It’s Actually Communism The Left Want: They Just Say It’s “Socialism”

Senator Bernie Sanders has, for decades, promoted Socialism as the alternative to U.S. Capitalism. He is just one political leader in America who has pushed for the U.S. to become more like our European counterparts by “leveling the playing field” economically, socially, healthcare, and politically. But today, Bernie Sanders is far from being alone in this field of younger Americans running for political office at every government level who promote Socialism to replace Capitalism. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is one of those, as are Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA).

For years Bernie Sanders has promoted single-payer healthcare, which is the socialist version. For confirmation of the efficacy of his opposed “Medicare-for-All” national health program, Sanders point to the success of such in Norweigan countries, which Sanders says are socialist nations. Denmark is one such example Sanders gives as a model. However, the Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a “market economy.”

But is what Bernie and AOC and “The Gang” really begging for socialism over an ideology even further left: Communism?

Do you know the Difference?

Many Americans believe communism is an abstract concept that only affects faraway nations, without realizing that it has already arrived at our doorstep. Communism has spread in America under names such as socialism, progressivism, liberalism, neo-Marxism, and so on, in a slow process over decades of systematic subversion by first the Soviet Union. Now, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  This battle for the future of America — and with it, the rest of the world — is now coming to a head in this U.S. presidential election.

This is a conflict that transcends partisanship and party affiliation.

Belief in God has always been fundamental to America. The early colonists fled to the United States so that they could practice their religion freely. The United States was founded on the belief that we are all created equal by God and endowed by the Creator with our rights. The U.S. motto is “In God we trust.” Belief in God and the principles derived from that belief are the fundamental reasons why the United States can enjoy freedom, democracy, and prosperity. That’s how the United States has become the nation it is today. In this great tradition, voting is a sacred duty in which each citizen may take responsibility for who governs. This year, a record number of Americans voted to choose their next leader.

We have since learned that this process has been subverted. Numerous credible allegations of voter fraud have emerged, pointing to a systematic effort to change the election outcome. The far-left and the communist devil behind it — the same force that Karl Marx once described as “haunting Europe” — are using lies, fraud, and manipulation in an attempt to deprive the people of their rights and freedoms. One of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party, is no longer the political party it used to be. Over the decades, it has gradually been infiltrated by the same Marxist ideology that has created the most brutal and repressive communist regimes in history.

Communist ideology, including socialism and its associated ideas, is not a normal ideology. It is the ideology that has caused the unnatural deaths of at least 100 million people.

The communist ideology uses seemingly righteous concepts, such as “equality” and “political correctness,” to confuse people. Its ideology has infiltrated all fields in our society, including education, media, and art. It unscrupulously destroys everything traditional, including faith, religion, morality, culture, family, art, education, law, and so on, and leads people to fall into moral depravity. The foundation stones of the leftist group Black Lives Matter are from Marxism, and their leaders proudly espouse Marxism in their founding documents. (See their website

This is the ideology of totalitarianism, one that drives once-thriving nations such as Venezuela into the abyss and that was able to destroy 5,000 years of culture in China, where people went from a belief in the divine to a devotion to the state. It is the systematic undoing of all that is good that humankind stands for. It is diametrically opposed to goodness, fairness, truth, and compassion.

This has not only undermined people’s spirits and their righteous faith in God but has dragged the American people and all of humankind to the brink of danger.

A Choice Between Good and Evil

This is a conflict that transcends party lines, a battle between whether we as Americans can stay true to our founding principles and follow God’s will or whether we will be subjected to forces that seek to control and destroy our most fundamental rights. America has now come to the brink of falling into a communist abyss.

At the center of this battle is now President Donald Trump, who has clearly said no to socialism and communism and ended decades of appeasement of the Chinese regime by enacting a nationwide effort to counter its influence and infiltration. Trump has confronted the CCP at this critical moment in history. To communist China, the trajectory has been clear: Trump is an American president who values tradition and opposes communism, and as long as he leads, the Chinese regime knows it won’t succeed in its decades-long objective to overthrow America and, with it, the rest of the free world.

We have communist China at our gates, ready to take over. The CCP has carefully studied the U.S. system over the decades and has now successfully taken advantage of our open society and has infiltrated our country.

