Why is President Biden Purposely Flooding the Nation with Illegal Aliens?

President Joe Biden’s deputies congratulate themselves for delivering foreign migrants into Americans’ workplaces, communities, and society without approval from Congress or debate with the worried voters.

“We’re increasing and improving legal migration,” Tyler Moran, a White House official, told the Washington Post. “We have put in place many policies creating legal pathways to migrate and seek protection, and we see that as a metric of success,” she added.

“We have a three-pronged approach,” Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), told a Senate hearing on May 13. “Address the root causes [of migration], to build legal pathways [into the U.S.], and to advocate more with the hope that Congress will pass immigration reform,” he said.

Mayorkas is opening legal pathways into Americans’ workplaces and homes by widening the side doors in immigration law, such as parole admissions and asylum claims. He is also widening the doors to legalization by easing the award of green cards to illegal or unlawful migrants.

White House spokeswoman Pili Tobar worked in a variety of advocacy migration jobs before joining Biden’s administration. On May 7, she tweeted:

The vast majority of “vetted sponsors or family members” for supposedly unaccompanied children are illegally present in the United States. Many of those sponsors paid coyotes — and the cartels — to deliver their children or job-seeking teenage boys to U.S. agents on the border. Mayorkas’ agency is now completing the contracted delivery — gratis — of the young migrants to their U.S.-based illegal migrant relatives.

Mayorkas is declining to use a court decision that would allow him to stop the coyote-delivered entry of so-called “unaccompanied” youths and children into the United States.

The DHS secretary told the Senate in testimony that he wants to provide asylum approval to youths and children who have not even left their home country: “If we can, in fact, adjudicate [asylum] claims in the countries of origin, or truly safe places, then we will spare children the perilous journey north.” He added, “These are people, yearning to be free.”

In April, Mayorkas used optional Title 8 rules to allow roughly 60,000 people across the border, including roughly 35,000 people from distant places other than Mexico or Central America.

DHS does not repatriate migrants who try to sneak across the border, helping roughly 45,000 do so in April, often on their second or third attempts. Moreover, the very lax enforcement rules at DHS leave migrants with little fear of being deported. At least 11 million people are already living illegally in the United States.

Mayorkas uses the parole side door in immigration law to bring thousands of legally deported migrants back into the United States.

The DHS secretary is also drafting regulations that would dramatically raise the number of poor economic migrants who could use crime or domestic abuse claims to get U Visas or T Visas and then win the huge prize of U.S. citizenship.

He is also stripping away bureaucratic and regulatory curbs on the Fortune 500 hiring of foreign graduates for jobs needed by American graduates. In addition, he is backing a bill that would automatically award green cards to foreign migrants if they perform 10 years of work for U.S. companies.

As administration officials try to create new migration pipelines without approval by Congress or debate with the public, they are dismissing media coverage — and public criticism — of the migration wave as a distraction. Roughly 178,000 migrants were recorded arriving at the border, marking a 20-year record.

Why is President Biden Purposely Flooding the Nation with Illegal Aliens?

According to the Washington Post:

Rather than attempting to drive down migration through more stringent enforcement, Biden officials in recent weeks have been seeking to change the perception that high border numbers equate to a crisis, a failure, or even something manifestly negative.

“Apprehensions don’t tell the full story, and getting to zero is not a measure of success,” Tyler Moran, one of Biden’s top immigration policy advisers, said in an interview. She and other Biden officials have urged patience with their policies and plans to address the “root causes” driving Central American emigration, while blaming the Trump administration for handing them an immigration system with a myopic focus on keeping border numbers low.

“We’re moving toward a fair, orderly and humane system,” Moran added. “We’re increasing and improving legal migration, and deterring irregular migration. We have put in place a number of policies creating legal pathways to migrate and seek protection, and we see that as a metric of success.”

