Nazism Attacks in U.S. Media

It seems that every time something noteworthy happens that’s good in the Trump Administration, the Mainstream Media call it White Supremacy, Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia, or Nazism. Americans have become numb to their doing so in 2.5 years. But wait: there’s far more to it all than just benign name-calling. There’s a REAL threat in this against the fiber of America: The United States Constitution. What is it?

Nazism is real…and it doesn’t come from Donald Trump!

There certainly ARE Nazi sympathizers in America. Mostly they are cloaked in secrecy or deception. Their being secret about their political perspective is one thing. But their deception has led to serious threats to America. Let me explain.

Have you ever heard of ANTIFA? The group’s name is meant to be short for “Anti-Fascism.” The 100+ year old group has become a lightning rod for dissidents on the Left looking for justifications to attack conservatism. But there’s a bit of irony there:

If the group is really against the oppression of Fascism and Nazism that historically work hand in hand, WHY WOULD THEIR RIOTING AND DEMONSTRATIONS WOULD ALL HAVE BEEN AGAINST PROPONENTS OF AND FREE SPEECH SPEAKERS AT COLLEGE UNIVERSITIES? At those events, ANTIFA members fight to STOP those supporting the First Amendment! They just like Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy are actually SUPPORTING TOTALITARIANISM in which no citizen has the freedom to say or think anything THEY don’t want thought or said. That is the very definition of FASCISM AND NAZISM!

Hitler’s Control of Germany’s Media

Propaganda within Nazi Germany was taken to a new and frequently extreme level. Hitler was very aware of the value of good propaganda and he appointed Joseph Goebbels as head of propaganda.

Propaganda is the art of persuasion – persuading others that your ‘side of the story’ is correct. Propaganda might take the form of persuading others that your military might is too great to be challenged; that your political might within a nation is too great or popular too challenge, etc. In Nazi Germany, Dr. Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbel’s official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.

As Minister of Enlightenment, Goebbels had two main tasks:

1. To ensure nobody in Germany could read or see anything that was hostile or damaging to the Nazi Party.

2. To ensure that the views of the Nazis were put across in the most persuasive manner possible.

To ensure success, Goebbels had to work with the SS and Gestapo and Albert Speer. The former hunted out those who might produce articles defamatory to the Nazis and Hitler while Speer helped Goebbels with public displays of propaganda.

To ensure that everybody thought in the correct manner, Goebbels set up the Reich Chamber of Commerce in 1933. This organization dealt with literature, art, music, radio, film, newspapers, etc. To produce anything that was in these groups, you had to be a member of the Reich Chamber. The Nazi Party decided if you had the right credentials to be a member. Any person who was not admitted was not allowed to have any work published or performed. Disobedience brought with it severe punishments. As a result of this policy, Nazi Germany introduced a system of censorship. You could only read, see and hear what the Nazis wanted you to read, see and hear. In this way, if you believed what you were told, the Nazi leaders logically assumed that opposition to their rule would be very small and practiced only by those on the very extreme who would be easy to catch.

The same approach was used in films. The Nazis controlled film production. Films released to the public concentrated on certain issues: the Jews; the greatness of Hitler; the way of life for a true Nazi especially children, and as World War Two approached, how badly Germans who lived in countries in Eastern Europe were treated. Leni Riefenstahl was given a free hand in producing Nazi propaganda films. A young film producer, she had impressed Hitler with her ability. It was Riefenstahl who made “Triumph of Will” – considered one of the greatest of propaganda films despite its contents.

Does any of this sound eerily familiar? No, there is no dictator in power or seeking power in the U.S. today — though we often hear the Media falsely claim that Trump wants to be a dictator or a “lifetime American president.” But there certainly are censorship activities underway in the nation: Facebook, because it is a private and not a government entity, has unilateral power to regulate its content. So do Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Those entities almost daily reveal just how far they lean left with their political ideas. They do not hesitate to pull the posts of conservatives from their sites, block conservative authors, and do so while “saying” they are “in full support of the First Amendment.” They, of course, are rubbing our faces in their claims of protecting “Free Speech” while restricting the free speech of numerous conservatives. (Actor James Woods has been banished from Twitter and Facebook.)

Hitler and Goebbels couldn’t have enacted German censorship any better than these American social networks.

In America, it all began with Donald Trump inventing and calling out “Fake News.”

The Price of “Fake News”

Donald Trump as “Candidate Trump” made famous the term “Fake News.” Of course, every American who heard him say that knew exactly what and who his references were made about. For a very long time, every major media news outlet in the nation has made it quite clear to its audience which side of the political spectrum they lean toward. And for just as long, Americans have known for certain who fits in which mold: Liberal-leaning or Conservative-leaning.

As the media heat quickly came to a boil in 2016, one could almost watch (literally) as every major news organization made it instantly clear (if they had not already) which was Conservative and which was Liberal: pro-Hillary or pro-Trump. And there weren’t many Conservative outlets — and still, aren’t.

