Are You Enjoying the Cartoons We’re Watching Everyday?

As a kid, I loved nothing more than Saturday morning hurrying to eat my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios while watching cartoons. And they were the best in the 60s! Roadrunner, Bugs Bunny, The Green Lantern, and every once in a while I’d watch The Jetsons.

By the time I hit junior high, I stopped the cartoon stuff: too “mature” for those anymore. But as our kids came along I’d find myself peeking at a cartoon or two with them occasionally. There was something special about falling into a place to escape just for an hour or two a week.

Today, it’s no real issue for this adult to take a daily break to watch cartoons. Grab the remote and scan the news with a cup of coffee before going to work. The cartoons are still around. They’ve changed a bit: today they’re called CNN, MSNBC, The Today Show, and Good Morning America. Why? Almost daily they bring Democrat politicians to their sets to discuss the latest and the greatest conspiracy that always has as its central character the comic villain, Donald Trump. “What has that evil man done today?”

There has been a “Trump Conspiracy Epic” weekly since even before his inauguration in 2017. And not a single one has turned out to be true! But that doesn’t stop the “Pelosi Posse” from marching out a new one just when the final episode of the previous one airs.

You can pretty much bank on the Democrats and the Left moving from one conspiracy theory to the next. . . to the next, desperately hoping that somehow that can make a conspiracy theory real. They’ve gone from Russian collusion to Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) hoax. At some point, one expects them to solemnly intone that in reality, Donald Trump is an alien. If we had a real media interested in truth and accountability, these hoaxes and conspiracy theories would be laughed out of the building by serious, thoughtful people – but they aren’t.

Now Democrats have taken it to the next level, fundraising off their most recent wild conspiracy theory about the U.S. Postal Service. On Monday, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) sent a fundraising email during a hearing with the Postmaster General Luis DeJoy with wild claims of “sabotage” and the allegation that President Donald J. Trump is trying to “steal the presidential election.”

Democrats really have no shame.

And they are emboldened by knowing that their liberal allies in the media will never fact check them on these baseless claims.

On Saturday, the House passed Rep. Maloney’s bill to bailout the post office with $25 billion, and to stop reforms being contemplated by the new Postmaster General to turn around an organization that has lost tens of billions of taxpayer dollars due to mismanagement. Democrats held a hearing on the bill on Monday, two days after they passed the bill because they wanted to use Saturday to promote their conspiracy theory just before the start of this week’s Republican National Convention (RNC).

The Maloney fundraising email read: “After being appointed by Trump as a major donor to his campaign, PMG DeJoy has implemented detrimental changes to the quality and services that so many Americans rely on the U.S. Postal Service to provide. It’s all part of Trump’s scheme to sabotage the USPS and steal the presidential election.” The same political party that embraces a theory that all police are part of a racist cabal has now pushed a new theory that the President is manipulating the post office to fix the fall election for Republicans up and down the ticket.

The Wall Street Journal on Saturday hit the nail on the head when they pointed out that the actions of Congress were hampering reforms needed at the USPS. The Journal reported, “new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified last week that the post office has enough money to deliver mail-in ballots, and his operation can’t possibly spend $25 billion that quickly in any case.” In other words, the $25 billion bailout was unnecessary.

Maloney’s fundraising email continued: “The need to protect the USPS is more pressing than ever, which is why House Speaker Pelosi called us back early from August recess for an emergency vote this weekend on my Delivering for America Act — the legislation will not only block further efforts to dismantle the Postal Service through drastic changes, but it was also REVERSE the harmful new policies and operations that PMG DeJoy has put in place.” The only thing that the new Postmaster is trying to reverse is the policies that have led to billions in losses.

The Journal pointed out that “the Postal Service has lost $78 billion since 2007” and they have “been taking out underutilized equipment for years.” The removal of old sorters and underused mailboxes has been the policy for years and happened under. . . the Obama Administration.

Postmaster General DeJoy, not Congress, promised to “prioritize ballots over other kinds of first-class mail.” This would seem to remove any argument the Democrats have, yet that didn’t stop Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who asked during the Oversight hearing that DeJoy’s calendar be subpoenaed with no explanation, creating the false impression that the Postmaster-General has something to hide.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) took the Democrats to task, correctly stating that “the facts are not anything they are close to what they have been saying the last three weeks.” Democrats, Rep. Jordan said, were “not interested in a bipartisan solution,” but instead wanted to play politics.

Ultimately, the hearing was an embarrassment for Democrats because they were exposed to be promoting another hoax. But don’t expect that to stop them – or for the media to hold them to account. Instead, we can expect more fear-mongering about the U.S. Post Office until Election Day, when voters will hopefully send them into the political wilderness.

The “Hoped-For End”

Think about the lunacy of the demands from the Democrats for two specific things in Pelosi’s latest COVID-19 Stimulus plan: one is a multi-billion dollar bailout of all those wealthy homeowners from her home state of California along with those from New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey who in the 2017 tax cuts saw their multi-million dollar local and state real estate tax deductions evaporate. (That has much to do with Coronavirus, doesn’t it?) The second was the Pelosi demand for the federal government to rip control of ALL elections from the states to be forever controlled solely by the federal government. Her demand for that election control is to be implemented immediately, beginning with November 3rd’s election, and to be one of total mail-in voting!

Pelosi’s plan is massive yet includes tedious details with comprehensive steps to put in place the necessary infrastructure for it’s operation. Her ”roadmap”contains recommendations of hundreds of experts from each of the 50 states to craft this program using years of experience to side-step potential roadblocks. The states were elated to hear that their task to handle elections will finally be eliminated.

Of course, no such plan exists. Yet the Pelosi demands for mail-in voting conducted by the federal government for this and every upcoming election DOES EXIST!

This is just an example of one more Democrat Party conspiracy theory: “President Trump is doing everything within his power to stop voters who fear for their lives from COVID-19 so much they will not leave their homes to go vote! He is suppressing voters’ rights!”


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others in her party will NOT stop with the Trump conspiracies even if he wins the election in November. Why do they do this? Why will they continue? The answer is simple: there is apparently a bundle of wrongdoing during the eight-years of the Obama Administration on the part of many who still serve in government. Attorney General William Barr and Federal Attorney John Durham have nearly completed a massive investigation into this wrongdoing of which much appears to be criminal in nature.

If these conspiracies into Donald Trump would be sufficient for the American voters to turn their back on this President, not a single detail of any findings of criminality by those that are certainly implicated will ever be brought forward for the purpose of giving Americans the truth. Instead, a President Biden will immediately replace Barr and Durham, those in the Department of Justice who have so diligently worked on these investigations, and all case details will be sealed forever, never to be seen by the American people.

Call it a conspiracy theory. But with the first criminal indictment and the subsequent guilty plea of an Obama Department of Justice attorney for altering court documents during the fake Russia Collusion investigation, it is obvious there are far more indictments of many more Obama minions about to happen.

“Evil in the Obama Administration?” Remember that President Obama famously bragged, saying “There’s never been ONE indictment in my administration.” He was wrong: there has now been one. How many more are there to come? To me, the number is not significant. What IS significant is that we finally have a president who has surrounded himself in his DOJ NOT with sycophants who exist merely to benignly approve everything that happens on his watch, but to assure Americans that the Rule of Law is once again the backbone of the United States presidency. And to quote former President Obama: “No one is above the Law,” not even him.


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