Democrat Party: Promoting Racism?

When in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton put those who chose to support Trump over her in a basket she named “Deplorables,” she revealed something more than her personal disdain for Donald Trump. She exposed the bias she and many other Democrats hold for American people who do not espouse their political perspective — specifically that of “Identity Politics.” But it gets even worse.

In the trail of recent very visible occurrences in the U.S., it appears that the Democrat Party is home to a bevy of pure racists. No, everyone in their party is not racist, but many are. And it appears that those who run their party are chief among that group.

“Wow!” you say. “That’s a bombastic allegation, Dan.” It certainly is. And as bombastic as the allegation is are the examples that show that racism.

Racism: America’s Fascism

For decades we have defined racism based solely on ideas and opinions of people of one skin color for people of another skin color. That definition is true — at least in part. Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others.

Even by its 21st-century definitions, racism is indeed evolving from being a system that creates and maintains extreme bias based solely on skin color to be more of  “a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others.” In other words, Racism is no longer identified as being extreme bias based strictly on skin color alone.

Don’t get me wrong: there IS extreme racism based on color in the World, and especially in the U.S. But the practice of racism has slipped through the walls surrounding politics as people and groups more and more adopt systems of extreme bias for others that are not always based solely on skin color. What is so devastating and explosive is this type of racism extends past just color to “status” — especially political status. Political elitists in the U.S. and other countries — primarily in Europe — have commandeered the right to determine that status for everyone, and have systematically thrust their definition and “norms” on all Americans.

Besides the pending revelation of scandal engulfing Democrats and the Democrat Party, there is a large issue that heretofore Democrats have been able to dispel or push under the rug that has now become too big to ignore. And that is Democrat Party systemic racism that encompasses the “old” definition and well as the “new” definition of racism.

Let’s go!

Being Black in America

Though it appears U.S. racism targeting blacks has diminished somewhat, it’s alive and well. But it has deepened in many ways. And in its current state, it is more deadly than ever. Politics is driving the narrative now. And political elitism is the driver. That means there is a small group of people who have assumed the power of controlling that narrative and everything about it and everyone in it.

That reality has been exposed in a most obvious place: the Criminal Justice System. Let’s look at details:

Roughly 5 million kids have — or have had — at least one incarcerated parent. In the general population, that’s 1 in every 14, according to Child Trends, a national nonprofit. The chances are much higher for black children, researchers found: 1 in 9 has had a parent in prison.

By the best estimates, about 2.7 million children under the age of 18 have a parent in prison or jail. According to sociologists Bruce Western and Becky Petit, that means one in 28 kids in the United States (as of 2010) has a mother or father, or both, in lockup – a dramatic change from the one in 125 rate a quarter of a century ago.

Approximately one in nine black children have an imprisoned parent, four times as many 25 years ago. Furthermore, 14,000 or more children of the imprisoned annually enter foster care, while an undetermined number enter juvenile detention and adult prisons. And that number compared to that of white children with a parent or parents in jail is nine times higher. 

Why is that? Does that mean that blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites? Or is it that there is racism among those in law enforcement who are looking for law breakers?

Or is it that in judicial prosecutions of criminal offenders there is racial bias against blacks in courts, just because they’re black?

Or is it because most blacks — especially as compared to whites — do not or cannot fight the criminal justice system for personal fairness in prosecution because of disproportionate financial capabilities. After all, securing the best criminal defense in the U.S. is really expensive. And although many public indigent defenders are proficient in their service, many are  just entering their profession and all are overwhelmed with extreme workloads.

But Where’s the Democrat Racism in this issue? Hmm..Keep Reading

Homelessness in America

The overall homeless population increased from 44,359 in January 2015 to 46,874 in the count in January 2016 in all of Los Angeles County. There was a 20 percent increase in tents, encampments and vehicles there, not counting the cities of Glendale, Long Beach and Pasadena.