And the “Leftist” media outlets have been (and are still) paying a deep price for their reporting — not so much for their news “content,” but rather for their “Leftist mantra.” Let’s define that — better yet, let’s use an example to identify that “mantra:”

“CNN on Friday corrected an erroneous report that Donald Trump Jr. had received advance notice from the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks about a trove of hacked documents that it planned to release during last year’s presidential campaign. In fact, the email to Mr. Trump was sent a day after the documents, stolen from the Democratic National Committee, were made available to the general public.”

One more example of Leftist “mantra:”

“The New York Times issued an embarrassing correction after a report that attacked President Donald Trump’s recently passed tax plan got the numbers about as wrong as could be.

The lengthy Feb. 23 feature, headlined, “Get to Know the New Tax Code While Filling Out This Year’s 1040,” sought to detail how Trump’s tax plan would hurt middle-class families. A hypothetical couple — christened Sam and Felicity Taxpayer — would see their tax bill rise by nearly $4,000, according to the story.

Then came the correction saying the family would actually see taxes go down.

We could spend all day looking at example after example of the thousands of attacks on conservatives from the Left by today’s media. Of course, there are conservative stories which contain inaccurate stories. Some of those are too “fake” by design. But many times more come from the Left.

The Leftist media inaccuracies are plentiful and mind-boggling — especially because many are unnecessary and so ridiculous that the only reasoning for their issuance MUST be for partisan purposes.

Journalism really IS dying. I can remember a time when a national newspaper printed a story with an error or two the nation was shocked. Of course that newspaper immediately printed a story to either retract the original or correct the record. Not so today.

Sadly though, as this practice of releasing incorrect news stories increases in number, Leftist news outlets themselves have in increasing numbers implemented attacks against — not conservative individuals or groups, but — news outlets that have adopted the practice of reporting from either the center or center-right political perspective. That’s scary! And it’s even getting scarier.

Attacks against Conservative Internet: Staggering

Poynter, the journalism institute responsible for training writers and reporters, decided to promote a left-wing smear of conservative groups online. The result was a hit job written by someone who works for the anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center for a journalism organization funded by prominent liberal billionaires such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar.

Poynter, which has started the International Fact-Checking Network, shared the new report and dataset called “UnNews,” declaring at least 29 right-leaning news outlets and organizations to be “unreliable news websites.”

Report author and SPLC producer Barrett Golding combined five major lists of websites marked “unreliable.” That result, which consisted of 515 names, included many prominent conservative sites —  Breitbart,, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Drudge Report, Free Beacon, Judicial Watch, LifeNews, LifeSiteNews, LifeZette, LiveAction News, the Media Research Center, PJ Media, Project Veritas, Red State, The Blaze, Twitchy, and the Washington Examiner.

These sites stood next to conservative organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented baker Jack Phillips in the Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. While the ADF is not a news site, it was likely targeted because Golding works for the SPLC. The ADF is considered a “hate group” by the SPLC and is marked on the “hate map.” The Washington Post even questioned SPLC’s “political activism” and “bias.”

SPLC has been dropped by Twitter from its Trust and Safety Council and slammed by the mainstream media after multiple scandals rocked the organization. Its hate map even helped shooter Floyd Lee Corkins find the location of the Family Research Council, where he shot and wounded one person.

Poynter is funded by Open Society Foundations, liberal billionaire George Soros’ massive foundations, as well as the Omidyar Network. The two combined for “$1.3 million in grant funding.” Funds were sent to Poynter specifically to establish the International Fact-Checking Network. The ‘UnNews’ list was started to help fact-checking organizations determine what was “unreliable.”

That anti-conservative mindset was apparent throughout the incoherent and inconsistent report. Conservative organizations were included throughout but liberal groups rarely were. The National Review and Heritage were removed from the list but Heritage’s Daily Signal was on it. That combined to create a shameless double-standard. It specifically targeted conservative media watchdog groups and didn’t include liberal ones.

The goal of the report is clear. Poynter is recommending that advertisers “who want to stop funding misinformation” should use its list. It stated that while marketers can create their own “blacklists,” those lists might be incomplete. Golding wrote that, “Advertisers don’t want to support publishers that might tar their brand with hate speech, falsehoods or some kinds of political messaging.”

Poynter has a longstanding history as an anchor in the journalism business. Its board of trustees includes  execs from The New York Times, ESPN, Harvard, Vox, CBS, ABC, and The Washington Post. Poynter is currently working with Facebook and Google for its fact-checking programs.    


It’s here, folks! Nazism is alive and thriving in the U.S. Poynter in their publishing of the “undesirable” list of news outlets is a recommendation for readers/listeners to NOT support those news outlets its managers have determined are not worthy.

Let’s assume that Facebook, Twitter, Poynter, and the home of “Fake News” — CNN — with their censorship are honestly doing so for the best interest of Americans. Censoring News, literature, books, etc. because of censoring content IS AN ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH AND IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! And many Americans today (just like in Hitler’s Germany) are blind to it happening right in front of them.

We encourage you to speak up. There are millions of Americans who have swallowed the Leftist propaganda and really do believe these lies. The fact that Poynter would even contemplate publishing such a list proves that there are journalist and editors who either ignore what their acts are actually doing or are really Nazis trying to imitate the Third Reich in World War II.

It can’t be by chance. It’s for either of the reasons above. OR IT MAY BE BOTH! But it certainly is real….and dangerous.


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