
Hmmm…I’m sure our title made you ask a few questions about today’s story. We could mean “Left, as in Democrats and those politically left of Democrats.” Or we could mean “Left, as in ‘Left Behind.'” (That’s a Christian movie that depicts how people here respond after the Rapture happens. The Rapture is the Biblical event when Christ reappears to take Christians who are alive to Heaven) But our story today doesn’t reference either. Today we are looking at “Left,” as in “What is remaining.” It may have been more appropriate to title today’s offering as “What is Remaining.”

It is pretty simple for every American to know what has not been left in current American governing: “Investigate.” We have just completed 2+ years of a federal Special Counsel investigation of the President and his 2016 campaign for the purposes of establishing the validity of claims that he or his campaign staff members or both worked with Russia to impact the 2016 presidential election results in his favor. Special Counsel Mueller left NOTHING to question in his 488-page report detailing their findings. Mueller made it abundantly clear that through that intense investigation in which 37 indictments were issued, none of which were for the President or those in his campaign for working with the Russians or even having ties to the Russians regarding his campaign.

During the investigation, Democrats along with several Establishment Republicans feared that President Trump would somehow either fire Mueller or interfere with his investigation. There were serious discussions on Capitol Hill about passing legislation to prevent the President from doing so. No such legislation was passed. And it certainly came as a surprise to those Democrat and Republican worriers that the President nor anyone in his administration made any attempt to fire Mueller, interfere with the investigation in any way, or even to use a declaration of Executive Privilege to shield from the public any of the Mueller findings that directly impacted the investigation of the President. You probably know this: the President had every legal right to fire Mueller and/or to exert Executive Privilege, both of which he declined to use.

But even with the exhaustive Mueller report, Democrats 2+ years of fawning over “their guy” Mueller and how he was the only person in D.C. with any legal credibility, and that he certainly would find any dirt on the President who they all knew had worked with Putin to change the election results, Democrats en masse refuse to accept Mueller’s results. Instead, they have another plan: “INVESTIGATE!” And it has already turned into a three-ring circus. Who is surprised?

Everyday Americans find themselves staring into a quagmire of government today that they depend on for protection, for governing, and for assurance that everything is O.K. Yet those Americans see their elected officials abandon THOSE necessary and committed to accomplishing tasks. In their abandonment, they are simply today doing one thing and one thing only in their governing responsibilities: INVESTIGATE President Trump.

They are doing so in spite of the fact that their proverbial “Good Guy” — Robert Mueller — found NOTHING to justify taking any action against President Trump. Yet Democrat leaders are totally committed to forcing Trump out of office. In doing so, if they are successful, they will accomplish one thing and one thing only: the subversion of the results of a legal presidential election. In doing so, if successful they will negate the votes of over 60 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

To that end, today we are bringing to the forefront a question that few are yet asking and even fewer are concentrating on: What things in D.C. are NOT getting done — “Left” undone — that our lawmakers could and should be doing? We at TruthNewsNetwork have done the “deep-dive” for you, and the results are below. They will certainly shock you. But more than shock, they will anger you — as well they should. Take a ride with us on today’s “Deep-Dive.”

What’s “Left?”

Before we look at what’s “Left” that is undone in Congress, would you like to see just how busy Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives is this week? After all, their promise was that if voters gave Democrats back the House, they would push through all the legislation that Republicans failed to implement that are critical to the U.S. and its citizens. They won the House. And, Boy, they are really busy! Here is the full agenda of the House of Representatives for the last 3 days: April 22,23, and 24 of 2019. (This story is being written Wednesday, April 24, 2019, to be published Thursday, April 25)

Monday, 4/22

Mondays are usually really busy when the House is in session. That’s the day that lawmakers file most of the bills to be considered during that week. This past Monday, they loaded up their agenda for legislation for the entire week:

1. H.R.2348 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) To require automatic sealing of certain criminal records, and for other purposes.

2. H.R.2349 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Climate Change Education Act

3. H.R.2350 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 23d Headquarters, Special Troops, and the 3133rd Signal Service Company, in recognition of their unique and highly distinguished service as a “Ghost Army” that conducted deception operations in Europe during World War II.

4. H.R.2351 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Protecting Airport Communities from Particle Emissions Act

5. H.R.2352 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) To improve the ability of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Coast Guard, and coastal States to sustain healthy ocean and coastal ecosystems by maintaining and sustaining their capabilities relating to oil spill preparedness, prevention, and response, and for other purposes.

6. H.Con.Res.35 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy climate for future generations, and to create solutions for restoring the climate.

Whoo-Who! They worked their butts off, didn’t they? Gotta’ seal those criminal records; plan to educate today’s tender youth to the vast truths about climate change; award those mighty men who served as a “Ghost Army” in WWII  (definitely a worthy cause); Particle emission police desperately needed for Airport communities; Earth would disappear without NOAA’s exhaustive preparations for that next oil spill; and that resolution to tell the World that Congress is committed to Climate Change!

Wednesday, 4/24

The House had no floor action on Wednesday and had one committee meeting:

Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment and Committee on Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity joint field hearing entitled Protecting Those Who Protect Us: Ensuring the Success of our Student Veterans

But wait: you forgot about Tuesday!

They were so worn out from Monday’s massive workload, they decided to take care of ZERO legislation on Tuesday of this week.

But one thing is certain: there were dozens and dozens of House meetings — many were one-on-one — to discuss the latest plethora of intricate plans to initiate the most important legislation of this century: IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP!