Homeless in US in 2017

White. 260,979

Black. 224,937

Multiple races. 35,745

Native American. 16,796

Pacific Islander. 8528

Asian. 6760

Number of homeless vets: The number of homeless veterans across America increased in 2017 for the first time in seven years, when government officials began their nationwide push to help impoverished former service members.

The increase reflects estimates from last January, before President Donald Trump took office and any of his new housing policies were put in place. The annual point-in-time count from Housing and Urban Development officials found roughly 40,000 homeless veterans at that time, an increase of nearly 600 individuals from the same mark in 2016.

Hunger in America

  1. 1 in 6 people in America face hunger.
  2. The USDA defines “food insecurity” as the lack of access, at times, to enough food for all household members. Last year households with children reported a significantly higher food insecurity rate than households without children: 20.6% vs. 12.2%.
  3. Food insecurity exists in every county in America. In 2013, 17.5 million households were food insecure. More and more people are relying on food banks and pantries.
  4. 49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table.
  5. In the US, hunger isn’t caused by a lack of food, but rather the continued prevalence of poverty.
  6. More than 1 in 5 children is at risk of hunger. Among AfricanAmericans and Latinos it’s 1 in 3.
  7. Over 20 million children receive free or reduced-price lunch each school day. Less than half of them get breakfast, and only 10% have access to summer meal sites.
  8. For every 100 school lunch programs, there are only 87 breakfast sites and just 36 summer food programs.
  9. 1 in 7 people are enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Nearly half of them are children.
  10. 40% of food is thrown out in the US every year, or about $165 billion worth. All of this uneaten food could feed 25 million Americans.
  11. These 8 states have statistically higher food insecurity rates than the US national average (14.6%): Arkansas (21.2%), Mississippi (21.1%), Texas (18.0%), Tennessee (17.4%), North Carolina (17.3%), Missouri (16.9%), Georgia (16.6%), Ohio (16.0%).

Homeless Veterans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) states that the nation’s homeless veterans are predominantly male, with roughly 9% being female. The majority are single; live in urban areas; and suffer from mental illness, alcohol and/or substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders. About 11% of the adult homeless population are veterans.

Roughly 45of all homeless veterans are African-American or Hispanicdespite only accounting for 10.4and 3.4of the U.S.veteran populationrespectively.

Homeless veterans are younger on average than the total veteran population. Approximately 9% are between the ages of 18 and 30, and 41% are between the ages of 31 and 50. Conversely, only 5% of all veterans are between the ages of 18 and 30, and less than 23% are between 31 and 50.


”Dan, at the beginning of this story you made some really challenging allegations against Democrats. You gave a bunch of statistics. But how do those statistics prove your point: that the Democrat Party is a political party is a racist organization that promotes racist policies?”

Let’s just use reason:

  • Democrats are NOT and never have been supportive of African-Americans. They talk a good game, but when push comes to shove Democrats never follow through on substantive change for the betterment of African-Americans. Democrats voted against legislation to end slavery — Republicans passed it; Dems voted against giving citizenship to African-Americans — Republicans passed it; Democrats voted against giving African-Americans the right to vote — Republicans passed it. Democrats voted against allowing African-Americans to enter the military — Republicans supported and passed it.
  • Democrats supported legislation and policies during the last 65 years that while “giving” things to African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, and other minority races actually were structured, given, and maintained, not to help minorities, but to take control of those minorities and make them dependent on Dems and those policies: Housing, school busing, school lunches and breakfasts, Welfare, AFDC (“Aid for Dependent Children), Medicaid, etc.
  • Regarding Central and South American migrants and illegals from other nations, Democrats support their “easy” entry to the U.S. — not for humanitarian purposes, but for the power Dems can amass over them using that same “obligation” control: “We got you entry to the U.S., a bunch of free stuff, a pass at breaking the law” (migrants).
  • The same can be said for African-Americans: “We got rid of slavery, your right to own land, the right to vote, free healthcare, free school lunches, then breakfasts, guaranteed income (Welfare), and preference at jobs and business contracts. You owe us for doing all that for you.”
  • Those homeless Americans — especially veterans — are made to feel like outcasts and are treated that way. While Democrats rail against citizens who want closed borders and do not want to allow illegals the right to live in the U.S. without doing so with legal entry, these Americans are doing without basic living conditions: food, housing, and employment. Many have mental and emotional issues and they are deprived of necessary medical care.