The “full story,” as described by Moran, does not include the economic damage – such as housing prices — done to native-born and immigrant Americans, the expanding poverty and regional gaps in U.S. society, or the damage done to migrants’ home countries by the left-wing policy of extracting migrants for use in the U.S. economy.

Republican legislators are pushing back, but usually with ineffective rhetoric about socialism, border chaos, or illegal migrants.

The rhetoric looks good on some conservative websites, and it avoids a clash with pro-migration business donors, who oppose any GOP talk about immigration, jobs, wages, and careers. For example, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) responded to Mayorkas’ May 13 hearing comments by pointing to the crush of migrants at the border:

What I find astonishing … is that we have the secretary responsible for securing our border and our immigration system, who doesn’t recognize these charts as being a problem … and is not saying “We’ve got to make some changes immediately.” I find that I find that extraordinary and extremely damning.

But some GOP politicians are cutting the heart of the issue.

“The open borders policy of Democrats is driving down the wages of millions of Americans,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Wednesday during a May 12 hearing for a Democrat amnesty bill. He continued:

The bill that we’re discussing in this hearing today is, I believe, a very dangerous bill. It is a radical bill that would grant amnesty to millions of people here illegally, with a broad swath that is wrong, immoral, and profoundly unfair.

It is unfair to millions of Americans — [to] low-income Americans, Americans who may be out of work, Americans who may be in difficult jobs.

Why is President Biden Purposely Flooding the Nation with Illegal Aliens?

The open borders policy of Democrats is driving down wages of millions of Americans [including] the African American community. This bill is terrible for the African American community. It lowers wages in the African American community. The Hispanic community: This bill is terrible for the Hispanic community. For legal immigrants: … this bill drives down wages for millions of legal immigrants.

Pro-American activists are sharpening their responses: “It is extraction immigration,” said Rob Law, the director of regulatory affairs and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies. He added:

At the end of the day, calling everybody north to the United States leaves these other countries with a desolated population and completely destroyed economy. It is cruelty on steroids. What they’re doing is callous. It is cruel and it’s immoral.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. This opposition is multiracial, cross-sex, non-racist, class-based, bipartisan, rational, persistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

The voter opposition to elite-backed economic migration coexists with support for legal immigrants and some sympathy for illegal migrants. But only a minority of Americans — mostly leftists — embrace the many skewed polls and articles pushing the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition to labor migration is built on the widespread recognition that legal and illegal migration moves money away from most Americans’ pocketbooks and families. Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to investors, from technology to stoop labor, from red states to blue states, and from the central states to the coastal states such as New York.

Joe Biden’s Open Border Policies Suborn Criminality: “It’s OK: Come on In!”

We hear scan reports from today’s media regarding crimes committed by illegals. Why is that? It feeds into the leftist agenda of Open Borders.

It is unquestionable that over the last year, crime in the U.S. has increased dramatically. It is also factual to say that illegal aliens have been and are committing many of those crimes. Of course, the FBI/DOJ do not release reports which break down the demographics by the citizenship of the perpetrators of serious crimes. Why is that? Those numbers don’t prop up the leftist plan to pack the nation with a “new” class of Americans and a plan that creates permanent Democrat Party voters.

Let’s take a peek at just one small segment of illegal alien criminality with a snapshot of the state of Texas.

According to an analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The report describes an alien crime wave of staggering proportions exacerbated by federal officials unwilling to enforce immigration laws.

The Texas DPS report says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails:

From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total 177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008.

There are almost certainly more criminal aliens who haven’t been identified as aliens.  The 177,588 criminal aliens identified by Texas through the Secure Communities initiative only can tag criminal aliens who had already been fingerprinted.  Arrests of illegal aliens who have not been fingerprinted before arrest are not included in these arrests numbers derived from the Secure Communities initiative.

That means that the already stratospheric aggregate crime totals would be even higher if crimes by many illegal aliens who are not in the fingerprint database were included.

The Secure Communities initiative is an information-sharing program between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. Presumably, both departments would have data on the number of fingerprint searches conducted that revealed a criminal act involved an alien.

