Have You Had Enough?

I hope not, because they’re just getting started.

Remember yesterday I told you the gloves are off at TruthNewsNetwork. We are through at couching explanations for egregious acts taken by the Left: the media AND politicians AND their minions. We going forward are going to give you facts about what happens every day as we always have. But we’re going to give you the perspective of the possibilities for those actions being taken. We will always make clear what is fact and what is opinion. But the muck and mire in media today make it really difficult to even see the things that are happening let alone determine their purposes and meanings.

Why is All This Happening?

It’s all “purpose-driven.” What is the purpose and who is driving the activity? That answer is not a simple one. It’s detailed, it’s lengthy, but it is relevant. Let’s spend a bit of time to carve out a block of understanding.

  • Everything that happens (or does not happen) in Washington is politically driven. When I say “everything,” that’s exactly what I mean! Congressional recesses, receptions, visits from foreign dignitaries, press conferences, dates and times for press conferences, dates and times for filing legislation, whether or not legislation is considered on the floor of the House or Senate, who sponsors and who co-sponsors bills, who speaks on the floor and who does not. All of these things and numerous others are each and every one politically devised and offered to the American people always with one objective: to further the cause of the political entity in charge. And that means BOTH Democrats and Republicans.
  • Everything that happens in its purpose(s) is to, among other things, always attack the leaders of the opposing party. For example: any legislation that is put forth in the House of Representatives today has very little DIRECT ties to how that legislation is to and will impact the Americans for which it is offered. Oh, each piece always has some goodies attached to pacify the electorate. Every legislative House action in this Congress is fundamentally driven to defeat Donald Trump: Everyone.
  • In the Senate, under GOP control, actions are devised to protect the Republican agenda that at least in part is in place: confirmation of ambassadors, administration officials, circuit judges, district judges, appeals court judges, and the biggie: the US Supreme Court.
  • The Media march to the beat of one solemn drum: denigrate Donald Trump and destroy any and all of his supporters; keep a narrative created and rebounded throughout each day to cloud the reasoning of as many Americans as possible. And to be successful at that task, they must hide the truth by wrapping it in what they determine is a palatable package so as not to offend too many conservatives. (Examples of that below that happened yesterday (Monday))
  • This combination of what has become a “D.C. Monster” has been laughed at, derided, rebuffed, and scoffed at for a couple of decades. Its final designation seems to be the “Deep State.” Few will now take issue with that term because during the last three years Americans see daily the actions of a coordinated combination of Leftist politicians and diplomats along with the Media mouthpiece of the Deep State. They no longer even try to hide it! It’s in full view.
  • To be successful, all those considered to be “turncoats” to this cause must be eliminated: either literally or denigrated so vehemently over an extended period of time as to destroy the public credibility these people have. No punishment is too severe. There are many who have actually paid the price for their refusal to “play ball” with the Deep State that have mysteriously disappeared or have died.

The Media in All This — YESTERDAY (Monday, June 1, 2020)

Monday, President Trump shocked the world — especially those in Washington — by conducting a press conference in the Rose Garden and then heading with his Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, Chief of Staff, his daughter, son-in-law and a covey of Secret Service agents across Washington Park to St. Johns Church — the church that rioters looted during the last few days. He had in his press briefing made it clear that the issues that have happened around the nation in multiple cities that purportedly began as peaceful protests were all right: while just protests. But when in each city protests and protestors were allowed to become rioters and looters, the leadership in those cities and states were legally responsible for protecting their citizens, the property and businesses in those cities and states, and to enforce the laws of each state regarding protesting and rioting. I think it’s safe to say that the Media showed us NO demonstration during the past week in which any city or state effectively quashed the rioting.

Yet, mayors, governors, members of Congress, and pretty much everyone in the press blame President Trump. They do this in spite of the fact that each knows the President by law cannot take law enforcement or military action in any state without request, authorization, and implementation jointly with those cities and states.

I’ve heard more than one mayor, one governor, and one state Attorney General tell the President via mass media to stay out of their city and state! And he has — until Monday.

He put those mayors and governors on notice that “peaceful protest is legal and fine as long as they abide by the laws. Riots are NOT legal and will no longer be accepted in the United States.” U.S. citizens are watching as their private property, their businesses, and their livelihood are torched by thugs (yes, I used the word thugs) who are nothing more than anarchists who care not for the purpose of the peaceful protests. They simply want the U.S. government and all democrat political operations in the United States to cease. Their goal? To make that happen.

What’s the End Result Hoped For by the Deep State?

That answer is simple: to get rid of Donald Trump.


They have never seen a politician at any level in the United States who has such fundamental convictions regarding the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the rights of citizens, and the absurdity of the U.S. political system as it is in process today. And they do not know how to deal with it and him. So they wish to destroy him.

They cannot beat him at the ballot box. They failed in multiple bogus investigations including impeachment. They this year have used a worldwide pandemic to weaponize against the President. And now they have a new and nastier tool: anarchy.

Isn’t is sad that so many people have been sacrificed at the altar of power for the Deep State? Americans have literally been slaughtered just to try and tear down the achievements for the people by this man.

Why would they take such drastic measures? I could speculate here, and won’t. But what I will say is in my lifetime I’ve seen only two possible answers for such actions to be taken. And I’ve never seen any that have had such devastating results during their quest to use and to win.

The members of the Deep State cannot reconcile in their minds why a billionaire who has everything one could want in life decided to jump into politics and jump in right at the top. They cannot fathom what his endgame can possibly be.

Charlie Kirk put it succinctly in an interview about his new book. Take a listen:



Donald Trump has for two days been receiving counsel from those in his Administration about how to address the racial horrors unfolding on the streets of the U.S. Some wanted a speech to the nation. Others thought that would be too dangerous and become nothing more than political talking points. The President thought it through and made his historical speech and trek through Washington Park to St. Johns Church with a Bible. He didn’t give a speech. He just told the World that the U.S. was and is the greatest nation on Earth. We’re having difficulties, but we’re coming back. And we’re going to be stronger than ever.

I actually watched that unfold and got teary-eyed! There is no doubt that historians will mark that trip to the church as a historical moment.

Here’s how the Mainstream Media gave it to the nation with their story and news headlines:

Donald Trump says “I am your law and order president,” orders “heavily-armed soldiers to D.C. and threatens to deploy military nationwide — then has protestors tear-gassed so he can walk to a fire-damaged church and brandish a Bible (The Dail Mail)

Trump declares himself the “law and order” president as peaceful protestors are dispersed (CNN)

Trump threatens to deploy military against protestors as teargas fired outside White House (The Guardian)

Trump vows to send military to U.S. cities if governors don’t “dominate” protestors (MSNBC)

“Trump vows to Deploy Military if Violence Continues.” Police Clear Protestors with Tear Gas so Trump can Pose by Church. (NewYorkTimes)

Trump warns that he will dispatch troops if local officials do not crack down (Washington Post)

Do you see it? They are unified, on target with their purpose, and moving ever forward in strength to re-establish the Deep State as in total control.

The sad thing in all this? They want to accomplish it without Americans even knowing the Deep State exists!


1 thought on “Have You Had Enough?”

  1. Excellent article Dan….they hate him because he cannot be bought. He is changing decades of complacency and contempt for the American people…and they HATE HIM for it. I saw his walk to the church yesterday too…and he was courageous and driven to make an important statement. Anarchists and Deep State….your days are numbered.

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