If I was a Politician

  • If I was a Politician I would scream from the mountain tops every time there was an American mass shooting “There is NO gun control law that could Constitutionally have stopped that massacre!” Congress only makes law and cannot change the Constitution. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would always demand of Congressional leadership complete details of every piece of proposed legislation in advance of floor debate to assure my constituents it fits their needs and get  their feedback before voting. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would always place blame for any federal failure at the feet of those responsible for those failures and no one else. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would demand that the Congressional Budget Office be disbanded for their constant errors in scoring proposed legislation. Then I’d use the CBO budget to outsource such scoring to the private sector. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician — a House Representative — I would refuse half of the $900,000 a year allocated for my office and staff, and — if a Senator — refuse half of my $2 million office and staff allowance and run my office the same as those in the private sector run theirs. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would refuse vacation other than 3 weeks a year. Even if the ridiculous recesses Congress takes now were continued, I would refuse them. I would remain in Washington to work for my constituents. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would hold a monthly town hall meeting in my district at floating locations. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician every time the National Media reported fake news I would respond with factual proof to disprove their fake news. But I am not a Politician.
  • if I was a Politician I would consider each piece of legislation only on the basis of its benefit for my voting district — never on the basis of my personal views. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would support the Second Amendment (and every other Congressional Article and Amendment) regardless of my personal opinion, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE LAW OF THE LAND! But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would back law enforcement wholeheartedly, always assuring them of their Federal Government’s support. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would never comment on any pending legislation unless I knew what I said about it was accurate. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would never verbally attack any political foe with anything but the truth and then do so in a kind and respectful way. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would never vote for any piece of legislation without certainty of my constituents’ support. But I am not a Politician.
  • If I was a Politician I would never vote for any bill with any “pork” attached. But I am not a Politician.

Thinking it through, it’s pretty certain I am not nor will ever be a Politician. Any attempt for a Politician to live and abide by these promises above would be impossible.

Understanding what that means is really depressing, isn’t it?


2 thoughts on “If I was a Politician”

  1. Scott Unclebach

    Well that is a great list! I agree wholeheartedly ! I do think it is possible to make a stand, follow your core values, be truthful, honor people and serve our country as a politician. I may be delusional !! Getting “pork” out of legislation now that is another matter!! It is huge business with special interest and that my friend is almost impossible to remove!

  2. A very well stated list of commitments and core values every politically elected leader should embrace. But if they did, they would not be a Politician anymore but, they would be called a STATESMEN. Which they once were…

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