Biden Campaign Back in the “Sexist Doghouse”

Joe Biden’s gaffes are well-known as are his flirtatious public actions with girls and women of all ages. He’s seen often hugging females that make them obviously uncomfortable. There are numerous pictures that show the women referenced are even repulsed by his hugs and kisses sometimes from behind. These supposed antics are humorous to some, but they certainly are poignant in this world in which we live today. Why is that? Sexism has been (and still is) front and center in the United States. Public sexist antics are no longer acceptable in any setting by anyone — especially not when they include an old U.S. Senator who is running for the third time to be President after serving two terms as Vice President.

Detractors will say, “None of that is new! It’s just Republicans trying to find ammunition to use against Mr. Biden and to protect President Trump.” I’m not a Republican and I’m not looking for ammunition to use against Trump. He provides everyone in the media with plenty of ammunition without having to look for it — it’s in our faces almost daily!

He doesn’t fly solo in his organization as the “only” sexist. The latest Biden Campaign sexual guffaw comes from a Joe Biden Campaign staffer.

Biden’s Sexist Staffer

   Kamau M. Marshall

Joe Biden’s head of strategic communications, Kamau M. Marshall, has repeatedly posted sexist messages on social media over the past decade, beginning with a Christmas Eve 2011 tweet in which he expressed his affection for “power women” – as long as she “know[s] her place” and he can “where [sic] the pants.”

The social media posts are the latest example of a top Biden staffer undercutting the former vice president’s public messaging. On Friday, it was reported that a supervising videographer on the campaign, Sara Pearl, openly called for defunding the police and tweeted a meme mocking officers as worse than “pigs” – even as Biden says he only wants some money redirected from police departments.

Within minutes of publication, Marshall deleted many of the tweets you’ll see here, but folks (like us) retained screenshots. The Biden team has declined to offer any comment on the posts by either Marshall and Pearl, and Marshall did not respond to an emailed request for comment prior to this story’s publication.

Unlike Pearl’s messages, Marshall’s posts are from a senior campaign official – and appear to be part of a long-running pattern.

♦In early 2012, Marshall inquired: “Are all women crazy???? Lol no offense ijs [I’m just saying].”

♦Later that year, he opined, “Nice guys finish last because they make sure their girl comes first.”

♦In August 2013, Marshall observed, “It’s unattractive when a girl doesn’t act classy & does not know how to control her feelings.”

♦In 2012, he wrote: “@kimberlyjaneece I disagree-I try not to look at __or impress__Personally speaking-I enjoy the challenge & I only look & talk to CLASSY Women.”

♦After actor Bill Cosby was arraigned on sexual assault charges, Marshall wrote on Dec. 31, 2015, that “It’s not a coincidence that Cosby can be arraigned on allegations, yet countless police officers who gun down black bodies aren’t indicted.”

♦Minutes later, Marshall apparently quoted someone saying that the Cosby arraignment was “about a strategic agenda that is pervasive and unrelenting.”

♦Marshall has also advised “sour, angry women” to “Keep your distance…Don’t take it out on the next man.”

♦”Whoever my future Girl Friend/Wife is…it will be a partnership/mutual…I kinda like Powerful Women,” he added. “They turn me on…lol.”

♦Marshall wrote in 2011: “As long as my woman looks good & turns me on..she pretty much can have whatever she wants from me.”

Marshall was hired by the campaign in April 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile, and previously worked in Democratic congressional politics. In an interview last year with PR Week, Marshall remarked, “In all honesty, I don’t have a regrettable career moment. It hasn’t been perfect, but it hasn’t been bad either. If anything, I would say I had some great teachable moments where I’ve learned and gotten better. Also, I’m still getting better with time.”

The Biden campaign didn’t respond for comment on Tuesday concerning Marshall’s posts. The Biden campaign also still hasn’t responded to the story last week about videographer Sara Pearl.

Biden Staffer Sara Pearl

♦Pearl tweeted a meme in June that urged people to stop calling the police “pigs” – but only because unlike the police, pigs are “highly intelligent and empathetic animals who would never racially profile you.” Pearl also retweeted a user’s comment that while “pigs are sweet, intelligent and compassionate,” police officers are “monsters” who “don’t deserve to be called pigs.”

♦On June 1, Pearl tweeted simply, “#DefundPolice.” Days later, she said Buffalo’s police department should be “defunded immediately.”

The lack of response from the Biden team surprised conservatives.

“Joe Biden can’t stand up to his supporters or staff who are calling to Defund the Police. Scary!” wrote Richard Grenell, Trump’s former acting director of national intelligence, after this article was first published.

“The Biden campaign didn’t respond to when given the chance,” Grenell added. “Why wouldn’t the Biden campaign immediately say ‘of course we don’t support this!’??!”

Pearl is one of several Biden staffers to openly advocate for defunding the nation’s police departments – a position Biden says he opposes. Matthew Foldi with the Congressional Leadership Fund, a PAC backing House GOP candidates, flagged Pearl’s tweets last week, as well as several additional posts “liked” and reposted on Twitter by other Biden staffers.

For example, Hannah Bristol, a Biden youth vote staffer, has retweeted and “liked” several posts calling for the defunding of D.C. police. Molly Doris-Pierce, Biden’s disability director, has “liked” similar messages.

In response to criticism from the Trump campaign, Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa asserted on “Bill Hemmer Reports” last Thursday that Biden “does not support defunding the police.”

The Biden campaign has said the same thing.

However, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said in a recent interview that some funding should “absolutely” be redirected from police budgets.

In June, Biden attended a high-roller fundraiser headlined by musician John Legend, who has openly promised that he’ll try to push the former vice president toward totally defunding law enforcement and adopting other far-left positions.

Last Wednesday, Trump received the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), which praised his “steadfast and very public support” for law enforcement. NAPO did not endorse a candidate in the 2016 election but endorsed former President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden in both the 2008 and 2012 elections.

When asked how the National Association of Police Organizations’ endorsement of Trump would impact Biden’s campaign, Hinojosa said, “I think right now, Joe Biden is making sure that he is someone who is talking directly to Americans about how to keep them safe and making sure we are rebuilding this trust.”


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