“I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!”

How are things going for you in your life today? It’s true that different people have different challenges and that no two individuals or families face identical issues. But we DO share quite a few identical hurdles: rising interest rates, food and energy costs, and rents are much higher than four years ago and going higher every day. It’s factual for anyone to say today that life is FAR more costly than it was four years ago.

For those of us who were alive during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, there are striking similarities between Biden’s and Harris’s administrations. The issues listed above were all plagues for Carter. Costs shot sky-high when he took office and soared annually while he served. Amazingly, Biden/Harris’s policies, in  many ways, mirror those of the “peanut farmer.”

As today’s Americans struggle for answers, the social structure of our nation is taking massive assaults from almost every corner. It’s much worse today than in the late 70s. Why? Social Media! However, those years for Carter were terrible enough that movies began to tell the story of Carter’s horrors. One such film voiced the negativity that Americans lived through under Carter was “Network.” You may not have seen it. If not, you need to watch it. It will give you an understanding of what and why you’re living through these same things today — only on “steroids!”

Guess who was at the center of the ’70s conflicts that soared to extraordinary heights? Mainstream Media! National News was the worst. The media looked down on average Americans, and their newscasts reflected that disdain. Of course, viewers, readers, and listeners grew angrier by the day at what the media was doing: trying to sell the World that everything was OK. The opposite was true.

There’s a moment near the beginning of “Network” that had viewers thinking this would be the definitive indictment of national television Americans had been promised. A veteran anchorman had been fired because he was over the hill, drinking too much, and, even worse, his ratings had plummeted. He announced his firing on his program, observed that broadcasting has been his whole life, and added that he planned to kill himself on the air in two weeks.

The camera cut to the control room, where the directors and technicians were obsessed with getting into the network feed on time. There were commercials that had to be fit in, the anchorman had to finish at the right moment, the buttons had to be pushed, and the station break had to be timed correctly. Everything was fine. “Uh,” said somebody, “did you hear what Howard just said?” Nobody else had.

They were all consumed with form, ensuring the commercials were played in the right order and that the segment was the correct length. What was happening — that a man had lost his career and was losing his mind — passed right by. It wasn’t their job to listen to Howard, just as it wasn’t his job to run the control board. What “Network” seemed to be telling us was that television itself was like that: An economic process in the blind pursuit of ratings and technical precision, in which excellence was as accidental as banality.

(I’ll not give you any of the other details: you really need to see “Network!”)

But then there are scenes in the movie that were absolutely chilling. To grasp what was happening while giving you the reason for this story today, let’s see and hear what that network anchor said and did that no one expected.

“The Rest Of The Story”

Now, let’s get to the meat of this story.

Most American’s lives today suck when they compare them to their lives from four years ago. It’s not only economic issues. It’s social issues, government overreach, wars and rumors of wars around the nation, crime racing through every city at record levels, and why government “Social Magnates” are giving criminals free passes. At the same time, millions of illegal aliens (Yep, I said, “aliens!”) are taking over cities in every part of the country, and no one in government seems to care. We can no longer address women as “Miss” or “Mrs.,” biological females as “girls” or “women,” and biological males as “men” or “boys.” It’s bad enough that the mandatory pronouns we must all adopt are impossible to remember, which leads to rampant hatred and anger at all of us who don’t have time to study the LGTBQ _ _ _ _ that the title of that group grows daily so we can comply with today’s Social “Acceptable!”

The video below will end this story. I wanted everyone to read this story today and compare the video snippet from “Network” from the ’70s with the 2024 analysis of our issues.

(click on the video to watch)


I don’t think I need to say much after you compared those two segments. A couple of things stick out for me:

  • Jimmy Carter was a Democrat;
  • Jimmy Carter made the U.S. look terrible in the World with his foreign policies;
  • Joe Biden/Kamala Harris are Democrats;
  • Each of our foreign foes that cowered during the Trump presidency took every chance possible to humiliate the Biden/Harris Administration;
  • Carter’s economy was the worst of any previous president;
  • Biden’s/Harris’s economy is even worse than Carter’s;

The one similarity between the two presidencies that sickens me is this: neither administration believed they were doing poor jobs while Americans were suffering directly from their policies!

My fellow Americans: it’s time we were decisive. If we want things to be different, we need to elect a President who has shown us what his policies will do for the People.

If you want to keep what we have across the nation for four more years, vote for the Jimmy Carter Part Three policies under Kamala Harris.

If you want to right the ship, remember this and use it: “Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.”

2 thoughts on ““I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!””

  1. This is extremely revealing and brilliantly analysed article, exposing the underlying evil that has surreptitiously infiltrated the ‘Free West’ to convert the masses into servitude, unwittingly. There is only one man that has the courage, the determination and strength of will to reverse the malignance that is beginning to consume us all, DJT will cleanse the dark side and reveal the light! He must be our next President.

  2. The weak republican party is letting the Liberals dictate the narrative while worried they will loose their jobs, livelihood, friends , family, careers. Corruption, watching while letting politics play out, crippling the middle class while continuing to ask Americans for money to help get reelected. Red wave fiasco, Congress has let individuals infiltrate our political system republican’s and democrats alike, while exchanging inside information. Selfish politics. Term Limits. It is un American what these unruly turn you on your head politicians have done, infiltrating and manipulating the American constitution. It’s time to call the out run them over the coals, tar and feather such individuals at the national level.

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