Texas has been ground zero in illegal alien crossings into the United States. The Texas DPS report shows that in the Rio Grande Valley, 154,453 illegal aliens were apprehended in 2013.

Other Texas sectors saw approximately 86,000 illegal aliens apprehended.  All other sectors combined on the southern border only saw approximately 170,000 illegal alien apprehensions in the same time period.  The Obama/Biden administration released a sizable portion of the illegal aliens captured.

The criminal aliens identified by the Texas Department of Public Safety have been responsible for the most heinous types of crimes — and in astonishing numbers. From the Texas DPS report:

A review of these 177,588 defendants shows that they are responsible for at least 611,234 individual criminal charges over their criminal careers, including 2,993 homicides and 7,695 sexual assaults.

Arizona Illegal Alien Crimes Double The Number by Legals

The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, then-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in 2018, citing a report based on conviction data.

From the Crime Prevention Research Center, the report used a previously untapped set of data from Arizona that detailed criminal convictions and found that illegal immigrants between 15 and 35 are less than 3 percent of the state’s population, but nearly 8 percent of its prison population. And the crimes they were convicted of were, on the whole, more serious.

Among nearly 4,000 first- and second-degree murder convictions, undocumented immigrants accounted for nearly 13 percent — significantly higher than their percentage of the population. Legal immigrants, by contrast, were less than 1 percent of convicts. Native-born made up the rest.

Undocumented immigrants also accounted for five times the rate of convictions for money laundering and kidnapping and were three times more likely to be convicted of drive-by shootings.

In the report, the crime rates of the undocumented who were ages 18 to 35 were significant, given the ongoing debate over legalizing illegal immigrant “Dreamers.” He said the Arizona data showed that the population had crime rates 250 percent higher than their share of the population would have predicted.

“They’re more likely to be convicted of sexual assault, robbery, and driving under the influence. They’re more than twice as likely to be convicted of murder.”


New Mexico and California certainly have massive numbers of crimes committed by illegals. Still, it should come as no surprise that neither has published similar data as have Texas and Arizona documenting those numbers.

Looking at the federal-only criminal arrests of illegals, more than 90% of illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents in the United States in 2019 had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, including 56,000 assaults and thousands of sex crimes, robberies, homicides, and kidnappings. Many had “extensive criminal histories with multiple convictions,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) year-end report. The 123,128 illegal aliens arrested by the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in 2019 had 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges, representing an average of four crimes per alien, highlighting the “recidivist nature” of the arrested aliens, the agency writes, noting that sanctuary cities nationwide greatly impeded its public safety efforts.

How does ANY elected official at the state or federal level ignore their oaths of office in allowing this massive lawlessness to be perpetrated on the citizens of the U.S.?

With this President, there’s NO end in sight. It is not surprising to hear the stories coming from some Texans of a serious move to “take matters into their own hands” and stop illegal aliens from entering their state.

President Biden has filled his administration with unelected appointees who are outwardly anti-border sycophants who have actually pledged to flood the nation with illegals.

The cost of this to the citizens of the U.S. is incalculable. Including the expense of law enforcement at local, state, and federal levels, the judiciary, medical, education,  and housing, estimates are as high as $1 trillion a year! Of course, that cost pales when considering the cost of the lives lost at the hands of these criminals.

Why is President Biden Purposely Flooding the Nation with Illegal Aliens?

What is this all about? Ignore the false cries of care and affection for those less fortunate than native Americans. It’s been proven over and over that it is nothing more than a talking point. If the options for the correct answer are examined, one can quickly conclude only one possible purpose: to salvage the dying Democrat Party membership with illegals who will give Democrats permanent legislative power.

I know that “being here” does not automatically “voting here.” Don’t raise that objection! We all have witnessed firsthand that Democrat Party leadership does NOT need legal status for voters. Ballot harvesting takes care of that problem! Anyway, they make no bones about their intentions: give EVERY illegal a path to full citizenship. THAT will give them a voting base that will permanently be committed to the party that gave them EVERYTHING.

