Bullet Points, Saturday June 6, 2020

Another week has come and gone. And, Boy, was it a week filled with controversy. First, we lost George Floyd to death at the hands of a Minneapolis policeman. Next — well, it went downhill from there. We saw demonstrations, protests, rioting, looting, devastation, and even violence all week long in the nation’s largest cities. All of this happened in the name of George Floyd and to protest police brutality. Cities like Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Seattle, Louisville, and even Houston saw demonstrations almost every day followed by protests that in some cases turned violent after the sun went down. The National Guard was called in to assist some cities whose law enforcement was incapacitated by the number of rioters in these cities. Let’s go back and provide you with some headlines with links to this past week’s stories that you may want to read while you down your second (and third) cup of Saturday A.M. coffee:

Bullet Points

  • Demonstrations and protests are NOT concluded. There is information that today in Washington D.C. there will be a one million person demonstration this weekend. Hopefully those planning this demonstration have reached out to local authorities to coordinate any such event with Washington police. It could be a real mess. Why? Washington D.C.’s mayor kicked the National Guard out of the city on Friday. For more details, click on this link:
  • Who will ever forget the picture of President Trump walking across the park and up the street from the White House to St. John’s Church followed by members of his cabinet and his daughter and son-in-law. The President carried a Bible to the church for a short stop. Protestors and demonstrators were driven away from the area before the President started, saying that the way had to be cleared for the safety of the President. The ACLU has filed a suit against the White House for their removal of many of those protestors just so President Trump could be safeguarded while making that trek. For more details, click on this link:
  • Apparently Mayor Bowser of Washington D.C. takes issue with the views President Trump has on protecting D.C. She certainly thinks (and acts) as a far-left politician. On Friday she had D.C. road workers paint the words “Black Lives Matter” in four-lane tall bright yellow paint on a D.C. main street. For more details, click on this link:
  • Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley has gone postal on the President. The longtime Republican Senator has reached out to get clarification from the White House for the firing of several Inspectors General. So far the White House has stonewalled. Because of that, Grassley has made it clear he may not support the President this fall. For more details, click on this link:
  • Always viewed as one of, if not “the” greatest American city, New York City has become a tough place in which to live and work. First, it was COVID-19, then the lockdown, and now it’s racial terror including riots almost nightly. Many folks who stayed in the Big Apple through all of this are asking those around them, “Is it really worth it to continue to roll these dice, grin and bear it, and just keep on keeping on?” For more details, click on this link:
  • After two months of horrible job losses and Americans filing unemployment claims, Friday marked the beginning of what most economists say is going to be an even bigger economic boost than anything so far in the Trump Administration. If it plays out that way, it will be a huge shot in the arm for all people in the nation, but especially those who paid dearly in CORONAVIRUS. For more details, click on this link:
  • Most folks across the nation have looked and watched cautiously as more and more of the nation has locked down. Most folks are wary of the reasoning for that yet most have reluctantly abided by those rules. Then came curfews, and things got out of hand very quickly. One Milwaukee citizen was just served a summons because he was not abiding by the rules pertaining to the Milwaukee lockdown. Did someone turn him in? Nope, it seems he decided to go out on the town on his own and post about his trip on social media. For more details, click on this link:
  • New Orleans SuperBowl quarterback Drew Breas is being attacked from all sides because of his comments regarding former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling in pregames in protest of police brutality. Thoughts from Drew’s heart were not sufficient to dispel the anger of numerous other NFL players and coaches as well as a large number of others outside of professional help. For more details, please click on this link.
  • There’s an old federal law that may just make the November presidential election a nasty situation. If the electoral college votes are counted in a fashion where there might be claims made of wrongdoing, then it would fall on the Congress to elect the new President. And there’s no clear-cut solution to it. For more details, click on this link:
  • Hurricane Cristobal has set its sights on he Gulf Coast of Louisiana. It’s moving faster than at first thought and appears will reach landfall sometimes late Sunday afternoon or evening. New Orleans, of course, seems to be a magnet for Gulf storms. Fortunately for the Big Easy, Cristobal seems headed toward a small Cajun town called Morgan City. For more details, click on this link:
  • Few things in the Summer are more annoying and aggravating than mosquitos. Science comes to the rescue! It seems that scientists have genetically altered mosquitos and will begin releasing females that have been set to mate and when birth of baby mosquitos begin, they all die.  Sounds great: Summer at the beach with NO mosquitos! For more details, click on this link:


Saturdays just wouldn’t be the same if we could not catch up on the news of the previous week. Even in the wake of this pandemic, we still need to stay in the know. If you just joined us, we every Saturday post many of the headlines from stories that may have been missed by our busy members and partners during the week. This give all the chance to read a headline to see what’s happened. Of course, if one wants the complete details, just click on the link following that bullet point summary and it’ll take you right to it.

We do this every Saturday! Additionally, each weekday morning we publish a story with an affiliated podcast. And, don’t forget, “TNN Live” is on the air live from 9-11 AM Central time. We have two hours each weekday in which we unpack all the latest news, we hear from “experts” who join us as well as some of the sharpest folks working in the U.S. Congress and the White House.

Please use this as something other than “just a newscast. It can be a great place to simply stay informed. Remember: Just because you think something wrong, doesn’t make it wrong. Also, just because you think something’s right doesn’t mean it’s right. We must always dig for and find the truth.

Enjoy your weekend, locked down, or otherwise!


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