Let’s Get to “What’s Left”

This is not really a hard one. We’ve all known for the 2 years since the 2016 election and even the 2 years before what the most important issues in American’s lives are. But just in case you forgot, we’ll mention them here:

  1. Immigration  To Americans, (depending on what’s happening on any one day in the U.S.) fixing the immigration system is the #1 issue, or at least always in the top 3. The promises to totally repair our broken legal immigration system, stop ALL illegal immigration, and to first build a wall on our southern border was the #1 reason Americans voted Donald Trump into office. The President put several bills in front of Democrats in his first 2 years. One of them even included the Holy Grail of immigration for Democrats: a path to citizenship for DACA recipients! Democrats have screamed for that for years. But Democrats obviously turned down that offer and every other immigration reform offer from the President. Why do you think that is? Simple: they refuse to do ANYTHING in legislation that any American will consider something initiated by President Trump. They simply don’t want to give him a win on anything. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of illegals flock to our southern border every week and are — because of judicial political partisanship — crushing our financial, educational, and medical systems by pushing the usages of those processes beyond their capabilities. And let’s not even think about the hundreds of thousands of felonies committed by many of these illegals that not only have filled our prisons but have raped, murdered, robbed, and invaded homes of thousands of Americans while the immigration system looks exactly like Barack Obama left it: broken, wide-open, and dangerous. (No House Immigration legislation being considered this week)
  2. Healthcare is another big reason why Donald Trump was elected President. The American Healthcare System does NOT need to be fixed: it’s in great shape and is one of the best in the World. Healthcare “finance” is broken and needs a drastic change. Don’t confuse the two. ObamaCare was and is a nightmare for Americans. You all know the horrors of its financial structure and the lies told by everyone at the top of the Obama Administration (including Obama himself) to shove it down the throats of a willing American populace. Candidate Trump and almost every GOP member of Congress ran for election and re-election on the promise of “We’ll repeal and replace Obamacare if elected!” They were elected — and, thanks to the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ), could not even bring it to the floor of the Senate to debate alternatives after the House sent over a bill passed to repeal ObamaCare. Healthcare finance’s traumatic condition is about to tear our nation’s healthcare system apart. Democrats promised — if they won the House — to fix healthcare finance. (No House Healthcare Finance legislation being considered this week)
  3. Infrastructure America’s highways, including interstate routes, are in almost universal disrepair. This was the one American political issue most thought could easily get done. Donald Trump while campaigning made a promise for legislation he would get Republicans to offer and pass in a Trump administration. In his first year as president, he sent an infrastructure bill to Congress that was a behemoth. It’s framework including massive spending made possible by federal, state, and private entities working together to underwrite and implement the greatest U.S. infrastructure rebuilding program in history. It did not even get to first base! Democrats, however, promised to (with a win in the House in 2018) make Infrastructure their priority. They won the House, but no Infrastructure bill has shown up. (No House Infrastructure legislation being considered this week)
  4. Middle-Class Tax Cuts Many in America laughed at President Trump’s campaign promises to reduce federal income taxes on the Middle Class if he was elected. And he did just that. 95% of all Americans saw their 2018 personal income taxes reduced. Democrats, however, clung to a lie for the entire year of 2018, telling Americans that those tax cuts benefited only America’s wealthy. When “Tax Time” for 2018 tax filing began, surprise, surprise: the Middle-Class tax cuts were confirmed! Democrats promised that with a win of the House, THEY would give the Middle Class a well-deserved tax cut. (No House Middle-Class legislation being considered this week)
  5. Foreign Policy Democrats have always fashioned their party to be the only group to have legitimacy with citizens and leaders of foreign nations. Americans watched during the 8-year Obama presidency as American credibility overseas dwindled dramatically. Foreign leaders did not feel comfortable that they could trust the U.S. to fulfill its promises and its obligations to their countries. Democrats spent the first 2 years of Trump’s term deriding his attempts to bridge gaps that had become so rampant and obvious between the U.S. and other countries. But, lo and behold, respect for America zoomed back to the world stage with President Trump. Democrats promised with their control of the House they would reclaim the once stellar foreign policy reputation with government counterparts around the world. Speaker Pelosi even made a world tour to Europe during the Christmas/New Years holiday to assure our foreign allies that Democrats would now control foreign policy legislation and that SHE has the same power as the U.S. President. By all accounts, Pelosi was virtually laughed out of Europe! (By the way: No House Foreign Policy legislation being considered this week)


We could go on and on, but we won’t. Americans on the most part see and recognize that President Trump — even with 95% negative slant of all media stories about him, those in his administration, his policies, his haircut, and even members of his family, this President has accomplished almost all of the things on which he campaigned. And those he has failed on were due to the unwillingness of Congress to pass his proposed legislation. No other President in my lifetime has achieved nearly as much in their first 2 years as Donald Trump.


Do you know what Democrats are doing instead of conducting the business of America, which is supposed to be legislating? They ONLY look ahead to the next election. All of their activities are to assure their existing power in that election while hopefully adding the Senate AND the White House to their “power-stash.”

So what’s their plan? What’s their platform? What are they going to do for Americans if they get that additional significant power?

ANSWER: Whatever they want to do. And certainly with little or NO regard for the desires of the American electorate.

Don’t be shocked; don’t be angry at TruthNewsNetwork for telling you that. You’re all plenty capable to grasp what’s going on. In case you missed it, here in brief bullet point format to close today is exactly what Democrats are doing now and plan to do through the 2020 election.

Now they are doing this:

  • Investigating Donald Trump

What else are they going to do until the 2020 election?

  • Investigate Donald Trump

What is the Democrat Party Platform for 2020?

  • Investigate Donald Trump
C’est tout!” (French for, “That’s All, Folks!)




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