To Download today’s ( Tuesday, May 18, 2021) “TNN Live” Show, click on this link:

37 thoughts on “Why is President Biden Purposely Flooding the Nation with Illegal Aliens?”

  1. Stop using the term African American. It is illogical, not correct (White south africans, egyptians, etc) , and not preferred language for anyone who is Black. Use the word Black if you want to race bait or better yet talk about the financial class instead of race altogether.

    1. Biden and his whole cabinet show be forced out of office they are doing nothing but ruining this great country. His border policy is nothing but a failure. Letting anyone into this country
      is not right. Look at the crime rate how it has gone up. Allowing illegal drugs to come across the border. How many of American have been killed by the drug of fenttalnel, This president has to be the worst president that we have ever had. Its time to impeach him and get rid of the prresident. He has shown that he is not capable of being President.

  2. I believe he is purposely allowing this- ENCOURAGING it, to destroy the US. Along with the spending to bankrupt, along with the dependance on foriegn oil, along with the destruction in the cities all of this equates to destroying the Republic..Why? Pretty simple ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY, Dems will show themselves as the TOTALITARIANS they are,our country will look like China,Russia Cuba- while AOC and idiots like her wear fancy dresses tax the rich (till there are rich no more) and a handful of Communist in Washington and a handful of Oligarchs in Silicon Valley control everything. This is just a few paragraphs of the first chapter of “2022, 1984 revisited”. call me a nut job…dont care, call me uniformed…dont care… there WILL come a day when the migrants will no longer WANT to stay- but by then it will be too late.

  3. This I’m crazy .
    He has walls all around him at the white house ,he is allowed to be safe .
    Now the taxpayers are paying to build a wall around his beach house , yet we cannot be safe .
    He simply does not care ,and I believe this article.
    Their base is dying and he wants a new base , we have to have voter ID .
    This administration is the most corrupt and radical
    I’ve ever seen.
    I’m 66ys old, I fear for the children of this country
    And I never thought I’d ever have to say this .

  4. Diane Robinson

    This infuriates me beyond belief. Involving lawyers (ambulance chasers) to negotiate lawsuits for illegals is not only an insult to taxpayers, but a cost we CANNOT SUPPORT! What the hell is going on in this country? American citizens can’t even sue the government; and this crazy SOB in the White House is giving this the go-ahead???????????????????????????????

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Biden is dummer that a stump. He has no clue what he is doing to this great country of ours

  5. Diane Robinson

    You are absolutely right. Biden wants to turn America into a third-world country where the government takes ALL OF OUR TAXES to support illegals, in addition to our jobs (not THEIRS)! How much more of this can we stand before we revolt? We need to stop paying taxes since we have no say in how they are spent!!!

    1. When invaders show up in Cali and state, ” This place is worse than my country, where I migrated from!” Then I say they have succeeded in turning our once free republic beautiful Nation into a Communistic totalitarians banana republic nightmare on steroids

    1. I do not believe Biden to be the real President of America. I think he is a puppet being controlled by his previous boss. The one not born in America that became President through Fraud. I also believe the election was manipulated, so I do not recognize Biden as having ANY AUTHORITY OVER AMERICA OR Having the right to write executive orders.

  6. Enough talking! Contact your local congressman to organize the largest protest in American history and urge this administration and head of DHS be impeached or fired for misleading and lying to the American people. And don’t support large corporations that support them.
    Remember the wheel that squeaks the loudest always gets the grease.

    1. I think Biden needs to move all the illegals into his house. He’s the worst so-called president we have ever had. He doesn’t care about the American people. He is so flipping old why should he care about his grandchildren and their future or anyone else in America because if he did, he wouldn’t let all the immigrants into the USA like he is! I’m mad as hell and want Biden stopped!

