Crazy Thursday On the Way

We have spent eleven hours in research on multiple stories that contain critical information. There is far too much to include in our story or podcast.

I apologize in advance when I say this: it will be all included in TNN Live starting at 9:00 AM Central this morning — two hours of non-stop “truthful” news and information. Please join us if you can. If you cannot but would like the broadcast, we now have the ability to provide tomorrow’s show (and going forward) by request at no charge in mp3 format. Feel free to request whichever show you’d like via email at Give us up to five days to download and send to you.

Our daily stories and podcasts will continue with the exception of today (Thursday). If you’re a regular, you know that is rare.

We’ll see you at 9:00 AM Central today. To join us, just click on the “Click to Listen” button at 9:00 and join the show. I’ll see you then!


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