Joe Biden: Dictator-In-Chief

That’s a raucous, if not dangerous, title for an article here. After all, TruthNewsNetwork is a very conservative website that prides itself in presenting ONLY facts on every issue it covers. If that is true, how could TruthNewsNetwork legitimately maintain that Joe Biden — “President” Joe Biden — is “Dictator-In-Chief?”

Because Joe Biden has stealthily taken a public stand AGAINST the U.S. Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the separation of powers for the three branches of government.

There is but ONE explanation for any president taking such actions, and that is by adopting an attitude that is anti-democratic and/or void of any commitment to the tenets detailed in the U.S. Constitution. Didn’t Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, pledge an oath “to” the People of the United States?”

A president-elect recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Let me get this straight: Joe Biden swore before the entire nation that he would “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States…”

But that is NOT the end of that Oath. Every president then completes the Oath of Office with, “…and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Does ignoring the U.S. Constitution and the duly passed bills passed by the Congress that were signed into law by the President at the time seem to be “preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution?”

That’s not at all abiding by the Oath of Office. In fact, Joe Biden doing this while ignoring every federal immigration law — several of which he voted FOR when he was U.S. Senator — is grounds for immediate impeachment by Congress.

The Constitution provides that the President shall be removed from office only upon “Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” U.S. Constitution Article II, § 4.

The U.S. House of Representatives has sole authority to initiate impeachment. If, after an impeachment process, the House votes to impeach any President, the Articles of Impeachment are given to the U.S. Senate to determine if they will take up the case and try that President.

Why Hasn’t the Impeachment of Biden Happened?

There are mounds of examples of Biden’s trampling of the Constitution and the Rule of Law that justify impeachment. Certainly, the GOP has sufficient numbers to start the impeachment process. However, because Democrats control the U.S. Senate, many Republicans are hesitant to pursue impeachment, feeling that the Senate would turn back such an effort.

We are sixteen months away from a presidential election. Lawmakers don’t want to impeach Biden and fail leading up to the November 2024 election. For them, it could be political suicide. This Senate will NEVER vote to remove Biden from office despite an overwhelming package of impeachable offenses by Biden.

Even if that would be successful, who would replace a convicted Joe Biden? Vice President Kamala Harris. So, for Republicans, that would be akin to “jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.”

Who wants to take a chance on that?

Specific Grounds For Biden’s Impeachment

Honestly, there ARE NONE!

Well, there really are. But the Legacy Media will NOT report any negative stories about Joe Biden — even the rampant criminality that is occurring across the nation as 5 million illegals have entered the U.S. This happens with NO background investigations by the Biden Administration — of which law enforcement agencies in each state and city where these illegals have appeared has any idea how bad the law-breaking will be. And the Mainstream Media report only positive information about any of these illegals, even though hundreds of thousands of criminal acts have been perpetrated by illegals against Americans and immigrants who came to the U.S. legally. Instead, news outlets like CNN report stories about illegal immigration like this:

Justice Department sues to force Texas to remove floating barriers in Rio Grande
CNN — The US Department of Justice is suing the state of Texas over its use of floating barriers in the Rio Grande, which Gov. Greg Abbott has argued is intended to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico.

The Justice Department is seeking an injunction to bar Texas from building additional barriers in the river and asking a court to order the state to take the existing barriers down at its own expense.

In the lawsuit, filed in the US District Court in the Western District of Texas, the department alleges that Texas and Abbott, a Republican, violated the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act by building a structure in US water without permission from United States Army Corps of Engineers.

The lawsuit further alleges that the floating barriers “constitute an unauthorized obstruction to the navigable capacity of waters of the United States.”

“We allege that Texas has flouted federal law by installing a barrier in the Rio Grande without obtaining the required federal authorization,” Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said in a statement. “This floating barrier poses threats to navigation and public safety and presents humanitarian concerns. Additionally, the presence of the floating barrier has prompted diplomatic protests by Mexico and risks damaging US foreign policy.”

The lawsuit comes after Abbott said earlier Monday that he would not be order the floating barriers to be removed from the Rio Grande, in defiance of a Justice Department request.

“Texas will fully utilize its constitutional authority to deal with the crisis you have caused,” Abbott wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden following last week’s DOJ request to remove the barriers.

He added, “Texas will see you in court, Mr. President.”