  7. This is the complete plan on the globalization agenda. Biden is without a doubt the puppet of much more powerful forces going on behind the curtain. too many things happening at once to be pure incompetence, age, or party. Flood the border, bankrupt the citizens, lets not forget add 80,00 I.R.S. agents, and blame it on your political rival so as to divide from within, with no accountability. If republicans do manage to gain control of house and senate, at least two years to bring us back from the brink of democracy apocalypse.

    1. And remember, those 80,000 IRS agents are now ARMED with orders to shoot to kill. Biden and the commiecrats are using illegal aliens to INVADE our country. Americans are in financial slavery, forced to pay for food, housing (Bank of America and Citibank give home loans to illegals with less documentation than from citizens), free medical at every ER and hospital, free education, a free cellphone, and $750/month CASH! In addition, Biden is handing out $1500 in EBT cards to each illegal. Illegals are invading, going on welfare, and stealing our country, homes, and jobs. This is what the Democrats want. This is their planned takeover. NO MORE IMMIGRATION, legal or otherwise!!

  8. Ya know, I’m sure Biden said something along the lines that no child in America should go hungry. I find it ironic that 1 trillion is spent on illegal aliens ,and that very little is paid attention to that we have millions of homeless people on the streets, returned vets from foreign wars out there too. There is still 1 in 5 American children going hungry tonight and tomorrow and on and on as they have been for years. I’m of the mind that it’s about time to tell every last one of those aliens thanks, wish them well, and tell them that things just didn’t work out and then buss them home. OUR American kids and adults need work, even those jobs “that no one wants”. With inflation roaring, and gas going up, I’m sure anyone in their right mind would be glad to lower themselves down and do those jobs because they’re sick and tired of having their family do without, and having the added strain of being insulted by our government leaders who bus those immigrants all over the U.S. to get work, good healthcare, a place to stay, education, and God only knows what. I think the next campaign slogan should be F.A.A. “Find America Again” After all, we voted for both bozo’s Trump and Biden rear end. God help us if Burnie S, manages to get in. No socialist crap wanted there Burnie!

    1. YES! For someone who believes so strongly in socialism, why is it that Bernie Sanders has not one, not two, but THREE homes?!! Then he should believe in “fair redistribution of wealth” and give his three homes to three needy deserving families! What say you commie Bernie?
      That old gas bag sponged for years off his girlfriends and ex-wives. He didn’t get a job until he was 45 years old and that was as a politician so he could become an even bigger bum for doing nothing and stealing millions!

  9. Made more investigations into illegal aliens being bussed/flown covertly all over the U.S. According to govt. official site (“The Briefing Room” and “Politifact” a fact checker) only children of illegals are being bussed to families across the U.S.,not adults. The buss and covert plane trips allegations are unfounded stories a certain Republican senator made up to smear Biden. So,I take back what I said in my reply on the 27Th. But I do stick to the other stuff and add that we in America need to attack poverty and homelessness first before adding new illegal residents and ignore the baloney about jobs being given to those who supposedly take those jobs and not us.I see a lot of Mexican chefs making Chinese food, pizza, Cajun food and many other types. What? No American chefs available? I still remember the many many fast food places across the U.S. getting bombarded also. (Saw signs of protest on AOL news). I’ve seen many mugshot posters of south of the border types in gangs of professional shop lifters when in my once job of a loss prevention officer. I’ve seen San Jose CA turn into a haven of thieves,child molesters, rapists, plus murderers not to mention the guy who killed a woman on a pier in S.F. and got away with a slap. The Canadian president made it a point to send these “people” out of his country on a mass scale because of the large amount of crime. And,I am sickened by the massive displacement of skilled trades Journeyman, who went through years of apprenticeship to reach that goal by well, you know who. There have been many boats full of cocaine and marijuana mysteriously landing on various beaches out here, CA. since the “invasion” of well, those poor guys. And wonderful murders of people that had their bodies dismembered with body parts floating in S.F. Bay,. Sounds awful, huh? Well, all of this (and more) has never happened in such quantity before but, now, things have changed, let’s do the “Christian” thing, give them a sanctuary city, full heath benefits, jobs and money. If I remember right even Jesus himself got a little pissed about wolves in sheep’s clothing. What ever happened to the border guys and their Catholic upbringing? If they read the same bible I read what happened to the part about treating others as you would like to be treated? There may be good guys somewhere in the bunch but in the case of being ran out of your country due to dope dealers and not many jobs available, then why not use what Americans have been doing for centuries? Start creating new ones. How about studying our American Revolutionary War and read how the different type of weapons were used by colonists and seized to kick ass to run oppressors straight out? Such as one shot muskets, hatchets, knives, pistols, and eventually cannons? Today the populace is much larger and outnumber drug dealers and murdered etc. What? and the “seekers” don’t? Doesn’t it make sense that if the country you love is being ruined to go back home and kick ass? Personally, I’m offended to the hilt with the entire illegals mess how about you?

