A Meaty Tidbit From Strzok Testimony

“Read Between the Lines”

Peter Strzok’s testimony about the email server scandal involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows because of his defiant, disrespectful, and unapologetic attitude about the bias revealed in his text messages that permeated his work at the FBI. Then, there was the verbal combat between him and Republican members of the two committees holding the joint hearing, and between the Republicans and Democratic members who were running interference for Strzok and acting as his defense counsel.

The news media jumped on an exchange in which Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, asked Strzok if he lied to his wife about his affair with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page in the same way as he was in testifying to Congress. That was too much for the Democrats and the media, who leaped to Strzok’s defense.

The media, however, virtually ignored another exchange between Gohmert and Strzok that revealed a potential bombshell. Gohmert asked Strzok about his meeting in 2016 with Frank Rucker and Janette McMillan, an investigator, and lawyer, respectively, for then-Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough (an Obama appointee).

McCullough sent them to see Strzok — who was the FBI’s deputy assistant director for the Counterintelligence Division — to brief him and three other FBI personnel about an “anomaly” that their forensic analysis had found in Clinton’s server. According to Gohmert, the inspector general discovered that, with four exceptions, “every single one” of Clinton’s emails—more than 30,000—“were going to an address that was not on the distribution list.” In other words — according to the information Gohmert received from the intelligence inspector general — something was causing Clinton’s server to send copies of all of her email communications outside of the country “to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia.”

If true, this means that Clinton’s email communication with her top aides, department leadership, ambassadors, and other officials, including President Barack Obama, may have been read by an alien entity, perhaps a foreign power hostile to the United States. That could include confidential, sensitive, and even classified information about our foreign policy or our allies. Gohmert’s exchange with Strzok doesn’t reveal who the foreign entity is, but if not the Russians, the likely culprit is the Chinese government, which has a special unit of hackers within its military that has long targeted the U.S.

Our intelligence agencies have identified the Chinese as responsible for the biggest data breach to ever hit the federal government: the 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management that stole the files, including security clearance applications, of 21 million current and former federal employees.

Here is how Strzok should have responded to Gohmert’s question about the briefing that Strzok received from the intelligence inspector general’s staff:

“As the FBI’s lead counterintelligence agent, I understood that this was a major security breach, with widespread implications over the disclosure of sensitive and classified communications. I immediately implemented protocols to investigate the extent of the problem; to notify all agencies and government officials whose communications had been compromised; to assess the damage that may have been done to specific operations, assets, programs, and personnel; and to prepare recommendations on how to remedy the problems caused by this disclosure.”

Unfortunately, Strzok actually said that while he did “remember meeting Mr. Rucker on either one or two occasions,” he did not “recall the specific content or discussions.” In other words, the FBI’s main counterintelligence director doesn’t remember being told that the Secretary of State (his preferred candidate for president) had a breach in her computer system that forwarded all of her internal communication — including emails containing classified information — to a foreign entity.

Since he claimed not to remember being told about something that serious, he obviously did nothing about it.

The question is which of two scenarios is more likely true. Either 1) Strzok was completely incompetent, or 2) his pro-Clinton bias displayed in the thousands of text messages between him and Page caused him to downplay this security issue and ignore it because it could hurt his favored presidential candidate if it came to light.

Strzok’s anti-Trump, pro-Clinton bias was overwhelming. The texts between him and Page are direct and damning evidence in and of themselves. But there is more. His body language and attitude during the hearing also showed bias against Donald Trump and for Clinton. His lack of prudent action as an agent when he was briefed about this massive security breach suggests that he may have abandoned his role as a law enforcement officer, and skewed the results of a politically sensitive investigation to serve his own political leanings.

One of the other disturbing bits of information that came out of this exchange was that — according to Gohmert — the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General called Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Department of Justice, “four times” because it wanted to brief Horowitz about this forensic analysis and this security breach. But, according to Gohmert, Horowitz “never returned the call.”

According to Horowitz’s recent report on the Clinton email server investigation, the FBI “did not find evidence confirming that Clinton’s email server systems were compromised by cyber means,” but they could not definitively determine that her servers had not been compromised. Obviously, if the intelligence inspector general has information to the contrary, that would be significant.

If this is true, the Justice Department, the FBI, and the intelligence inspector general have an obligation to disclose to the public and to lawmakers the foreign entity that hacked into Clinton’s server and received all of those communications. That disclosure would be similar to the way they revealed that it was the Russians who hacked into the Democratic National Committee and Clinton’s campaign. They also need to disclose what steps have been taken to investigate the extent and depth of the problems caused by this potential security breach.

And those in the political arena who have been painting Strzok as some kind of hero who deserves a Purple Heart need to stop insulting our intelligence and our veterans.

If this is an example of how Strzok did his job, he should have been fired long ago, and he is certainly no hero.

(Contributing to this story was Hans von Spakovsky)


Is it not uncanny to you the never-ending saga of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) still goes forward? I’m reminded of that famous line from Jan Brady from the television hit series The Brady Bunch.” Jan Brady was complaining about her hearing nothing else from her friends at school other than their fawning remarks about her sister, Marsha Brady. Jan famously quipped in disgust about her sister, “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” Much of America is heard daily saying, “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!” But in her case, it really IS ENOUGH!

If just a fraction of what we hear about the Clintons is true, can you imagine the enormous political machine and infrastructure that has been in place for decades to protect them in their alleged wrongdoings? And if THAT is really factual, is it no scary to you to know that in the freest country on Earth such a political machine actually exists that is functioning and successfully shielding its “operators” from any responsibility for their illegal actions?

Most importantly, will it ever end? Is Hillary REALLY contemplating another run for the White House in 2020? Is the Democrat Party (that we know is in shambles) so dysfunctional to allow the likes of Bill and Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters claim the right to proclaim Democrat Party policies and represent their Party? If that really is the case and another Hillary run will be allowed by the DNC, I’m certain President Trump is sleeping better. Surely the “Party of the Donkey” isn’t going in the same direction of its mascot!

To be honest, I doubt the Clintons will face any legal action for their misdeeds. If so, a former U.S. Senator, former Secretary of State, a two-time presidential candidate will have slipped through the rule of law she claims to want to uphold while spending a few more years in the White House. That’s not to mention a two-term U.S. President! Yep…Bill Clinton is caught-up in this too. His hands are as dirty as Hillary’s. I shudder to think of the possibility they might escape prosecution. We ALL should shudder at the possibility.

Just imagine: how much all the things that have been brought to light in the first 18 months of the Trump presidency that have illuminated the evil, unjust, and illegal activities that occurred during the 2016 election and beyond would have been exposed in a Hillary presidency? Since she would be the Commander-in-Chief, I doubt ANY would be known — at least in detail.

I can’t imagine which would be worse to be heard from the White House: “Forget about that private email server. Vladimir assured my campaign staff he lost the hard drive that 30,000 of them came from,” or “Hey little girl. Want a piece of candy?”

Yuck! The thought of either gives me the creeps.



1 thought on “A Meaty Tidbit From Strzok Testimony”

  1. William Gregory Ball

    The Witch & the Rapist will be indicted and tried for their crimes along with the Contortionist (BO)with Espionage and Treason. As Bob Dylan sang years ago, Judgement is “a slow train acomin” but, it is almost here.

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