“Frick and Frack”

Irony after irony: after all, it’s election season!

Remember all that finger-pointing between Republicans and Democrats about which socialist/communist country like Hillary, which preferred Trump, and which loved them both? I always wondered why those “experts” that made those outlandish claims discovered a way to read the minds of some of the evilest and most unreasonable totalitarian leaders on the Planet. But don’t you dare question the experts: they KNOW! At least, that’s what they told us — again, and again, and again. (Maybe these are the same experts that repeatedly for the last five months have told us COVID-19 absolutes that change 48 hours later and then change again)

Now we face another election. This election includes one of the same people that ran in 2016 and another who ran and won as part of the presidential ticket the previous two elections: President Trump and Vice President Biden. Of course, the experts emerged from their closets in which they supernaturally communicate with the leaders of multiple socialist countries who never tell any lies to any American! The nation awaits their daily and weekly trips to the closet so they can educate the underclass of Americans with who needs to be watched because “China wants Trump to win,” and “Russia wants Biden to Win” — or is it the other way around?

“China Joe” and “Beijing Biden” could be more than nicknames Trumpers throw at the Democrats’ nominee. It turns out there is some evidence behind the gamesmanship. A new national intelligence report says foreign adversaries have their presidential preferences and are trying to tilt our election. Among the findings, China and Iran want Biden in the White House while Russia favors the incumbent.

Guess which part of those findings is getting most of the media coverage. Hint: You don’t need a sign.

Dems and their media minions can’t quit their passion for picturing President Trump as a Russian agent. The New York Times and Speaker Nancy Pelosi insist that the Russian role is so much more significant and more effective than that of either China or Iran. How would they know? Why, naturally, anonymous sources, those “officials briefed on the intelligence,” according to the Times in its latest effort to carry water for the anti-Trump Deep State.

Both also question the accuracy of the Biden findings, with the Times suggesting, without evidence, that the push for Biden was included as a political stand-in to Trump. Pelosi told Fox News that the analysts “try to blanket it with the Chinese, they said, prefer Biden — we don’t know that, but that’s what they’re saying, but they’re not getting involved in the presidential election.”

Wow, remember when Trump was excoriated for doubting the intelligence agencies? Remember Chuck Schumer’s warning to Trump in January 2017 when he said: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you?”

But now it’s hunky-dory to dump on the spooks. It’s the First Law of Politics: Anything that can be twisted to make Trump look bad will be twisted.

The double standards shout to the high heavens, especially when you consider what the FBI did in 2016. Based mainly on the unverified Steele dossier, financed by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, and the tall tale about Russians having Clinton’s emails that involved George Papadopoulos, the FBI opened “Crossfire Hurricane” and spied on the Trump campaign. It turned out to be the biggest nothing burger in American history — but by the time special counsel Robert Mueller and his band of Democrat sycophants finally admitted in 2019 there was no campaign collusion, the media had worked with Dems and investigators to severely damage the new administration and the lives of many innocent people.

Pelosi certainly owes her party’s victory in the 2018 midterms to the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hysteria. And there would have been no Ukraine impeachment had Pelosi not been running the House.

In short, the world changed because of the false accusations against Trump and others. Yet, now that the intelligence agencies say Biden is preferred by two major adversaries, the story comes and goes over a late summer weekend.

Before the dirt settles on the grave, it’s worth looking at the findings with some foreign-policy perspective.

November’s winner will face significant challenges with all three countries. But the truth is that Trump has been tougher on all three than the Obama-Biden administration ever was. He has used sanctions against individuals and organizations in ways that the previous White House rejected. Trump has been especially hard on Iran and China, giving both significant reasons for wanting to get rid of him and bring back Biden — the VP in an administration that bowed and buckled before them.

The Iran nuclear pact, for example, was so lopsided toward the mad mullahs, and dangerous to Israel and the rest of the world, that even Schumer opposed it. Trump kept his campaign promise to ditch it and levy harsh penalties that have helped to cripple Iran’s economy.

(Exhibit A of the First Law of Politics: Schumer switched sides after Trump took office, saying the new president should have kept the Iran deal!)

Trump also ordered the airstrike last January that took out Qasem Soleimani, the murderous Iranian commander, in an act that demonstrated the president’s willingness to confront Iran’s aggression in Iraq and throughout the region.

Biden, on the other hand, said he would not have approved the mission and predicted it would lead to further war. He was wrong on both counts. The Democrat also is making noises about trying to rejoin the nuclear deal, so it’s no surprise that Iran wants him back in the White House. The mullahs might even be gracious enough to accept another planeload of fresh American cash as a down payment on Biden’s friendly intentions.

The China preference for Biden also makes perfect sense. During his long career in Washington, Biden was the sort of Washington man China could count on to support its goal of becoming an economic power. He endorsed virtually every trade deal with China that hollowed out American manufacturing — the same deals that Trump campaigned against and has been revamping. In July alone, Trump sanctioned Chinese leaders for abusing human rights, arrested alleged spies, and ended special privileges for Hong Kong.

There’s no reason to believe Biden would have done any of that. His team is suggesting he wants to get the relationship back on an even keel. In reality, that means back to where China was ripping us off. Moreover, the Obama-Biden administration was shockingly passive as China expanded its military aggression in the region. The talk of a “pivot” toward Asia was never more than talk.

Then there’s the smelly deal Hunter Biden made with a Chinese firm connected to the government, and, of course, connected to the Communist Party. Expect to see Trump ads featuring pictures of Hunter getting off Air Force Two, traveling with his father to pad his own pocket.

Joe Biden was only the vice president then. Imagine the big bucks Hunter could make in China with Daddy sitting in the Oval Office.

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