Internally, we have far-left groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa organizing protests and riots. The movement is similar to the CCP’s Cultural Revolution, which destroyed the nation’s cultural heritage and traditions. It is an anti-American movement, just like the Cultural Revolution was anti-Chinese. The core of the movement’s ideology is no different from that of the communist movement in China, and it goes hand in hand with the CCP, ready to subvert America.

The impact of this election is far-reaching. It has made clear to people, governments, and organizations around the world that they must decide whether they stand with the communist devil or with tradition and universal values. More and more people realize that the 2020 U.S. election is not a two-party fight, not a dispute between Trump and Joe Biden, but a battle between tradition ​​and socialism, a battle between good and evil, a battle between the divine and the communist devil.

The Truth About Communism as Compared to Socialism

A Republican congresswoman-elect from Indiana, who originally came from Soviet Ukraine, provided a warning about the movement to bring about socialism or communism in the United States. Rep.-elect Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is the projected winner of Indiana’s 5th District, defeating Rep. Christiana Hale, a Democrat, during the Nov. 3 election, according to projections from numerous outlets. Hale has not conceded.

Spartz was asked, “What do you think led to so many Republican women winning these House seats?” She responded, saying, “If you think about it, my district is really a snapshot of America,” Spartz said. “We have urban, suburban voters, rural voters. We have a lot of women. And I’m a mother of two daughters. I’m a suburban woman, and I think if you look at that, I’m really hoping to see that the majority of people in our country don’t believe in socialist utopic ideas the Democrat party is now promoting.”

She said that “women believe in the future of their children,” adding that they also “care about the good economy, jobs, education, public safety, having good health care, and they trust that Republicans can deliver it. So I’m very honored to see that. That is a testament to that.”

Spartz, 42, said she grew up in the Socialist Republic of Ukraine, which was controlled by the Soviet Union. She eventually left Ukraine for the United States about 20 years ago, marrying an American.

“I grew up in a socialistic country. It actually was the Socialist Republic of Ukraine. I grew up in socialism,” she said.

Spartz then issued a stark warning to those who have embraced socialism.

“I saw what happens when it runs out of money,” she said. “And it’s not pretty. And now I came to America 20 years ago with a suitcase after meeting my husband on a train in Europe. He’s a born-and-raised Hoosier, and now we’re building socialism,” she said, referring to leftist U.S. politicians who have proposed socialist policies.

“I’m going full circle,” Spartz said, adding, “I can tell you what is going to be next. It’s unfortunate for me to see that. And that made, as the mother of two daughters, it made me get involved and do something about it because that’s not very good for our country.” Spartz noted that under socialist or communist systems, the government “forces us to be equal” and will use “suppression.” She added, “We have to value our freedoms because we’re the greatest republic that ever existed.”

  • Do you mean like what we see playing out right now in our Media; our mainstream media outlets refuse to report to Americans ALL that is important for our citizens to know and understand?
  • Do you mean like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter who now pick and choose who can express opinions, which opinions can be expressed at all, and determine who and censor those people chosen to be unworthy to be published?
  • Do you mean a government that determines which citizens of which states are allowed to attend church services and which are not; which schools are to be open and which are not; which businesses can be open and which cannot?

All of these are forms of governmental suppression. The federal government, in part, is already controlling a huge majority of our media. Government-funded healthcare “experts” are telling us who should be wearing masks when and where, who should be allowed to exercise certain Constitutional rights and who are not, who can speak freely and what speech is allowed, and in what circumstances.

This already reeks of “suppression,” and nothing like socialism.

It appears we have skipped through the “Socialism Lite” model promoted for so long by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and other leading Democrats. Just as Congressperson-elect Spartz stated with firsthand knowledge, under socialist or communist systems, the government “forces us to be equal” and will use “suppression.”

The forced-actions are bad enough if they stand alone. But in the totalitarian world in which people who live in socialist nations always find themselves, no one is ever equal, and no one ever receives equal justice under the law.

Sadly, that may be where we find ourselves shortly.