The Justice Department’s legal action over the floating barriers is based on a clause in federal law that “prohibits the creation of any obstruction to the navigable capacity of waters of the United States, and further prohibits building any structure in such waters without authorization from the United States Army Corps of Engineers.”

The showdown between Abbott and the federal government comes as Texas’ treatment of migrants who attempt to cross into the US illegally faces increased scrutiny. Biden administration officials have grown increasingly concerned in recent months about Abbott’s measures, which have disrupted US Border Patrol operations in the region and put migrants at risk. A Homeland Security official told CNN last week that Abbott’s moves are “making our job harder” while disturbing images of migrants with injuries and troubling reports of Texas troops pushing migrants back to Mexico have drawn criticism from the White House and scores of Democratic lawmakers.

The Justice Department told Texas on Thursday that it intended to file legal action against the placement of the floating barriers in the Rio Grande as part of the state’s operation along the Texas-Mexico border, according to sources familiar and a letter obtained by CNN. The Justice Department gave Texas a deadline of Monday at 2 p.m. ET to commit to the removal of the floating border barriers or face legal action, according to the letter sent to Abbott.

The Republican governor pushed back on those demands, saying, “I have asserted Texas’s ‘sovereign interest in protecting [her] borders. I have done so in my role as the commander-in-chief of our State’s militia under Article IV, § 7 of the Texas Constitution.”

Later Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly slammed Abbott for what she called “dangerous and unlawful” actions.

“We actually saw the president’s plan working and what you see the governor doing is dangerous and unlawful,” Jean-Pierre told reporters on Monday. “It’s actually hurting the process. It’s hurting the process of what we’re trying to do.”

Later, Jean-Pierre said bluntly, “He’s literally operating in bad faith.”

“Governor Abbott is not moving forward in good faith. He’s just not,” she said. “The one person that is sowing chaos is Governor Abbott. That’s where he continues to do political stunts in an inhumane way.”

Texas is already facing a lawsuit against its installation of a marine floating barrier. The owner of a Texas canoe and kayaking company filed the lawsuit earlier this month on the same day that Texas started deploying buoys for the barrier. That suit lists the state of Texas and Abbott, as well as the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard.

The dispute is separate from the ongoing assessment of mistreatment of migrants, which the Justice Department described as “troubling reports.”

The inspector general for the Texas Department of Public Safety has received several additional complaints from DPS personnel on the front lines at the border about the treatment of migrants trying to enter the United States, three sources familiar with the investigation told CNN. Among the complaints are reports that Texas troopers were told to push back migrants into the Rio Grande and ordered not to give them water.

Abbott’s office has denied that any orders have been given that “would compromise the lives of those attempting to cross the border illegally.”


Congress makes ALL laws. It is treasonous and an obvious impeachable offense for any President to unilaterally ignore the Rule of Law and instruct any person or persons to break any federal law. Joe Biden is doing exactly that.

Additionally, Biden signs executive orders almost daily, of which many are outside the authority of any President.

Which branch of the Government holds members of the government accountable? Constitutionally, that is the Department of Justice, led by the Attorney General. This Attorney General — Merrick Garland — is doing Biden’s bidding in total disregard of the Rule of Law. (In fact, Garland himself now finds himself in the impeachment line for ALSO breaking HIS Oath of Office!)

The long version of this saga is exactly what we detailed above. As indicated in the CNN article above, Legacy Media is acting as a branch of the United States Government but is trying to legitimize all these illegal acts by Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. And many Democrats are swallowing these lies.

It will be a sad day when the Americans who listen only to Democrats and their media sycophants about all things related to our government discover they’ve been hoodwinked. And it will probably be too late to make any changes that are necessary to right the ship “USA.”

With that in mind, what could possibly be the Democrats’ plans for the Nation? “Liberty and Justice for All” is already just a slogan printed on entry mats. It, for two hundred years, was the representation of what our forefathers wanted the United States to be. On leftist Democrats’ watch, Democracy in the U.S. is all but gone. But the Left continues to beat the drum as loud as possible to keep those millions already tricked into believing that lie in perpetuity.

What purpose could be their end game? The only social structure that fits is that of a totalitarian nation ruled by a Dictator.

We’re not looking for a “Dictator-wannabe.” We already have one: Joseph Robinette Biden. He’s working hard to change his title from “President” to “Dictator-In-Chief.” That name describes the job Biden has much better than “President.”

I think Joe likes that!

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