EVERYTHING that the Democrat Party does “for” minorities is not based on generosity, for fairness and equality, for love and acceptance, to bring them to the political and social table in the U.S., to partner with White America in equality in every aspect of everyday life. Democrats would love to foster belief in that hollow ideal. But it is just that — and “ideal.” And it is a unrealistic and untrue ideal that has never been actualized in any area we have mentioned above.

You say, “Dan: you allege that Democrats are racist and are promoting racist ideas. Even if what you have detailed above does effectively and rightly illustrate inequities in America, those inequities are not all based on racial skin color. So they cannot mean — even if they are truthful and even if they are promoted by the Democrat Party — that Democrats are racist, right?” Wrong.

Remember that current and prevailing “new” definition of racism that sociologists have given to us that does away with the “skin-color” version of the definition of the word? “Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others.”  That is at the core of the way Democrat Party officials and legislators have operated for decades trusting that Americans are either to0 blind or too dumb to recognize those policy issues listed above that Democrats did not just vote for, but pushed them on ALL Americans as being good for minorities while being good for everyone else. They certainly have been good for “everyone else.” But minorities find themselves standing on the corner, standing at a window on the sidewalk looking in, and always wondering why they STILL find themselves always drawing the short stick.

It’s because of RACISM!

”But ALL Democrats are not racist! And many Republicans ARE racist.”

Both statements are certainly true. But as a party, why haven’t Democrats taken control of fixing legislation and policies both in Congress, the White House, and even state governments to repair these minorities inequities? And remember: those minority inequities apply not only to those initiated by skin color, but by religious, social, and economic differences from “average” people — even people who are homeless.

”Democrats don’t now and seldom have had control of the House, Senate, and the White House at the same time, which is necessary to guarantee passage to enable a President to sign such legislation into law. You cannot blame this racism on just Democrats.”

And I don’t. But what I HAVE NOT seen from Dems is a legislative bill (or two, or three, or ANY!) written, presented, and even voted on to fix Homelessness, Income inequality, Minority Unemployment, Minority wage disparity, Poverty among minorities, school food issues, Welfare structure adverse for minorities, Comprehensive immigration, etc. I’ve seen plenty of those bills proposed by Republicans.

”IF” Democrats are such all-in advocates for the rights and equality of people of color and OTHER minorities, why have they not prepared and submitted bill after bill after bill after bill to show Americans — including members of minority communities — that Dems really DO have the backs of minorities for the good of those people?

The Reason: Minority members on the most part have found it easier to take the “booty” handed out by the Democrat Party and accept those benefits as being sufficient to fulfill the promises and narrative Dems use to hook minority members and keep them in place. And while they have minorities believing that Dems are all-in for them, Dems have convinced minorities they are obligated to Democrats and must vote to keep them in place.

Unfortunately, leaders of American and migrant minorities are all acting at the whim of Democrats to use those promises to keep their minions obligated — minority leaders like Sharpton, and Jackson, and news organizations such as MSNBC, CNN, NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, and multiple online news services.

There is NO doubt the Democrat Party promotes racist ideas…period.

There is NO doubt Democrat Party leaders promote racist ideas…period.

There is NO doubt that unless the leaders — REAL leaders — of these minority groups do not turn away from their platform of control and allow the life promises in the U.S. Constitution to all Americans and legal immigrants to be actualized and perpetuated lawfully, lawlessness will soon take control in America.

Do Democrats really want to turn the United States into a Venezuela, Italy, Turkey, or Haiti?

Wake up America! 

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