4 thoughts on “It’s Actually Communism The Left Want: They Just Say It’s “Socialism””

  1. I’m not even sure where to start with this. You speak of how the government had been trying to tell people to wear masks what areas can open and what areas cannot open and I assume that includes forcing some depending on their profession to either get vaccinated or they would be in Jeopardy of losing their job. To begin with we are talking about a virus that was a novel virus something no one’s ever seen before something that killed well over 1 million people in the United States alone not to mention the millions and millions around the world, and did so in very short order. All of that was responsible for the entire world being shut down. I don’t understand why you would think that the government stepping in and trying to do whatever they can to save lives and mitigate this after the damage it caused or was causing at the time? You speak as though we’re the only country on the planet that had this problem or has this problem now. No one in the government or anybody else enjoyed being shut down enjoyed watching way over a million people lose their lives to this virus. But what would you have had the government do? Absolutely nothing? What would you have said then? You speak of things like leaning towards socialism headed for communism but at the same time all anyone has ever done for years is complain that the government doesn’t put any money back into the United States well the infrastructure Bill is doing just that. And every single Republican voted against it and the very same Republicans now have their hands out waiting for their share of that money so that they can put it into their states and then take credit for it. In Michigan alone a new plant that will build or produce the computer chips that did Untold damage to the economy and the Auto industry and a whole host of other things will be made here I’m not in China or at least we will not depend on China for them anymore. Because of that infrastructure money. You failed to tell people why oil prices were low in 2020. You failed to tell them that the oil reserves were topped off all over the world at that time and that helped to lower the prices of fuel and you also fail to tell them that when the pandemic began to hit the demand for oil dropped like a rock in the ocean and fuel prices dropped even further. Oil companies not only due to the virus and the world shutting down laid off worker after worker capped Wells and production plummeted all over the world. And you fail to tell them that as the demand for oil suddenly Rose along with the demand of everything else under the sun we were trying to come back from the entire world being shut down which greatly affected everything and then all of a sudden everybody wanted everything the demand for oil went through the roof as did the demand for everything else the only problem was it just wasn’t there to satisfy the demand and that directly causes inflation. Then add the war into the equation and it’s even worse, then add the fact that are unemployment rate went from half the people in the country to where it is now at 3.5% that is very very low and then you add in the fact that starting wages are higher than they have ever been even though the jobs thing is a great thing higher wages is good it all helps add to inflation. Creating a perfect storm. Any world oil Surplus that was there in 2020 was quickly depleted, and that did not bother the oil companies very much because they have been making nothing but record profits ever since the day the lights came back on and they are the ones refusing to lower those prices, they’re still making astronomical profits they have no desire to jump back into a massive drilling operation and even if they did the money it would cost in order to do things that quickly would be astronomical and they don’t want to spend it. You talk about them wanting nothing but a socialist agenda well if we were completely socialist and communism geared we would force the oil companies to lower those prices but because we live in a democracy that is not what we do here. You wave the oh my God they all want socialism flag but nobody Minds the idea that everybody can now have lower drug prices because Medicare or Medicaid is now able to negotiate prices this means insulin just for starters has a very small cap on it now and people have access to health care other drug and prescription prices are also dropping or will be dropping in the near future because of this. They call what he has passed socialism but no one’s going to mind reaping the benefits of it. No more than they’re going to mind reaping the benefits of the infrastructure bill. They didn’t mind reaping those benefits when their businesses were closing down some temporary some long-term some completely and yet the administration did everything it could to help people keep a roof over their head and their children fed. Nobody minded receiving those benefits of the so-called socialist agenda. It seems to be a Common Thread through all of these things I read that gets left out of comments like yours along with many others none of you are factoring in what that virus did to the entire world. We have a government to make us do things that we are too stupid to do for ourselves, just like the seat belt law nobody likes having to wear one but it’s mandated it’s a law we are forced to do it in order to help save our own life. But none of you complain about things like that do you? All Republicans voted against a bill that would help fund further covid vaccine research and help fund the production of it to make sure we have enough and we have enough boosters but they voted that down. So complain about whether or not we let China in on how the drug is manufactured is absolutely ridiculous. This is not giving them technology like the kind of Technology it would take to build a new computer system or fly to the moon it’s about saving lives. One of the main reasons we don’t have quite the problem now that we had before is because 70% of Americans did get vaccinated although a large number that 70% may or may not have gotten their latest booster shot I don’t know. And don’t like the seat belt law that only saves the life of the person in the vehicle not the life of the person they run into the vaccine does the opposite it only helps to save your life it helps to save the life of the person next to you or whoever you or they happen to come in contact with. No guarantee you won’t ever get covid but the chances of dying are much much less. If people want to be selfish and think about only themselves I guess that’s they’re prerogative. If it was just their life I wouldn’t care but it isn’t. And you want to talk about socialism? By trying to put everybody right where they want them that happens every day in the government but the last Administration the last president took that to a whole new level and you fail to mention that. Every Avenue was exhausted with him trying to remain in office legally. His army of attorneys his army of appointed people along with 60 different courtrooms his very own Supreme Court his own family including the my pillow guy and Rudy Giuliani all told him the same thing you lost that’s it there is no real proof of anything. Just a lot of conspiracy theories and rhetoric. But he didn’t just move on he incited and insurrection he wanted that to happen that day in an effort to remain in power, and his people overran the capital building of the United States of America beating every Capital police officer that got in their way and several people lost their lives because of that day. And what did the former president do? He sat on his butt for 3 hours and just let it happen. And you want to talk about socialism? Or communism? How many attorney generals did he fire while he was in office? Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham along with McCarthy all condemned him with everything they had on the senate floor the day after that insurrection. Saying he was completely responsible for it. Do you understand that the threat of violence to in order to seize power absolutely destroys all democracy? He did what he could to have complete and total control over every government agency. And he did it with not so much as even the slightest bit of remorse. That is not the actions of the president of the United States those would be the actions of a dictator. And it’s all because he believes he’s entitled and anyone who crosses him gets absolutely destroyed to the point that he would make derogatory and bigoted statements about the wife of Mitch McConnell and yet what was Mitch McConnell’s response? Nothing. All of those Senators that condemned him that day suddenly went in the complete opposite direction and now you know why. And it isn’t just plausible denial. Just like him running Ted Cruz’s wife through the ringer calling her everything but a human being. That sure change quickly with Ted Cruz because as Furious as he was as soon as he realized he needed the Republican vote he jumped right on the bandwagon and sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver. You think Democrats want to control the entire country well that’s one thing but Donald Trump wants to control every facet of the government and he don’t care how he does it. And just because he thinks he’s all that in a bag of potato chips he takes home a truckload of government documents he has no business touching. How does all this not sound like a wannabe dictator? You think Democrats are saying well it’s our way or the highway that’s a joke compared to him. Even if I was a devout Republican and had voted for Donald Trump and tried to stay there after what he did January 6th then the documents I would sooner vote for my pet rock. Because it don’t matter if he sent me a gold brick every week it would make any difference it make no difference if he could magically make this country filthy rich along with everyone in it because all that is politics but trying to end democracy take over and try to run things like a dictator or King means the death of democracy and democracy means a whole lot more than policies.