    1. Gary, I pretty much agree with almost all the points made in your comment , except your belief that the buses and planes transport ing illegals covertly are smear stories against Biden.
      You are wrong on this point. I frequently travel on I45, and I69 in Texas. In the past year, I have seen white busses marked Homeland Security and other privately contracted buses going both ways – Houston- Dallas and Dallas Houston. Many times 3-4 buses in a row can be seen, at all hours, day and night.
      This is happening despite your disbelief. Our Gov. Abbott is helping to remove the illegals from Texas, since Old Joe encourages the invasion. The proof is in the pudding.

      1. I moved from Chicago to the small town where I live now and we have over 2000 illegals that have been dumped on us since Biden took office. My friend that sells used cars has seen them getting off a bus so please believe that they are letting anyone in our country that will vote Democrat while risking the safety of our citizens!

    2. This is not new. Both Biden and Obama were flying illegals into our country back during Obama’s terms in office:

  10. We all know – as do the military and law enforcement – that Biden is NOT ‘the presiden’t – he’s China’s installed pedo puppet.

    They thought it was a very clever way of invading us without physically invading – and because their english is absolute crap, he comes off as twice the blathering idiot every time they jabber like unintelligent gnats in his earpiece telling him what to say.

    All of them need to be – very publicly – rounded up and tried for high treason and crimes against humanity. How many millions have they killed now with their created wu flu and Bill Gates/Moderna/Pfizer toxic chemical death jabs?

    They shouldn’t even think about telling us “oh our military can’t do things like that” because that’s pure bull. Every member of the military swore an oath to ‘defend and protect against enemies foreign and domestic’.

    What have they done about it so far? Diddly squat, that’s what.

  11. Until the media starts reporting the real news (illegals given permission by administration to walk
    into our country unimpeded), the idiots who voted this guy in, will never know what is happening
    to our country because they are so uninformed.

  12. I believe that the end plan is to have terrorist attacks in the US, Illegal immigrants will cause a strain on our resources and keep committing crimes to the point it overwhelms our police force and Judicial system, till the government installs Marshal Law FOREVER!

  13. Joe Biden is doing this on purpose as a malicious terrorist attack upon American citizens in order to be FORCED to vote Democrat, particularly the Communist Democrat despotic regime. He is using the Palastino terrorists in Mexico to import drugs and more of their terrorist companions in for centralization of Government power to terrorize and control American citizens. He may even use MS-13 (Musulmanes Salvajes) from Central America as champion cannibal warriors to take over American big cities as the Federal Government’s plan of Martial Law.

  14. 1) First offense: Trap, Neuter, Return illegals to their home, including DACA, and bill their country for all expenses.
    2) Second offense: Instant execution. All ages, all sexes including the Dreamers.
    3) No social services for any illegals including DACA. And NO Emergency Room services as well! Let the illegals go to their socialist medical services in their own country.
    4) Where there are openings at the wall, place shipping containers to block entry till the wall is finished. Then start on the remaining 3 borders.
    5) A 2013 Dominican court ruling stripped citizenship from children born to illegals; the U.S. should do that too.

