From the day after the storming of Capitol Hill, many Americans began to suspect the entire debacle appeared to be “structured” rather than spontaneous, as Mainstream Media portrayed it. On “TNN Live!,” we interviewed many Americans who were there and witnessed what happened. No one we interviewed was comfortable about what it appeared to be to them.
Numerous documented events confirmed that the Capitol Police, if nobody else, were deep into the entry to the Capitol by hundreds of those there. In fact, for 24 hours, one could find on the internet a close-up video of Capitol Policemen moving barriers on the sidewalks to the Capitol entrance. But that wasn’t all: they actually encouraged people to go INTO the Capitol!
Let’s get right to the crux of today’s story. Our own investigative journalist, Steve Baker, who was there documenting events via video, spent months and years investigating actual events. He interviewed hundreds of Americans who were there and put together videos that were seen on major television networks and satellite programs around the Globe for months.
The rest is history.
Steve was one of those there that day who ended up under arrest for entering the Capitol, which was and still is illegal. His investigations repeatedly confirmed that something was going on that day that was too obvious to be “accidental.”
And it wasn’t!
Monday, Blaze Media published a story documenting that the events of that day were NOT accidental: they were “structured.” Monday’s story is the first part of a multi-episode revelation confirming millions of Americans’ suspicions: January 6 was a manipulated event, and an untold number of Democrats and organized “protestors” are complicit.
Monday, on the Glenn Beck Show at Blaze Media, Steve Baker and Glen discussed the background and first part of the discoveries from Steve’s several years of investigations. seventeen minutes long) To get an understanding of what’s happening in these massive discoveries, watch this video. After watching it, click the link below to read Part One of this series. All of this will blow your mind!
It should come as no surprise that a foundation was poured by some “one” or some “group” to put all these pieces in place. The first full story about this attack on the United States government—most likely orchestrated by people IN the government—will captivate you while probably answering some of your questions.
Click on the link below to read: