for believing that all of Trump’s wonderful achievements would go down the drain. Every executive order of Biden is as helpful as using leeches on a hemophiliac. Everything he has touched has rained down misery and racial hatred. And, he is pushing the world to the brink of Armageddon.
The cesspool of hatred for Israel, known as the Squad (Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and AOC), is boiling over. Democrats own that now.
The leftist progressives that have seen their conspiracy theories coming true now know beyond knowing that the Biden presidency is the most unimaginable horror for America. And now we know that the “Christians,” who were duped into voting for this debauchery, need to repent. Utterly repent!

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