    1. Gary:

      Thank you for taking time to read stories published on our website. And thank you for your comments you presented that are now live on the website.

      I would like for you to consider coming on our show “TNN Live!” that airs Monday through Friday from 9-11 AM. It’s a conservative talk show. I am the host and we often have guests who discuss various important issues.

      You in your comments brought up many issues — far too many for me to respond to for the sake of time. Your thoughts are worthy a discussion.

      There is no intention to denigrate you for your opinions. That is not the reason I suggest you join me on the show. I want everyone who listens to hear your thoughts and on what you base them. Too often when someone speaks about political issues, we make an uninformed opinion of what that person really means. “Talking” almost always clears the air.

      Will you come on the show and discuss your comments (and any other things you would like to discuss) in tomorrow’s show? If tomorrow doesn’t work for you, we can do it another day. But I think our audience needs to hear you.

      We use a toll-free studio line to add guests live. We pay for the phone call!

      I anxiously look forward to meeting you and having this discussion. Please let me know. And that’s again for sharing your thoughts.

      Dan E. Newman

  2. Yes I get long winded because I do not type I simply dictate so it’s easy to go on and on, but actually that’s only about half of what I intended to respond to concerning that article. I appreciate your asking me to join the conversation and yes I would be honored. It will need to be on friday. And I assume for the most part I would like to further address each item as best I can because everything in that article is right on point as to the way things are viewed in that party. And believe it or not I do get it. Send me any information I may need including other talk points You may wish to discuss.

    1. Please give me a call today and let’s discuss our on-air conversation tomorrow. 318-470-2879. I’m looking forward to having a cordial and robust conversation with you!


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