  15. The NWO WEF Democrats want to destroy America from within. Flooding America with 20 million parasites will collapse America’s society. The parasites will destroy our life savings and destroy our great American culture. No American will join the armed services and protect America from even our greatest enemies if our country is controlled by NWO Communists. I always wondered why America wasn’t mentioned in the Book of Revelations, when the worlds evil countries attack Israel. Now I know, we won’t be able to muster. We will be compromised with an internal conflict with the illegal alien army destroying our infrastructure and cities. Soros and the Democrat elites are ecstatic now, I know.

  16. I agree that flooding America with the southern immigrants is getting to be to much. But what us people are forgetting is this : stop and think where your ancestors came from, Germany, Norway etc. none of us are really actual Americans. The one’s that are natural Americans are the Native AMERICAN Indians. No I am not Native American I came from the ancestry of Germany. It is not right back then what our government did just as it maybe now with the borders. Flooding USA is causing America a lot of harm, jobs scarce, landfills over filled, higher taxes to cover the immigrants not getting taxed, very high crime rates, food shortages, relying on other countries more to help support us with goods and services China on top of the list, stripping of our land to build more and more, building on top of sink holes and what not, the list goes on and on. It does not matter what government party is in control Democrat or Republican they are all corrupt and only in to line their pockets not to help us. Their is no good insight for American future at all it is only downhill from here on out.
    Now passing banning abortions, what if all their family members got raped? Do you think that will be in media HECK NO will be behind the curtain abortion. So many of American rights are being stripped away only to help the illegal and legal immigrant’s.

    1. Thank you for your comment! There’s no question that our forefathers came here from other nations. Unless one is Native American, that ancestral line did not begin here. However, a person who is born here is, by law, a citizen. Therefore, they have all the rights detailed in the U.S. Constitution. A massive number of Americans are fine with immigration to the U.S.: LEGAL immigration. Millions of immigrants have used that legal process through the years. And it’s worked perfectly.

      Our President has chosen to ignore numerous federal laws and allow anyone, no matter who, to come here. We have NO knowledge of their backgrounds or current physical conditions. Almost daily, criminal acts against Americans are committed by a large number of illegal aliens. Many have history of being here previously illegally, have committed crimes, and been deported to their home countries only to steal back into the U.S. and commit crimes again.

      Did you know that the U.S. welcomes 1 million legal immigrants each year? That’s more than immigrants allowed to legally live in every other country on Earth combined?!? The President gripes in anger because Republicans in Congress refuse to accept his policies of open borders going forward while making ALL illegal aliens here today legal.

      The Rule of Law is what’s at stake in this process. Yes, Republicans refuse to accept the millions of illegals here. But what must be understood is that the U.S. is not a monarchy, a dictatorship, or a Communist nation. Our government is a “representative Republic.” That means Americans elect who they want to represent them in crafting laws.

      Biden refuses to accept this process. He rather tries to do everything HE wants to do by going around Congress. THOSE ARE THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE! They are the ONLY ones who can legally change laws. And Mr. Biden is daily breaking those federal laws by NOT stopping the illegal aliens. He has NO right to ignore our laws passed by those members of Congress who are the voices for Americans.

      The reason Congress will NOT pass his proposed legislation is the voters they represent don’t accept it. If Americans allow this Biden mess to continue, our nation will no longer be the nation our forefathers established it to be nor the nation hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives to support.

      Here’s an example of how Biden is trying to “fix” our broken immigration process that he broke. “The bathtub is flowing over. And the faucet is stuck and can’t be turned off. Pres. Biden grabbed a bucket and dips water out of the tub as fast as he can. But he cannot dip it out quickly. It continues to overflow the tub, soaking the floor around and draining into the floor below.

      That all could have stopped if he only ran and turned the water off!

      If we want to stop the illegal flow, TURN THE WATER OFF! Then start there to fix the problem. Now, NO ONE can trust him to do the right thing.

      Thank you again for reading our stories. Have a great year!


  17. Who are the real “wizards” controlling this country? Who planned 911, Covid, Ukrain, Afghanistan Attack, Iraq Attack, Bin Laden Attack, Libya Attack, JFK & RK Attacks, LGBTQXYZ,. Who are the hidden puppet masters. Love or hate him, ” Fake News” man was AbSOLUTEly correct.

    1. Ossib Petrovicz

      I expect this comment won’t make it and that is fine because it’s for you even though you have eyes but cannot see, and ears yet cannot hear.

      Wow your name is Ashkenazi, did you know Dan? Of course you did. You creatures have some Mucho Grande balls attacking the actual Israelite descendants for the last 2500 years(minimum). Not only claiming an Identity you Canaanites have no right to, but also claiming the real tribes are lost. I, being of the tribe of Judah Zerah can affirm you will never have our spiritual gifts or be an actual child of YHWH no matter how much you like to role play.

      Deuteronomy 7:3

      “Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.”
      -Speaking in regards to the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites,

      Yet you people proudly admit you have Canaanite DNA. HA! Take a look at some of the ancient depictions of the Hittites and Canaanites and you might see a familiar face staring back. Especially in the nose region of the face.

      As for the illegals being brought in by you workers of inequity. YHWH has allowed you CHILDREN of Satan to do the works of your FATHER and bring them into EVERY SINGLE white ISRAELITE descended nation at the same time in history praise YHWH! You creatures bring about your own destruction.

      The whore of the BABYLONIAN talmud is this corrupted nation.

      “Revelation 17:15”
      And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

      Revelation 17:15
      “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”
      So have fun LARPing as if Biden or Trump run anything demon

      1. Why would I not allow your comment to be published? Your words obviously express your feelings. They make me sad for you. The substance that runs through all your words is what makes me sad. I’m fairly certain we serve two different God’s, based on your words. My God IS love. All I hear in your words directed to me is the opposite of love.

        I’m sad to hear someone who professes to know God would assume a right to demean another without even knowing them. I would NEVER speak to you the way you speak to me. God said, “Lift Me up and I’ll draw all men unto me.” Your words do the exact opposite.

        My prayer for you is for you to come into the full understanding of God and accept Him in your life. I know: you feel you already know the one true God. But a man who truly is God’s servant does NOT spew venom and hate to another man — especially one you do not know. God can (and will) help you with your anger and hatred of others.

        Thank you for responding with your thoughts. I wish you the best.


  18. Let’s back off on the biblical nonsense, and get back to what everyone was talking about. You can say what ever you want, but the bottom line is, America is being destroyed. There is no room for any more migrants, period. What on earth is wrong with Biden? Trump was a joke, but there was one thing I agreed with when he was president, his border policy. I wish to God he was president now. I’m a veteran, and joined to military, for Americans, not every Tom, Dick and “Edwardo”. This is the way things get pushed to the point of oblivion. I wish the states and Border Patrol would simply refuse to comply with this B.S.

  19. Pingback: Biden was arrested, privately, we are waiting for a public arrest of all the Bidens, Fake corrupt illegal White House staff – Ritz Hidden News

  20. Biden was only following orders from Obama, who wishes to see what is happening all over Europe and other parts of the World being forced to take in the worst of the African Continent and the USA forced into taking in the worst of S, American Continent and of the African Continent. Obama knows that eventually they will out breed us and then destroy the White Race in order to live off of the wealth they will steal. This is why the E.U. was formed so that the worst of the worst cannot be turned away or deported. If The MARXIST HARRIS steals a second Presidential election, God Help Us–We are finished and may as well go dig our own graves.

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